Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Crankshaft, 11/29/10

You know, it seems the holiday season lurches into action earlier and earlier every year. For instance, somebody’s dearest Christmas wish — to see Crankshaft in his underwear — has already arrived, and it isn’t even December yet! Merry Christmas to you, you desperate pervert!

Mary Worth, 11/29/10

Meanwhile, it seems that Adrian has already given herself a Christmas present — the massive dose of high-grade Ecstasy necessary for her to become Mrs. Scott Hewlett without first becoming catatonic with anxiety and self-loathing. She seems to have perhaps overdone it a bit, however, as in panel two she appears to actually be floating several feet off the ground.

Mary Worth plots are generally linear to a fault, so I offer kudos to the strip for jumping over the rest of the wedding preparation and getting right to the rehearsal dinner, before Mary even gets a chance to meddle Jill into submission. I am assuming that Jill is the Amazonian gal in panel one, listing wildly to her right and demanding more booze, all the better to lay the groundwork for a drunken tirade that will prevent anyone but Jill from enjoying themselves tonight. This week may be awesomer than any pool party!

Shoe, 11/29/10

“Ha ha, just kidding, you know I love a good pun! Seriously, though, we see the same prostitutes.”

This entry was posted on Monday, November 29, 2010 at 08:55 am and is filed under Crankshaft, Mary Worth, Shoe. | 185 responses to “” KarMann
November 29th, 2010 at 9:02 am [Reply]

Dingo, was that pervert you? You owe us! [*]

Alice Bluegown
November 29th, 2010 at 9:09 am [Reply]

Young Deborah Harry on the left there looks suitably horrified at Adrian’s overt and massive drug consumption – so much so, she’s about to tip a whole glass of wine down her bosom.

November 29th, 2010 at 9:15 am [Reply]

As awesome as today’s Mary Worth is I can’t help but notice that Mary’s hand, pushing a globule of indeterminite food into her gritted teeth in panel one, doesn’t seem… well, right, as if it could be attached to her body. It looks more like it’s coming from someone kneeling between her legs – perhaps Dr Cory meant something else when he said he would get down on one knOH GOD OH GOD TOO HORRIBLE TO IMAGINE. Although it would explain why Adrian is gazing/floating upward while saying ‘I want everyone to enjoy themselves’ – the best you can do when your future father-in-law is ‘eating at the Bum Boat’ in front of you is not make eye contact and politely give permission.

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 9:15 am [Reply]

Soup to Nutz — Characters from Underdog (“Simon Bar Sinister”) and King Leonardo (“Tooter Turtle”) put in an appearance!

Slylock Fox — A battle to the death between Pointy-Haired Boss and Mr. Dithers would be awesome! (Nice shout out to your dad’s strip, Bob!)

Chyron HR
November 29th, 2010 at 9:20 am [Reply]

Better Shoe punchline: “Quackileaks”.

You know, because they’re supposed to be birds.

No, I swear. He’s a chicken, a giant chicken, I tells ya!

bourbon babe, unbuckled
November 29th, 2010 at 9:22 am [Reply]

MW: That looks like some revelry there, all right: plates of plain potato chips for dinner and glasses with no stem on them (unless Blondie McPeasantblouse on the left has impaled her hand with her glass, just to distract herself from the soul-killing boredom of the occasion). I’d be signaling for my back-up cocktail, too.

MT: Does everyone in the Trailverse need to pose seductively when speaking on the phone? “I must make a phone call! Let me quickly arrange myself in a crotch-prominent, ab-defining slouch!”

SM: MJ, look at Aunt May. Being Mrs. Mole Man (Mole May?) is the best shot she’s got.

JP: Haha! It’s funny because the Judge violates confidentiality to sell novels!

Shawn S.
November 29th, 2010 at 9:27 am [Reply]

My wish was to see a fully nude Crankshaft this year, but beggars can’t be choosers!

November 29th, 2010 at 9:27 am [Reply]

MW: Thrilled to see Adrian got her hair dyed blue again. Those blonde roots looked awful.

John E.
November 29th, 2010 at 9:30 am [Reply]

SM – What the hell is Aunt May screaming about? Mole Man looks pretty buff for a guy his age.

November 29th, 2010 at 9:37 am [Reply]

If Adrian weren’t marrying beneath her station, maybe she could afford to hire someone to pass out those delicious looking hors d’oeuvers so she wouldn’t have to do it herself.

Buck Ripsnort
November 29th, 2010 at 9:40 am [Reply]

S-M: May thinks of Mole Man as a “catch” in the same way she thinks of Peter as a “good nephew”. Poor girl’s got her sights set so low, one dreads to think what Uncle Ben must’ve been like.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 29th, 2010 at 9:42 am [Reply]

@Rocky Stoneaxe (#4): as seen some time back in Weapon Brown.

*sigh* postjumped snark. I killed yesterthread.

Buck Ripsnort
November 29th, 2010 at 9:42 am [Reply]

My mom insisted the Tooth Fairy was a gay dentist, so is the “Truth Fairy” a pathologically honest Thai male prostitute.

Mr. Goboto
November 29th, 2010 at 9:43 am [Reply]

And in that moment, Ziggy realized the barbarity and violence behind that turkey dinner and became vegan, which makes him some kind of cannibal. He’s a fungus, right?

November 29th, 2010 at 9:52 am [Reply]

bbu, 6 – I believe she’s actually drinking out of an eggcup.

So this morning I was reading my comics online, and just as I was opening Dilbert, I was thinking that it has become predictable and a little stale over the years, heading slowly and inexorably toward a zombie future. Then I saw today’s strip, and decided we had a ways to go, yet.

Marion Delgado
November 29th, 2010 at 9:53 am [Reply]

Meanwhile, even when the weary, stressed out parents of Baby Blues started using tortures they’d learned from Wizard of Id on their children, no one made that call.

November 29th, 2010 at 9:54 am [Reply]

MW: How are you feeling? – Calm and Happy! Who says that????

Mr. Anon: How are you feeling, Mrs. Anon?

Mrs. Anon: Fine, I guess. -or- Like shit! My back is killing me. Why do you ask?

[Old Man] Muffaroo
November 29th, 2010 at 9:56 am [Reply]

Momma – “So what was that we ate?”
“The rest of us had casserole, but we decided you could eat ’shit-n-die-you-joyless-little-husk.’”

Pluggers are apparently getting desperate. Isn’t it about time someone took them to ‘a wonderful farm’ where they can ‘frolic in the sunshine and chase other pluggers all day’?

@Chip Whittle (#y42): It’s enough to remind me of a favorite from Viz’s “Letterbocks”: “Dear Editor — ‘Speed Humps’ my eye! Why, if anything, they slow you down!”

@Chowder (#y44): Seems counter-intuitive, but the statistics I’ve seen (at least as of about ten years ago) say that there are more pianos in homes than at any time previous.

@Rocky Stoneaxe (#4): I was reading your namesake in some old BOY’S LIFEs yesterday, after a friend pointed out that Google has decades and decades worth of them online. It’s interesting to see the work of young Dik Browne, too, back when he could put details in (before he had to draw at poster size because of vision problems).

November 29th, 2010 at 9:59 am [Reply]

All the best rehearsal dinners are held at the Pink and Lime Green Restaurant, where only the finest tan and/or beige appetizers are served.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:00 am [Reply]

I, for one, enjoy the fact that the engagement part is going on some purple/blue/teal color theme. Very classy, like those fabled “white parties” held at P. Diddy’s.

I also love how Jill had the effrontery to upstage the bride-to-be by wearing the same color. I presume she’ll also show up at the wedding in a full length white gown, replete with train, tiara and blusher. Oh Jill, you rock in so many ways.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:10 am [Reply]

MT- So Mark calls home, Cherry isn’t there and Doc wishes Mark a good trip. Wow! Way to advance that story line Elrod! Tune in tomorrow folks for the dramatic unpacking of the suitcases.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:13 am [Reply]

Archie – I hadn’t read Archie for many years, until y’all made me, so here’s my question: At what point did Miss Grundy become Ms. Grundy?

DT – His transfer here for sentencing? In what circumstances would somebody be convicted in one place, but transferred someplace else for sentencing? Oh yeah – in the circumstances of the Tracyverse.

Dilbert – Adams is much funnier when he gets nutty like this than when he just makes cubicle and cold-coffee jokes.

MW – Oh, I have high hopes for this week! Look at Jill in the background of panel 1, ordering another drinkie and groping the bartender! Be careful what you wish for, St. Adrian.

Phantom – Yee-HAW! Right on schedule, Savarna and the RPG-launcher!

Sly – Koppy Kat is really not a very good forger, is he? I wonder if he did the counterfeit $1000 bills for 3D.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:19 am [Reply]

@terrapin (#21): I thought the same thing – but then I decided, given Jackelrod’s deft touch with a narrative, that maybe something will happen so that Mark does not call Cherry later (a surprise visit from Kelly Welly?) and this scene will have laid the groundwork for Cherry getting worried.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:23 am [Reply]

Adrian quite the dedicated hostess; she has been practicing magic to entertain her guests. “And as I unclasp my hands you will see that the plate and napkin have vanished. TADA!”

Binder's Butter Beans
November 29th, 2010 at 10:28 am [Reply]

Oh wow, are non-Doonesbury comix allowed to say “damn” on the comix page? Or is Shoe stickin’ it to the man? Either way, I’m all for it.

Johnny Knuckles
November 29th, 2010 at 10:30 am [Reply]

MW: The dissonance between Adrian’s desperate eyes in the first panel and her claim to be “calm and happy” is something out of a POW video. If this were a live video, her eyes would be blinking the horrific truth in Morse code.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:31 am [Reply]

Crankshaft: I hope Shaft doesn’t throw out his back as he strains to check out his own ass in the mirror.

Mary Worth: With the cranial swelling and her eyes about to pop out of their sockets, I’d say Adrian is either giddy beyond delight about her wedding or she’s about to have a massive stroke.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:35 am [Reply]

JP: Wasn’t Theresa Delgado the buxom assassin with a fondness for barbeque who wanted to get in Sam’s pants and dies tragically by drowning?

November 29th, 2010 at 10:39 am [Reply]

9CL: The word is stupid and diminishing, but the idea that all gay men instinctively know who’s batting on their team regardless of how far in the closet they are apparently isn’t.

DT: This is going to make the transport of Richard Kimble look like an unqualified success, isn’t it?

FW: Yes folks, Les has never had a day off to relax, take a vacation, spend time with his daughter, or do anything that wasn’t Lisa’s death-related. Because that might diminish from the great and terrible tragedy that is the Martyrdom of St. Lisa the Mastectomied, and we wouldn’t want that.

Luann: Nothing like a good industrial film to jump-start the evening, is there?

Lio: Monsters are such INteresting people…

Marvin: Marvin’s parents plan on drop-kicking him to the curb the minute he turns eighteen. And nobody is surprised.

MW: You know who Adrian reminds me of? The girl in that old educational short “Are You Ready For Marriage?” (brilliantly riffed by the MST3K crew). She was a starry-eyed, head-in-the-clouds girl who could calculate to the minute how long she’d been dating her beau, but didn’t have clue one about the down-and-dirty business of making a relationship work in the long term. Of course, the girl in the short had the excuses of youth and inexperience for her behavior. Adrian is theoretically an adult established in the medical profession, which makes her hand-clasping ecstasy at becoming a “Mrs.” even more disturbing.

SM: Indeed, the only thing more disturbing than Adrian’s expression in Mary Worth is seeing the exact same expression on Aunt May’s craggy visage.

Dragon of Life
November 29th, 2010 at 10:39 am [Reply]

Tomorrow begins the Shoe/Ace Attorney: Investigations crossover, featuring a literal three-legged raven, and I will shoot myself.

Ed Dravecky
November 29th, 2010 at 10:48 am [Reply]

Two thoughts on today’s Funky Winkerbean strip:

“Tightened budgets and the educational needs of his students be damned, Les knows the sacred memory of his dead wife is our whole town’s top priority!”


“Has Les dumped you for the much younger crazy stalker yet, or are you still enjoying three-ways with Les and his dead wife?”

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 10:50 am [Reply]

@John E. (#9):

That’s not Mole Man… that’s Mohandas Gandhi’s twin brother, Moley (a/k/a “Holy Moley”). And he looks pretty good for a guy who’s 141 years old!

Ned Ryerson
November 29th, 2010 at 10:59 am [Reply]

MT (Most awkward phone sex ever!):

What are you wearing, Mark?!
You know what I’m wearing, Doc! It’s what I always wear!
But I like to hear you say it. What are you wearing, Mark?!
Okay Doc, I’m wearing khaki trousers and a khaki shirt!
Are you wearing a belt?!
Yes, Doc, I’m wearing a belt!
Is it khaki?!
Um, yeah, it’s khaki!
Ooo, I like khaki! What are you doing right now, Mark?!
I’m reclining slightly on the bed in my room!
Ooo, that’s nice! Do you want to know what I’m doing, Mark?!
No, not particularly!
Are you sure?!
You want to tell me what you’re doing right now, don’t you Doc?!
Okay, Doc, what are you doing right now?!
I’m watching Andy lick his balls!
Okay Doc! Let Cherry know I called!
Mark, are you going to take your belt off soon?! Mark?! Mark?!

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 11:05 am [Reply]

@wossname (#22): (re: Archie) I suppose it’s a Southernism, but I’ve always thought of her as “Miz” Grundy! (And just think… if she married DC Comics bad guy Solomon Grundy, she could be MISSUS Grundy!)

November 29th, 2010 at 11:15 am [Reply]

The bartender seems to be trying to avoid Jill’s feminine wiles.

But What Do I Know?
November 29th, 2010 at 11:16 am [Reply]

MW–Let’s have a wild party the night before the wedding! That way, everyone will be hungover for the ceremony! Dress code? Sure, all the men wear electric blue and all the women wear mauve. C’mon, it’ll be a hoot!

November 29th, 2010 at 11:20 am [Reply]

@Chyron HR (#5): yay!

November 29th, 2010 at 11:24 am [Reply]

I hope the next few days of Gil Thorp involve an ever-larger and more authoritative series of men threatening to beat everyone up. Unfortunately, Gil’s eliminated from that already…

November 29th, 2010 at 11:29 am [Reply]

MW: One would think that even the Dark Queen would allow Adrian’s brother to return from Peace Village for the festivities. Harrumph!

November 29th, 2010 at 11:37 am [Reply]

BBailey: What, “I love you” didn’t work?

Crank: #+?~$&*%@!!!!!

HotC: “Hey, grandkids, get off of my lawn!!”

Luann: THEY didn’t burn down the house, Smiley! (I’m remembering that right, right?)

MT: The phone receiver isn’t connected! HOW DOES HE DO THAT?!?!

MW: Good, then I’ll leave so I can enjoy myself, Adrian.

Phantom: Wow, when Kit wants a diversion, he doesn’t fool around!

Zits: Hey, that’s Sarge’s branch!

SFx: Koppy Kat wanted so much to be Will Elder!

S-M: “Ma’am — you look like a half-rotted zombie, yet you’re screaming at the sight of me?!”

November 29th, 2010 at 11:46 am [Reply]

Somewhere within the VAST Luanniverse….,

Hell Spawn Disciples of Zeye -

“……In the Alley we can build a Snowman.”
“And pretend that he’s from out of Town.”
“He’ll ask for directions, We’ll say ‘No Man’!”
“And Then We’ll grab a stick and Beat Him down….,”

Gunther – “Whoa, Whoa, WAIT kids! THATS not the Lyrics to ‘Winter Wonderland’!”

H.E.S.D.O.Z. – “We know Unca Gunther. We’ve updated the lyrics to make them MORE relevant to the 21st Century!”

Gunther – “Kids we can’t sing a song like THAT for the folks at the Sleepy Creek Retirement Center! What would Mrs. Horner Think?”

H.E.S.D.O.Z. – “Oh she’s FINE with it, Unca Gunther! The old Geezers LOVE a little EXCITEMENT with Thier Christmas Music!”

Gunther – “Gee, I DON’T Know kids….,”

H.E.S.D.O.Z. – Oh, Stop Worrying, Unca Gunther! Besides, We have a SURPRISE for You! Its out back! Come, on!”

Gunther – “Wow! An Intercontinental Ballistic Missle, built out of Legos!”

H.E.S.D.O.Z. -”Yep! It was Stan’s science project. It scared His Science teacher so bad he gave him an ‘A’! It really works! Show him Stan.”

Stan – “Here, Unca Gunther, grab this launch control!”

Gunther – “Wait! Whats that noise coming from the nosecone?”

H.E.S.D.O.Z. – “Oh, thats Quill! We’re gonna launch his ass BACK to Australia! And with Him out of the way, you’ll have NO problem winning Luann!”

Gunther – “Oh My GAW! Kids you can’t….,”

H.E.S.D.O.Z. – “Sure we can! Don’t fret Unca Gunther! He’s got enough air in that capsule for 3 hours! And He’ll be back in Oz in an hour and thirty minutes!”

Gunther – “No, No, NO, Kids! We can do this!’

Stan – “Oh alright, Unca Gunther. Just press the ‘RED’ button to terminate the Launch Sequence.”


Gunther – “Ahhhhh!! The missle Launched!!!”

Stan – “Or was it the ‘GREEN’ Button?”

(Hours later)

CNN – “Anonymous Sources at the Pentagon have assured us that the mysterious contrail sighted over the town of Pitts represents NO danger to the Public and is NO threat to National Security or Pre-Holiday Shopping. ‘Its just a Jet Airliner’ our Source said. ‘A Jet Airliner flying straight up’.”

DEATH to TJ!!!

Walker of Dog
November 29th, 2010 at 11:48 am [Reply]

@Nomstrosity (#68): Thank goodness Luann let everyone else know she’d answer her own cell phone.

Bookended with Mark Trail letting nobody else know that he’s about to make a phone call.

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 11:55 am [Reply]

(Clocking in a little later than usual today. Slooooooow Internet connection. I feel kind of like Comic Book Guy trying to download nude pictures of Captain Janeway.)

MW: Adrian wrings her hands in wicked glee. If it weren’s Adrian, I’d think she had some elaborate revenge planned. Think pigs blood being dumped on Mary and Jill.

A3G: “Ace Piano Movers. We’ll handle it, if you’ll handle it. If you get our meaning.”

MT: Whew. I think I’ll have to lie down after such an emotionally intense scene.

BSt: The good citizens of Ballard Street have started catching How I Met Your Mother in syndication.

S4th: But Rat and Pig from Pearls Before Swine have appeared in Slylock Fox! Was Koppy Kat responsible? So many levels of deception!

BB: “Wake-up whisper.” ‘Nuff said.

Luann: Oh crikey! Has Evans been tracing hand closeups from 9 Chickweed Lane?

FW: Tellingly, the principle is in no hurry for Les to get back. Hell, there’s probably an extra spring in his step just having the man gone.

JP: We’re about to have an extended flashback to an old case? Soap strip time just doesn’t run slow enough for some people.

RMMD: Judging from the background person, they’re walking through the 80’s LA punk rock ghetto. Mayor Stu fits right in.

H&L: Congratulations, Dot, on choosing the DC Universe’s most prominent and self-actualized lesbian as your role model. Wait until your mother has a couple of White Russians in her to spread the news.

November 29th, 2010 at 12:09 pm [Reply]

MW: Look at the poor young fellow Jill is hitting on. He’s standing there in frozen horror hoping to God that he survives this cougar attack.

Walker of Dog
November 29th, 2010 at 12:11 pm [Reply]

FC: Billy, Mommy is nursing a wicked hangover this morning (damn that dulcet-voiced Chris Collinsworth), so if you don’t want a backhand for breakfast, I’d dial back the witty.

GT: The dispute over blocking effectiveness will be resolved by a quick game of Rock-em Sock-em Robots.

S-M: I guess Buff Gandhi is made of sterner stuff than Aunt May, since he didn’t scream when he got a look at her. The man looked into the ugly face of British imperialism – he can tolerate one withered crone.

Phan: The real estate crisis comes to Rhodia.

MW: Jill has arranged for a bottomless martini and tagged the bartender for some cloakroom fumblings later in the evening. Nothing disruptive here – it’s just good rehearsal-dinner strategic planning.

– Meanwhile, Random Guest watches Mary and Adrian in disbelief. “Oh my God, they’re actually eating those hors d’oeuvres? And keeping them down?! Rupert, get over here – you have got to see this!”

Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™
November 29th, 2010 at 12:13 pm [Reply]

@KarMann (#1): Harrumph! Please be it known that although John, my beau, is 55, he is not – NOT – shaped in any way, shape or form, like Crankshaft. Thank God. And I, sir, am no pervert!

Terry in Maryland
November 29th, 2010 at 12:14 pm [Reply]

@wossname (#22): “Phantom – Yee-HAW! Right on schedule, Savarna and the RPG-launcher!”

He’s having his mistress rescue his wife? There is no one else in the world who can help?

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 12:16 pm [Reply]

@Rocky Stoneaxe (#4): Tell me more. What was Bob Weber Jr’s dad’s (BW Sr?) strip?

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 12:25 pm [Reply]

@Artist formerly known as Ben (#48): Bob, Senior has been doing Moose and Molly (a/k/a Moose and Moose Miller) since 1965!

Old School Allie Cat
November 29th, 2010 at 12:27 pm [Reply]

Luann – Am I the only one who hopes that Dirk breaks through the door with a pick-axe while the young lovers are busy “smoldering”? I don’t care what happens from that point, but I had a really shitty Thanksgiving, and I think it would make me feel better.

Drew Funk
November 29th, 2010 at 12:29 pm [Reply]

Completely off-topic, but I just had my best idea in months while catching up on the Thanksgiving weekend comics. Why don’t we have Dick Tracy and Dirk switch places? In the new Dirk Tracy, Dirk speaks only in cryptic fragments at villains and mopily stalks the Chief without actually doing anything threatening. Meanwhile, Dick begins his career in Luann by lauching an investigation of Brad and Toni in his typicallly brutal fashion, before finally killing them in some unlikely yet poetic way, such as setting a building on fire, luring them in, and then trapping them until they burn up. Afterward, the narrative focus of Luann can change completely to the crazy adventures of new roommates Dick and TJ, who mostly just grins crazily during each killing spree.

Just tell me you wouldn’t read that.

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 12:32 pm [Reply]

@Rocky Stoneaxe (#49): Thank you for enlightening me. Looking at M&M, I can see the elder Weber’s influence on his son. They both even like dropping random bones into panels.

November 29th, 2010 at 12:33 pm [Reply]

Wait, is Mary eating a Pantone PMS 727 indeterminate puff, or her own middle finger? Apparently even she isn’t immune to the oily, seeping tendrils of boredom Adrian shoots out like strangler vines.

Écureuil Écumant
November 29th, 2010 at 12:34 pm [Reply]

DtM: That venal, calculating leer on Dennis’ face shows he’s just conceived of the Protection Racket independently. The fact that it already existed, unbeknownst to him, will be forgotten by society in years to come as he puts his own horripilifying twist on it — beginning with his own kin.

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 12:34 pm [Reply]

@Drew Funk (#51): I would so read that.

Shawn S.
November 29th, 2010 at 12:36 pm [Reply]

@Old School Allie Cat (#50):

The pick axe scenario pretty much has to happen. This whole storyline has been Dirk acting like a completely normal person and we get Brad whining for weeks like a little girl and Toni being a stone cold bitch about Dirk possibly dying. Then they have sex to the sounds of an 80’s training video?

Just the thought of this ending without a much needed Brad-Toni breakup and then having the story switch back to the insufferable Luann is enough to make me puke. I think I speak for everyone when I say I’m tired of seeing the main characters succeed while being horrible, horrible people.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 29th, 2010 at 12:37 pm [Reply]

Love Is . . . . . showing him where the “little man in the boat” is.

Mr. Goboto
November 29th, 2010 at 12:40 pm [Reply]

MW: Rose Tyler (panel 1, bottom left) looks rather concerned, as if she doubts that even the Doctor can keep this storyline from boring the world to death.

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 12:44 pm [Reply]

@Mibbitmaker (#40): (re: Slylock Fox) Koppy McFad, the boy with the most comic books in America, would like a word with Koppy Kat! (Will Elder was born “Wolf William Eisenberg”… a name that wouldn’t be out of place in SFx!)

November 29th, 2010 at 12:56 pm [Reply]

@Shawn S. (#56):

Well I’ll AGREE to the ‘pick-axe’ scenario as long as TJ gets it in the head FIRST.
And second.
And third.

Hell, I’m ALL for it as long as Dirk just KILLS TJ!!!

DEATH to TJ!!! We’ll BLAME it on Dirk!!!

Ethan Shuster
November 29th, 2010 at 12:57 pm [Reply]

“Mary, try the hors d’oeuvres! I chose these plain, gray crackers to symbolize our impending bland, unsatisfying marriage.”

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 29th, 2010 at 12:59 pm [Reply]


the squee was scarce today, but that one was far and away the best. :-)

Red Greenback
November 29th, 2010 at 12:59 pm [Reply]

Silly Cranky, it’s “a ways to go.” Also, “Shit!”
Looks like Jill is going for a holiday-themed wedding for Adrian, what with the potato nog being served at the rehearsal.

Écureuil Écumant
November 29th, 2010 at 1:10 pm [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#57):

Delusion Is — Thinking that’ll keep his mind from fantasizing about the bilge pump.

November 29th, 2010 at 1:13 pm [Reply]

A3G – I love Lu Ann’s triptych duotrych? here. I like to imagine that the second (third?) panel is where she puts on what she thinks is a sultry voice. “We need to move it down the hall,” she breathes, like a six-year-old trying to imitate Jessica Rabbit. Paul’s “Wow, that’s great, Lu Ann” is exactly the kind of talking-down you hear when a parent praises their toddler for a sheet full of aimless crayon scribbles, before he catches himself and realizes that he is, technically, talking to an adult.

BlC – How did this get printed back in the ’80s? Really, I have to wonder.

BrS – Oh, is that what Brenda’s into?

FC – “And that’s when I stabbed him, Your Honor.”

FW – WHAT. That does not even make any sense. Personal days are a thing for when you have some non-job thing that needs taking care of, not a sign of weakness. But on the other hand, what the hell would you emphasize “personal days” for when you already know what he’s using them for? I mean, other than to set up a non-joke where you point out just what a Serious Person Les is? GAH. *

GT – I’m with Stu (#38): I dearly hope this turns into a Bugs Bunny-style bigger-gun battle, with Andre the Giant eventually making a guest appearance just to up the ante.

HOTC – Normally I dislike comic-strip codgery, but fuck Facebook. Say NO to the commoditization of human interaction!

Luann – Oh joy of joys, time for another week of “I can’t allow myself to have sex because it might cause vague unspecific trouble that I have no idea what it would be, because I’ve never thought about it at all, because I just accept what people with a vested interest in the subject tell me, like my mother, who has some kind of sickening incest-crush on me, so I can’t have sex with you because I’m not ready because hell if I know.” * JUST FUCK ALREADY.

MW – Is this Adrian’s bachelorette party? I mean, this is what a bachelorette party would look like in Santa Royale, isn’t it? The bride-to-be and one non-friend standing in a crowded, upscale bar/smoking room munching bland appetizers, under the watchful eye of the Dear Leader? No question about it.



Phantom – Fuckin’ A! Level the place, Savarna! Leave none alive!

Pluggers – Pluggers have an arrangement with the local drug dealers and the local barista? Uh, okay…

Popeye – And it’s Popeye, so of course it can get more insane than it already was. But I’ll tell you what, if my choices were to live in the ocean with an attractive (if a bit easily-insulted) mermaid or to live on land with Olive Oyl, I’d damn well be sticking my head in a bucket too.

RMMD – “Nope, that’s really the plot. My first act in the next term will be to stage a coup and replace Woody Wilson.”

6Chix – !?!? Is this a joke about the women’s-lib movement, or is it just nuts?

SFx – I love Koppy Kat’s switch to a neo-beatnik hipster look. He’s wearing that scraggly not-goatee ironically, man.

SM – Holy crap, it’s a mandroid!

Écureuil Écumant
November 29th, 2010 at 1:14 pm [Reply]

@Red Greenback (#63):

Potato nog, exactly! Given the season and the overall level of neurotransmitter-mediated jollity, if fisticuffs don’t ensue we can expect them shortly to break out in a chorus of “I’m Dreaming of a Taupe Christmas”.

November 29th, 2010 at 1:14 pm [Reply]

Luann: Dirk will be there, because this is way too much of a setup for Evans to resist. Or Brad’s true love Nancy will barge in, because that slut has had her claws hooked into her man for far too long now.

Red Greenback
November 29th, 2010 at 1:29 pm [Reply]

Mary Worth, panel one: “Thank you, Thing.”

Fashion Police
November 29th, 2010 at 1:34 pm [Reply]

We find it intriguing that shades of lavender seem to be de rigueur at Charterstone this week: the higher the status, the darker the hue. Mrs. Worth is, of course, exempt. When purple becomes the badge of the common folk, the nobility wears teal.

One wonders at the absence of Miss Dawn Weston, the reigning queen of the Santa Royale eggplant festival. The affair is incomplete without someone in an amethyst tiara.

mr 12 oz can
November 29th, 2010 at 1:48 pm [Reply]

mary worth- i see by the men at the wedding party you have to be a main charecter to wear the magic orange suit.
mark trail- does mark have andy trained to tip him off when cherry leaves the house . shes always getting her hair done or getting bent over a fence post by ranger rick when mark makes his one and only call.

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 1:49 pm [Reply]

@commodorejohn (#65): Re:6Chix, my money is on “just nuts.”

Uncle Lumpy
November 29th, 2010 at 1:50 pm [Reply]

@Chyron HR (#5):

Better Shoe punchline: “Quackileaks”.


November 29th, 2010 at 1:51 pm [Reply]

MW: A blonde Mary Richards in a pixie cut looks very worried as Mary Worth nibbles a chicken nugget and Jill enlists the bartender to pretend to be Adrian’s broken, jilted ex-lover. This may wreak havoc with Adrian’s photo shoot for the beatific praying-child wall calendar.

FW: Huh? This personal-days scene is as in touch with reality as the car-date episodes. Was there supposed to be meaningful soap-opera music when his not-quite-girlfriend said “personal days?” Did she say it snarkily and resentfully, or to cover for Les? Why wouldn’t he have a few days off to promote his book? Or was the whole point to remind us, as if we needed it, that Les is a great guy and LISA DIED and he is so swell and devoted — to work and to Lisa — that he can take a few days off to promote a book about how LISA DIED?

Zits: Why is Dr. Duncan hanging around on Sarge’s branch? Do comic-strip characters have trouble finding affordable life insurance, given their propensity to find themselves hanging onto cliffside branches?

H&L: Why? Snoopyish, perhaps.

FC: Yes, and $50 for the driver to “forget” you overnight in the school-bus lot.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 29th, 2010 at 1:52 pm [Reply]

@Red Greenback (#68): Ben’s in a second strip now, too? [*]

November 29th, 2010 at 1:53 pm [Reply]

I thought it was an art error at first, but they’re really sticking with it. Even when she’s leaning over at an unnatural angle, Jill is still a good foot taller than any of the men at that dinner.
I guess the moral of this tale will be, don’t trust your wedding plans to a giant who is also a bitch.

November 29th, 2010 at 1:58 pm [Reply]

Spidey- The Mole Man looks to be wearing Aunt May down. She must be exhausted after that trip from NYC to Bermuda. It’s only 770 miles underground. That seems like a of of work for Spidey just to have a mole removed.

November 29th, 2010 at 2:08 pm [Reply]

Luann The whole Brad/Toni/Dirk plotline sucks, but yellowed and dog-eared copies of today’s strip will still be found in safety offices 10 years from now. Safety first!

November 29th, 2010 at 2:24 pm [Reply]

@wossname (#23): Ah yes! How could I forget the inevitable “What is Kelly doing there?” sub plot? Or is that the main plot and this whole diamond smuggling/fishing trip thing just the set up?

Fashion Police
November 29th, 2010 at 2:27 pm [Reply]

@commodorejohn (#65) said:
I love Lu Ann’s triptych duotrych? here.

Dipstych perhaps?

We are pondering the significance of Mrs. Powers’ and Mr. Linski’s matching white-on-blonde ensembles, and whether it references Mr. Melville’s meditation on the whiteness of the whale. We have moved many a piano in our time, and we do not recall that the chore ever involved anyone in a white dress shirt.

November 29th, 2010 at 2:29 pm [Reply]

FC-Oh Billy. You’re just asking for the “Children are starving in China” lecture. No wait. I just noticed the look on Mommys’ face. She’s obviously too deep into the ganja to care.

November 29th, 2010 at 2:33 pm [Reply]

MW – Not only has Adrian levitated in panel 2, she’s lost a necklace, gained a collar and one shirt cuff and has thrown her plate of communion wafers into the air. Hallelujah!

November 29th, 2010 at 2:34 pm [Reply]

@Mr O’Malley (#Y59): Thank you for the link. And your proposed meetup of GF Rob and Aunt May is inspired. I’ve actually been picturing Aunt May and Satchel getting along famously. I seem to need a life.

November 29th, 2010 at 2:34 pm [Reply]

Mary Worth – It is nice that Adrian is calm and happy and wants everyone to have a good time. But it’s not going to happen. Mary, tell her. Tell her that you just rejected her broken down, shell of a man, father. Tell Adrian that you could have been having this wedding and a lot nicer at that, but like Jill, you have better things to do. Tell Adrian to dump the halo – the Virgin of Guadalupe she ain’t. Please tell her?!

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 2:38 pm [Reply]

Today I see that Curtis is eating Rapper Puffs for breakfast. Rhinestone-encrusted grills in every box!

November 29th, 2010 at 2:38 pm [Reply]

MW — I think Adrian is auditioning for the part of “Sweet Angie, The Christmas Tree Angel.” I can definitely see her on the top of the tippy tippy top of the tree. She needs to wear white, though. Wait a minute — she IS going to wear white! This could totally work out.

November 29th, 2010 at 2:44 pm [Reply]

@Poteet (#85): And just in case anyone is imprudently curious…


November 29th, 2010 at 2:45 pm [Reply]

@Poteet (#85): And she WILL climb to the top of that Xmas tree, thanks to the Ecstasy she’s been eating like M&Ms since the trip to the bridal shoppe!

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 2:49 pm [Reply]

Over the Hedge: That snowman is BOOTYLICIOUS!

Pluggers: That dogman is DIABETICALICIOUS!

Slylock Fox: Koppy Kat is BAKEDALICIOUS!

Drabble: Ralph Drabble is BOOTYLICOUS? No, ASS-ORBENT!

The Lockhorns: Loretta’s purse is MAGICALICIOUS!


The Better Half: Harriet’s elbows are SCRATCHILICIOUS!

Marvin: Marvin is SCATILICIOUS!

Mary Worth: Adrian is weird. Sorry, there’s no “ilicious” to describe that insane hot mess.

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 2:52 pm [Reply]

I forgot: Crankshaft: Ed Crankshaft is definitely not bootylicious. He’s GRODYLICIOUS!

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 2:54 pm [Reply]

@UncleJeff (#87): Climb to the top of the tree? No, Jill will jam that Christmas Tree up Adrian’s bootyliciousness.

November 29th, 2010 at 2:57 pm [Reply]

@Poteet (#85): Seroiusly–Mary’s gonna allow Adrian a higher position than Mary herself occupies?!?

The Spectacular Spider-Brick
November 29th, 2010 at 3:00 pm [Reply]

(WT)DT: Makes sense, ’cause nobody ever publicizes the trials of notorious serial killers.

H&L: “But Daddy says Batwoman’s a muff diver, and you can’t even swim!”

Luann: I don’t feel like looking it up, but wasn’t it TJ’s famous Rictus Risotto that burned the house down the first time?

Marvin: “Marvin will grow up and leave”? Don’t get my hopes up.

MW: Adrian isn’t high. She’s also not taller than Mary. Clearly, she’s being drawn upwards to Heaven in the Rapture.

One-Eyed Trouser Sailor: Wow, Popeye can hold his breath for six minutes, forty seconds? No wonder Olive puts up with him.

RMMD: As opposed to an accurate misperception. Meanwhile, I’m wondering what Lisbeth Salander is doing in town.

SFx: Answer: Slylock noticed that the strip was funny.

November 29th, 2010 at 3:04 pm [Reply]

Maybe I’m just not paying close enough attention, but I thought the Happy Couple were only recently being berated for their “boring” invitations … and here we are now at the wedding? I smell a shotgun!

Spiff Bereft
November 29th, 2010 at 3:04 pm [Reply]

MW: Realizing that the Ecstasy (street name: “Mary’s Kryptonite”)-soaked Munchos they had just shared was the source of Adrian’s rapture, Mary worries that her own meddling powers will be compromised by a false sense of “wanting everyone to enjoy themselves”.

November 29th, 2010 at 3:07 pm [Reply]

Gil Thorp: Looks like I’ve got a new #1 on my list, “Things I Can’t Possibly Imagine Coach Kaz Doing” with “Knock Heads.” This, of course, replaces the former #1, “Seem heterosexual.”

Doonesbury: On a completely serious note, can somebody explain today’s strip to me? I’m pretty sure me not getting it has something to do with my unfamiliarity with the characters. But I can’t be sure and it’s bugging me.

Family Circus: : God, Billy makes me rethink my stand on corporal punishment. (And if his mom stabbed him, I’d be totally forgiving as far as capital punishment.)

Mary Worth: Also, in all seriousness, since I was out of town and didn’t catch up on comics until today, is there anybody who can shut down a man faster and smoother than Mary Worth? Seriously, she can reject a proposal before it gets made and still keep the guy on the hook. If I was single and hanging around with moneyed doctors who looked doe-eyed at me, I would be taking notes.

This Guy
November 29th, 2010 at 3:25 pm [Reply]

Crank: How can those skin-covered bones that I’m sure Ed laughably calls “legs” possibly hold up that torso? It boggles the mind.

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 3:33 pm [Reply]

@LogopolisMike (#95): Essentially what you need to know about today’s Doonesbury is that nephew Zipper is a run-of-the-mill college burnout, while Zonker is Legendary King of All Burnoutdom.

November 29th, 2010 at 3:38 pm [Reply]

How is Adrian holding that plate of whatever, and why does she have two right hands?

Scott Bot
November 29th, 2010 at 3:41 pm [Reply]

MT – Well, that took us absoutely nowhere…will tomorrow’s strip show Mark unpacking, or using the bathroom after the long drive?

Pluggers – Ok, southerners, help me out here – is it when you come up north that you have to specify sweetened iced tea? I know there’s some cultural thing that applies here, but I’ll be damned if I remember it…

November 29th, 2010 at 3:46 pm [Reply]

Dinette Set. — OMG! For several frightening moments, I was actually in a mind-set which appreciated the humor of “Dinette Set”!!! Please help.

GA. — Are they listening to the Gil Thorp station again?

FW. — Anyone familiar with book tours and author appearances knows that, unless you’re Stephen King or J. K. Rowling, they count as sick days.

Mr. Goboto
November 29th, 2010 at 3:46 pm [Reply]

@This Guy (#96): To me, he resembles one of Bosch’s or Brueghel’s spindle-legged monsters, lending further weight to the already well-accepted theory that Westview is Hell and Crankshaft, perhaps a cousin of Screwtape, is one of its chief demons.

November 29th, 2010 at 3:52 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#99):I don’t know about tea, but when I lived in Texas many years ago, if you ordered a hot dog you got a chilli dog with onions. If you wanted a plain dog you had to ask for one and you got a dirty look along with it. That was in the early 70s so I don’t know if they still do that.

November 29th, 2010 at 3:57 pm [Reply]

@Artist formerly known as Ben (#97): I know that’s all true but the references to the other college and the “holiday” confused me, too.
I went to Trudeau’s website at Slate.com but didn’t find anything.
Although I did find an interesting strip from 15 years ago about Mike being introduced to the Internet — with a whole 100,000 websites!!!!
(and no porn joke).

November 29th, 2010 at 3:57 pm [Reply]

@Artist formerly known as Ben (#97):

Thanks, now I get it. Also, Wikipedia helps…as it almost always does.

“Wesleyan University students hold an unofficial yearly event in April called Zonker Harris Day, celebrating psychedelic music and culture, with the Doonesbury character as a mascot. In early 2008, the new Wesleyan University president, Michael Roth, declared Zonker Harris Day to be “stupid”, and the Residential Life office officially opposed its “hippie-druggie” image. Funding for the event was banned pending a new title. After prolonged disagreement, students renamed the event “Ze Who Shall Not Be Named Day”. With a new name, the former Zonker Harris Day was held as usual on April 19, 2008. The students continue to protest what they view to be unnecessary and irrelevant censorship, while the administration maintains that Zonker Harris Day gives the University a poor image.”

This makes me very glad to have graduated from a college which has a day in the spring called Flunk Day, which is not only official, but is a day in which all classes/events are canceled.

Uncle Lumpy
November 29th, 2010 at 3:58 pm [Reply]

@odinthor (#100):

That happened to me a while back when I read a bunch of Dinette Set all at once to see what dull_old_man was seeing that I was missing. It took me a while to figure out that the characters were different from one another, the extra stuff jammed in the frame is just extra stuff jammed in the frame, etc. But I got to a place where it all seemed really damn funny.

That’s some sly stuff all up in there: beware!

November 29th, 2010 at 4:00 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#99): In the South, if you order tea without specifying, you will get sweetened iced tea. If you want something else, you either say “unsweet tea” (which still means iced) or “hot tea” which will get you weird looks, bless your heart!

Scott Bot
November 29th, 2010 at 4:07 pm [Reply]

@wossname (#106): Ah, thankies, that clears it up. Since I don’t care for tea – sweet or unsweet, hot or cold – I didn’t recall what the deal was with it. That does bring up the question of why someone from Florida would have to specify she’s handing over sweetened iced tea (although I hear that many Southerners don’t consider Florida to be part of the South, which may explain it).

November 29th, 2010 at 4:10 pm [Reply]

No Crankshaft, that’s not what I meant when I said your comic strip is an utter waste of ink and paper.

Scott Bot
November 29th, 2010 at 4:10 pm [Reply]

@terrapin (#102): And I don’t remember that from when I lived in Texas in the early eighties, but it was a long time ago. All I know about hot dogs is that if you request ketchup on a hot dog in Chicago, you get reallynasty looks.

November 29th, 2010 at 4:12 pm [Reply]

@LogopolisMike (#104):
In early 2008, the new Wesleyan University president, Michael Roth, declared Zonker Harris Day to be “stupid”, and the Residential Life office officially opposed its “hippie-druggie” image.

Ah, it’s always fun times when college administrations try to pretend that College is Serious Business.

Artist formerly known as Ben
November 29th, 2010 at 4:14 pm [Reply]

@LogopolisMike (#104): @UncleJeff (#103): Proving that you really do learn something new every day, I had no idea that Zonker Harris Day was a real thing. I’m curious to know if any colleges have an Uncle Duke Weekend, and if so, how many fatalities have resulted.

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 4:15 pm [Reply]

@terrapin (#102): Makes me wonder what would’ve happened if you had ordered a “pronto pup”… would you have gotten a corn dog instead?

@Uncle Lumpy (#105): At first I thought you were referring to me, but there’s evidently another “dull old man” out there. However, I’ve been singing the praises of TDS for awhile now!

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 4:21 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#109): And it’s at that point that you point out the ketchup is to cover up the flavor of the meat byproducts, fat, and preservatives that make up the hot dog. If he objects, remind him where the pigs’ (or cows’ if they’re beef dogs) lips and buttholes end up, and it ain’t heaven!

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 4:25 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#107): It really depends on whether the Florida we’re talking about is NORTH Florida or SOUTH Florida. North Florida (Panhandle, Tallahassee, etc.) is part of the South… South Florida (Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, etc.) not so much.

November 29th, 2010 at 4:26 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#107): Well, Panama City, which is on the Panhandle, is pretty legitimately Southern (unlike, say, Miami, which is totally different culturally). In real life she would have said “Here’s your tea, sir” and maybe added “Have a good day, y’heanh?” (The real pronunciation of the Southern version of “you hear?” is completely untranscribable.)

I guess Thomas J. Sabiston Jr. (or Brookins) figured everything had to be explained or their readership wouldn’t get the alleged joke.

November 29th, 2010 at 4:33 pm [Reply]

@Binder’s Butter Beans (#25): I’unno, I think “damning” must get a special pass or something. I mean, they said it in the Spongebob Squarepants movie…

@Dragon of Life (#30): I…would actually sort of like to see this. The burning question, though, is whether the three-legged raven will be able to tell the difference between a ladder and a stepladder.

@Scott Bot (#99): More info! I’m from Pennsylvania and go to school in southern Virginia. Back home everyone says “iced tea” and they’ll ask you if you want it sweet or unsweetened; here, everyone just says “sweet tea” and if you drink it unsweet they give you weird looks. And then there was the time I had to explain what a “township” was, and why we don’t have alcohol in our Wal-Marts and Targets…

Oh well, time for snark!

A3G: What’s this guy’s deal with pianos? This is going to turn distinctly Rammstein, just you wait. Someone’s gonna die at the piano. Doorrrrrrt aaaam Klaviiiieeerrrr~

BB: Oh, come on. This isn’t even sporting.

FW: It’s a tour now? Does that mean we’re going to have to put up with MORE of that week?!

GF: …Barney was my childhood. I think I’m going to enjoy this plot.

Luann: Everyone’s missing the greatest part about today’s strip — TJ’s boots. Look at them. Just look. This man is insane.

rePnuts: …..Wow. This hits way too close to home.

Jeremy’s Parents: You know, up until now I was just sort of watching the madness unfold from a distance. I had kind of an amused, bemused dislike for this strip. It’s turning into all-out hate.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 29th, 2010 at 4:33 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#113): Baka, a Chicago-style dog has mustard, onions and pickle relish. Ketchup is usually NOT an option. Regional hotdogs are an interesting subject, some of the Food Network commentary about them has been quite educational.

The QG still acts horrified when I put ketchup on a brat, along with the brown mustard and onions.

November 29th, 2010 at 4:39 pm [Reply]

@Artist formerly known as Ben (#111): Zonker Harris Day sounds like fun. Uncle Duke Weekend could be scary.

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 4:44 pm [Reply]

@Poteet (#118): Imagine the chaos that would result if a college scheduled Zonker Harris Day and Sadie Hawkins Day for the same date!

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 4:51 pm [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#117): The hot dog purists can get all huffy about ketchup on their precious tubes of indeterminate pulverized, artificially-spiced meat and/or meat-related product. They don’t have the delicate and intricate flavoring of, say, a fine aged bourbon. American hot dogs are barely meat. I’ve been to both Vienna, birthplace of the wiener, and to Frankfurt, home of the frankfurter. The mustard used in both places for wieners/frankfurters is almost as sweet as American ketchup. Wouldn’t that blow their condimentally-narrow minds?

An analogy that brings this back to the mission of this blog is: It would be like someone getting upset because a Montoni’s pizza has a handful of Funky Winkerbean’s pubes on it instead of Tony Montoni’s.

PS-Clowns are eeeeevil.

Victor Von
November 29th, 2010 at 4:59 pm [Reply]

The icon of St. Adrian in panel two is seriously creeping me out. What’s she the patron of? Blandness or Letting Others Make Your Decisions?

Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™
November 29th, 2010 at 5:01 pm [Reply]

I realize that they’re hosting the wedding on the thrifty side but where does one go to buy communion wafers for a wedding banquet? Is there a thrift store in Santa Royale or do you just pick them up at the chapel in the hospital?

bourbon babe, unbuckled
November 29th, 2010 at 5:02 pm [Reply]

@Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™ (#122): Mary, Adrian, and Dr. Jeff have been pocketing theirs for weeks until they had enough to serve to their reveling guests.

November 29th, 2010 at 5:12 pm [Reply]

@Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™ (#122): Believe it or not, there are actually church-supply wholesalers you can order them from in bulk. (Assuming, of course, that you’re referring to the styrofoam bottle-cap “communion wafers” present in many churches, which are most definitely the kind used in Santa Royale, because nothing else could hope to be bland enough.) I don’t know if they stock ketchup wine, though.

November 29th, 2010 at 5:25 pm [Reply]

I agreed with those complaining about Mark Trail’s seemingly pointless use of three panels, until the words “Tell her I’ll call later!” jumped out at me.
While Cherry waits expectantly by the phone, what will delay Mark’s call? You just know it’s going to be a tramped-out Kelly Welly wanting to talk fishing camps until the wee hours of the night.
Poor Cherry is going to need all the consoling that Dad and Rusty can muster. But I’m afraid that’s what she gets for hitching her wagon to Mark Trail, the Sexy Spying Fisherman.

Walker of Dog
November 29th, 2010 at 5:31 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#107): As a Texas exile in Boston, I gave up ordering tea – too often I’d be presented with one of those bottles or cans of premade swill from Arizona. Those Yankees were crazy for their iced coffee, however.

And I interpreted the joke in today’s Pluggers to be the real-American equivalent of the laughably complicated coffee orders at those elitist Star Bucks places. And then I laughed and laughed and laughed…

November 29th, 2010 at 5:40 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#120): Arrrrrrrgh. I disliked and refused to eat pizza for most of my life, and only recently began to enjoy it. You’ve just set me back a few years.

November 29th, 2010 at 5:43 pm [Reply]

@Austria (#116): Re: Luann-I noticed the boots but I was hoping somebody else would mention them as I thought I might be going insane. So thank you.

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 5:58 pm [Reply]

@Poteet (#127): ¡Pobrecita! No pizza? It’s the food of the gods! Unless it has pubes. Is that the food porn I’ve read about?

November 29th, 2010 at 6:00 pm [Reply]

MW: Isn’t that couple directly behind Mary and Andrian rather spectral?

November 29th, 2010 at 6:03 pm [Reply]

@ArchieNemesis (#125):

“Mark . . . this is Kelly . . . Say it . . . say it to me again . . . ”

“Hello, Kelly. Do you mean . . . ‘fly rod’?”

” . . . No . . . ”

” ‘Tapered leader’?”

” . . . No . . . ”

” ‘Bass bug‘?”

“Oh, Mark, you make me hot all over! But, no . . . The other one!”

” ‘Pick up and lay down’, perhaps?”

“Oh, Mark, baby, that’s it! Just keep saying it to me!”

“I did not know that you had such an interest in fly-fishing, Kelly!”

“If you only knew, Mark… Now, say it again . . . deeply . . . in a husky voice . . . “

Fashion Police
November 29th, 2010 at 6:09 pm [Reply]

@Austria (#116):
Saks carries a men’s boot with about 3-inch heels. We didn’t realize T.J. was such an upscale shopper.

November 29th, 2010 at 6:20 pm [Reply]

Like many hack writers, Moy has switched the names of the boring and interesting characters. “Jill”, the boring name, is given to the person we’d like to know more about, while “Adrian” has been assigned to the one whose blandness aggravates the reader. For a reboot, I’d suggest jettisoning the incompetent Dr. Cory the Younger and introducing “Jillian”, an attractive woman with a troubled past who has the ability to reason.

Mr. Goboto
November 29th, 2010 at 6:22 pm [Reply]

@Cyranetta (#130): They are souls condemned to the 10th circle of Hell (the Bum Boat) for the sin of meddling in the affairs of others. For the first thousand years, they suffer agonizing boredom as they witness Mary meddle the most pedestrian and quotidian of problems. In the second thousand years, their torturous boredom transforms into bitter jealousy of Mary and her divine dispensation to meddle. Some time during the third thousand years the blue ghosts gain substance and more naturalistic coloring, becoming full-fledged residents of Santa Royale, which makes targets for Mary’s meddling. And thus begins a divine punishment not even Jack Chick dared envisage.

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 6:24 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#134): That is scarier than pube-laden pizza.

November 29th, 2010 at 6:37 pm [Reply]

@Pseudo3D (#35): I noticed that, too! And not only that, he seems to be looking at Mary and Adrian with a forlorn Get Me The Hell Out of This Conversation face. When you’re desperate for Mary Worth to save you from a nine-foot-tall blonde Valkyrie, you know you’re up Shit Creek.

[Old Man] Muffaroo
November 29th, 2010 at 6:40 pm [Reply]

@TheDiva (#29): I’ll put in a word for Brooke. It’s possible that all he’s saying is that Seth believes he has the piercing insight to tell if someone’s gay the same way other people believe they can invariably detect a toupee or tell if somebody on TV is high.

Mr. Goboto
November 29th, 2010 at 6:42 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#135): But not as scary as pube-laden shrimp scampi — Mary’s pubes, as black, damp and foetid as the river Styx — which is what you get if you somehow resist Mary’s meddling after 4,000 years.

Walker of Dog
November 29th, 2010 at 6:51 pm [Reply]

FW: Has that dunkmeister from Sunday’s strip been diagnosed with cancer of the Achilles tendon yet?

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 6:55 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#134): Are the blue ghosts in A3G being punished by Margo for attempting to meddle in her affairs? (If the Dinette Set’s Julie Larson did a comic about Jack Chick and his followers, would she call it the Chickette Set?)

November 29th, 2010 at 6:58 pm [Reply]

MT: I am wondering if Kelly Welly and Cherry Trail will have a cat fight over Mark, and Mark wont have a clue as to what the two vixens are fighting about.

Mr. Goboto
November 29th, 2010 at 7:03 pm [Reply]

@Rocky Stoneaxe (#140): My guess is that the A3G ghosts are being punished for the sin of wrath along lines similar to those in Mary Worth. First thousand years they must watch in silent jealousy of Margo’s wrath. Then, when they are more substantial, they become the Dread Goddess’s potential targets.

(If the Dinette Set’s Julie Larson did a comic about Jack Chick and his followers, would she call it the Chickette Set?)

Or Margaret Shulock could write the Tuesday strips for Six-Six-Six Chix.

November 29th, 2010 at 7:09 pm [Reply]

Adrien is smiling in Mary worth not only from the Ectasy she has taken but also knowing she will soon be out of the clutches of Mary for good. crank shaft in his under wear is someone wanting to cause night mares for the readers of the strip

November 29th, 2010 at 7:13 pm [Reply]

The real Christmas miracle is the perfectly framed target Crankshaft actually imploring the viewer to shoot him. (sniffle) God bless us every one!

November 29th, 2010 at 7:22 pm [Reply]

@Shawn S. (#7): So that’s what crankshaft means!

This Guy
November 29th, 2010 at 7:26 pm [Reply]

@wossname (#106): Are you going to tell them what “Bless your heart” really means?

@TheDiva (#29): RE MW: Except the characters in MW behave even less naturally than the ones in those old shorts (I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it myself.) That short features one of my favorite moments in shortdom, when the counselor snaps a rubber band across the room and the protagonists react in terror: “Where’d it go!?”

True Fable
November 29th, 2010 at 7:30 pm [Reply]

That last panel is the best that Adrian has ever looked. Good Lord, it’s taken them this long.

November 29th, 2010 at 7:47 pm [Reply]

@True Fable (#147): Sir Fable MTK, won’t it be a heavenly moment when Scott is standing beside Adrian in front of the priest/rabbi/minister/justice-of-the-peace/Mary Herself with that exact same pose and expression? Truly, I will need to pull out my lace-edged hankie.

November 29th, 2010 at 7:53 pm [Reply]

LUANN — I don’t mind TJ moonlighting as one of Santa’s elves, and he’s probably a big help to the jolly old gent. But I do resent Bratoni, who are working for the public, necking yet again instead of paying attention to that video. I attended a four-day fire course myself as a volunteer years ago, and I paid attention. Fire is serious. First watch the damn video and then take your slobber-exchange into the bedroom where we don’t have to watch.

November 29th, 2010 at 7:54 pm [Reply]

MW. — Good grief—I just realized who panel two Adrian reminded me of: Colleen Moore. Eh, we should be so lucky!

November 29th, 2010 at 8:00 pm [Reply]

The first panel of MARY WORTH is delightful! Obviously, Mary has just phoned in her meddling since last we saw them. As a result, Jill is still bitter about her unresolved emotions regarding Adrian’s marriage. Wisely, she has chosen to drown her sorrows at the bar. In panel one, we see her drunkenly telling the bartender “I’ll tell YOU when I’ve had ENOUGH! Now give me another watermelon cosmo before I kick your ass!” And this is just during the appetizers- I can’t wait until after dinner, when Jill makes a toast!

November 29th, 2010 at 8:01 pm [Reply]

@This Guy (#146): Re “bless your heart” — BWAhaha! I think you have to live in the South to really appreciate the nuances of oh-so-subtle-disapproval-but-I’m-a-good-Christian-lady-who-would-never-criticize that that can convey. As in, just to make up a random example: “Look at that poor thing parading around in that skimpy little outfit! Her mamma didn’t raise her to know what looks slutty – bless her heart!”

@[Old Man] Muffaroo (#137): Everybody can detect a toupee!

Uncle Lumpy
November 29th, 2010 at 8:09 pm [Reply]

@wossname (#152):

“Her mamma — rest her soul — didn’t raise her to know what looks slutty — bless her heart!” N’est-ce pas?

November 29th, 2010 at 8:32 pm [Reply]

@Poteet (#127):
You’ve gone over to the dark side? That means there are only 10 9 of us pizza haters left in the world!

November 29th, 2010 at 8:36 pm [Reply]

MW – This week, the part of Adrian will be played by Our Blessed Lady of Lourdes.

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 8:40 pm [Reply]

@odinthor (#150):

There’s also a marked resemblance to silent screen siren Louise Brooks!

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 29th, 2010 at 8:44 pm [Reply]

@Poteet (#149): look at the bright side, Poteet. It could have been a “hose handling” training video. . . . .

This Guy
November 29th, 2010 at 8:45 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#129): No, in food porn, the producers usually insist that the pizzas shave their pubes.

@wossname (#152): If anyone asks, I usually just say that “Bless your heart” is Southern for “Fuck you, asshole.” It conveys the point most economically.

November 29th, 2010 at 8:47 pm [Reply]

My God! Is that Anne Coulter at the bar over Mary’s shoulder? Is she shamelessly flirting with the barkeep? Angrily demanding another drink? Hard to tell.

November 29th, 2010 at 8:52 pm [Reply]

Adrian is a Bluenet

Helen Clark
November 29th, 2010 at 8:58 pm [Reply]

Cripes, you call that a rehearsal dinner? Where’s the ((hic)) baron of beef? Where’s the chafing dish with Swedish meatballs? Where are the cocktail weenies?

And only one bartender? How can you expect to have good ((hic)) rehearsal dinner conversation if the guests haven’t been sufficiently lubricated? Goddammit, you might never find out about the groom’s affair with the maid of honor—or the bride’s ((hic)) fling with the minister!

In the Clark family, a rehearsal dinner isn’t a success until there’s at least one bloody nose, the bride is sobbing in the cloak room, and the groom’s friends are trying to scrape together enough money to bail him out in time for the goddam ((hic)) wedding.

November 29th, 2010 at 9:07 pm [Reply]

Some important points…the man w/ Jill looks like the British comedian, Mr. Beane…It appears that someone is feeding Mary in panel one…or she is using a plastic mannequin’s hand from Hudson’s budget store in Dearborn Michigan? I hope Mary and Jeff relax and the reception later this week and really boogie down. I believe Mary was one of the first White dancers on Soul Train and once hooked up with Don Cornelius.

November 29th, 2010 at 9:44 pm [Reply]

@wossname (#115):

I still don’t get the alleged joke. Aren’t Pluggers supposed to be old and/or old fashioned? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone over the age of about 25 order an iced tea – they drink tea or coffee. Have I been getting it wrong all this time, and Pluggers are actually fat teenagers? I’m confused.

November 29th, 2010 at 9:52 pm [Reply]

my favorite jack chick

November 29th, 2010 at 9:54 pm [Reply]

hey! there’s supposed to be a link!!


November 29th, 2010 at 9:58 pm [Reply]

Crankshaft’s dearest wish, of course, is to once again, after decades, actually see his own junk with his own eyes. Just once more, before he dies.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:00 pm [Reply]

MW: Shouldn’t that be “Clam and happy”?

This Guy
November 29th, 2010 at 10:01 pm [Reply]

@agony (#163): Iced tea is hardly some newfangled, coastal-elitist invention that hasn’t found its way to the United States of Pluggerdom. It’s been around since before anyone alive today–including pluggers–was born. I don’t have statistics, but I’d lay odds that here in the South it ranks behind only Coke in the choice of cold beverages (as discussed above.)

November 29th, 2010 at 10:24 pm [Reply]

@Helen Clark (#161): Clark family wedding sounds like mine. My brother and I got in a fist fight as my bride and I were leaving the building. A good time was had by all. Except maybe, my bride.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:41 pm [Reply]

BGSS: We finally get to meet a person lonlier than the Maytag repairman. The man selling vacuum cleaners in Hootin’ Holler. A town with 35 people, 27 teeth, one family tree and no power lines.

November 29th, 2010 at 10:43 pm [Reply]

@MWDG (#162): Only Mary Worth would be old enough to do that…

November 29th, 2010 at 10:45 pm [Reply]

Lockhorns: Please be talking about her pocket book, not Loretta!

November 29th, 2010 at 10:54 pm [Reply]

9CL: “Besides, it wasn’t ‘gaydar’ it was the patented Ernst/O’Malley handjob that tipped me off.”

Black Drazon
November 29th, 2010 at 11:15 pm [Reply]

Is Crankshaft’s goal to stop having a waist? Entirely? Well that doesn’t sound safe a–Well, he’s come to the right universe!

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 29th, 2010 at 11:22 pm [Reply]

Brevity — I haven’t seen a 76 service station around here for awhile, but these guys find one on the moon?

Andy Singer — It’s a hairball, so I’m guessing “Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra”. (Anyone out there an expert on Chakras?)

Baka Gaijin
November 29th, 2010 at 11:37 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#138): EEEEEEEE!

@This Guy (#158): Oh. Shaved pizza pubes. Gotcha.

@Jumper (#166): Cranky junk, EEEEEEEEE!

@zerowolf (#170): Ha ha! It’s only funny because it’s true.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:17 am [Reply]

I’d like to visit an alternate universe where the art is drawn first and then the writer has to make up dialogue for it instead of the other way around. I want to visit this place because I’m imagining the dialogue someone would make up for this Mary Worth.
Mary: How are you enjoying your sandwiches?
Adrian: They’re delicious! Also [flings plate onto ground] I’ve decided to become a nun! [sparkles] Pray with me!

Uncle Lumpy
November 30th, 2010 at 12:29 am [Reply]

Mary: “How are you enjoying your sandwiches?”
Adrian: “I’ve wondered the same thing!”

November 30th, 2010 at 12:57 am [Reply]

@AhClem (#154): I’m so sorry. Yes, I’ve gone over, at least for a few kinds of bland pizzas.

I know it won’t help, but I am still a dedicated member of the tiny group that hates and avoids all types of carbonated beverages, including water. Also the tiny group that hates and avoids coffee. Naturally pizza is less healthy than carbonated water and coffee, but so it goes.

Uncle Lumpy
November 30th, 2010 at 1:12 am [Reply]

I removed the mechanical safety interlock on our old self-cleaning oven to make it an 850° pizza oven. Damn fine eatin’. The new oven has an electronic interlock. Progress? Feh.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:02 am [Reply]

@Uncle Lumpy (#180):

Our oven went wacko and went into the oven-cleaning mode while we were trying to cook the take-n-bake pizzas from Papa Murphy’s. Charred paper pans do not make a pizza taste good. Fortunately my daughers were house-sitting a few miles away, so we cooked them there, and my guests had a great sense of humor about the whole thing. Maybe if we’d taken them off of the plates and weren’t so afraid of the oven catching on fire….

In other news, I call that Jill is going to be Adrian’s new stepmom. You had your chance, Mary; don’t whine. Jill’s shown more enthusiasm for Jeff in ten seconds than you did in ten years.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:02 am [Reply]

OK, I simply can’t resist the urge to post this. THIS is probably what you’d see at a Plugger’s ceilidh. :) (I was there to see it live, and DAMN it was funny.)

OK, yes, it’s probably funniest to harpists…but someone should really send it in to Brookins. ;)

November 30th, 2010 at 2:28 am [Reply]

11/30 LUANN — So now we are supposed to believe that during all these years, Bratoni has never gone any further than kissing???

On second thought, I do believe it.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:31 am [Reply]

11/30 PHANTOM — “Heeeere I come to save the daaaaaay!
That means that Mighty Mouse is on the waaaaay…”

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 30th, 2010 at 2:44 am [Reply]

Bizarro — Happy birthday, Dan Piraro’s father!

DtM — Where’s the love for good ol’ Mr. Wilson?

Mary Worth — Jill busts some moves… and Jeff is collateral damage!

9CL — “You can tell it’s Mattel, it looks like hell!” (One of my dad’s favorite sayings when I was a li’l shaver!)

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“Onion”’s Song

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"Come on, Mary. Why look so scared? It's beautiful when two people find real love. You should give it a chance. What? Why not give it a chance, Mary? Perhaps you should work on whatever problem is holding you back from love. What would Jung say, Mary?" --Comcis Fan

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Curtis, 11/30/10

Though we may mock Curtis for the eternal clockwork-like return of its eight or so plots, in truth there is more than a little comfort that can be derived from this nonthreatening reliability; in this sense, the strip serves as a stand-in for the the newspaper comics section as a whole. So it’s a bit discombobulating when a new character is introduced, and even more so when an old character shows up in different circumstances. All Curtis trufans know that Derrick is always accompanied by his bullying partner “Onion,” and that when Curtis spots them, his thought balloon inevitably reads, “Oh no! Derrick and ‘Onion’!” But today we see that Derrick has put away childish things like friendship and has now entered the grown-up world of romance. And while it’s nice to see that he’s met someone who shares his core interests and horse-like laugh, it’s a little sad imagining “Onion” sitting somewhere with his hood cinched tightly around his face, bitter tears of abandonment running down his comically oversized nose.

Mary Worth, 11/30/10

Oh, God, this week is going to be all I hoped for and more, as a drunken, predatory Jill decides that she’s going to forcibly dance with any man who comes within arm’s reach. All reactions in soap opera strips are of course ludicrously overplayed, but I’m not sure why exactly Jeff’s face in panel two is framed by a nimbus of sheer panic. “Oh my God, Mary’s going to see me touching another woman! She’ll never agree to marry me now!”

Shoe, 11/30/10

I’m not sure what’s worse: the suggestion that the Perfesser’s car might have sexual needs, or the downright lascivious look the mechanic is sporting as he relays this fact. “Bet you never knew that cars had sex, did you? I’ve got some instructional videos on the subject around here … why don’t we watch them, and what happens, happens?”

This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 09:36 am and is filed under Curtis, Mary Worth, Shoe. | 165 responses to ““Onion”’s Song” Jerseygull
November 30th, 2010 at 9:39 am [Reply]

Gotta say I love the name “Veranda Post.”

November 30th, 2010 at 9:58 am [Reply]

We can only hope that “Onion” has found a new squeeze as well (or is that “squeeze”? I get so confused!) – perhaps a fine lady with a food-related nickname who shares his love of hoodies and lame bullying. I look forward to the upcoming double-date where Derrick, Veranda, “Onion” and “To Be Declared” share a braying laugh as they call Curtis “Wimpkins” and try to air some old “yo mama” “jokes”. That “would” be interesting. (Wait, I got those “quote marks” “wrong”, didn’t “I”? “Eeeek”! They’re “running” “rampant”! “Someone” “call” “Jurisfiction”!)”"”"”"

November 30th, 2010 at 9:59 am [Reply]

Are you sure that’s panic on Jeff’s face? Maybe it’s rapture so immediate it’s painful. “Oh my God, Mary’s going to see me touching another woman! She’ll never agree to marry me now!”

November 30th, 2010 at 9:59 am [Reply]

Whoo! Jill’s gonna break Mary’s man, and leave him in a kneeless heap on the dance floor! I doubt Mary will be able to hold back the punches and ninja kicks after that. Please, oh please, show us Mary Worth beating a drunken blond to a bloody pulp!

[Old Man] Muffaroo
November 30th, 2010 at 10:01 am [Reply]

Crock – “She must’ve had ugly legs.”
Ya Think? I mean, since everything in your universe is startlingly ugly, including the supposed glamor girls who, in almost any other venue would preserve fruit by scaring away the microbes that cause rotting?

Pluggers – Only pluggers have ever been fooled by ketchup coming out of the bottle too quickly. Riiiight. Well, actually this becomes a true statement if, between the words “fooled” and “by” we insert “every single goddamn time.”

Mary – There’s so much going on in this strip. Dr. Jeff’s Spider-sense in panel 2 is the least of it. Is Jill having some kind of brain embolism in the first panel? Is that why her head is spinning? Why is a little blob of some kind shooting up from the region of her backside? Is it a precursor to the musical notes that spring into existence in the next panel? What’s in the goblet in panel 1 that heeds no gravity? Hardened red paint? Will naughty Jill have to submit to a Citizen Caning later?

November 30th, 2010 at 10:01 am [Reply]

Seriously, is Kelly’s real name Kelly Welly in MT? Wow… Or is she into self-parody to try and hide her true identity? Is the AGCLU 3000 writing MT now?

[Old Man] Muffaroo
November 30th, 2010 at 10:01 am [Reply]

@wossname (#y152): Everybody can detect a bad toupee. One that’s been placed by someone who knows what he’s doing, perhaps not — and not everybody with bad hair is wearing one.

@Mr O’Malley (#y191): My attention was first drawn to Colleen Moore because of the fabulous doll house at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry, which will probably get shot up some time when Dick Tracy brings “Tiny” in. After that, I was lucky enough to see “Ella Cinders” on “The Toy That Grew Up” on public TV.

@gleeb (#y197): Curtis: Eh, she’s no “Onion”.
If not for the height difference, I’d say it’s possible she used to be.

Doctor Handsome
November 30th, 2010 at 10:03 am [Reply]

Jill’s forehead vein throbs ominously as she unleashes her Talosian psychic assault on Jeff, reducing him to a helpless state of uncomprehending terror.

November 30th, 2010 at 10:04 am [Reply]


queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 10:10 am [Reply]

this thread needs some bebeh raccoons.

corgi pups in a pile of leaves are fine too.

lack of squee today as well. :-(

Terry in Maryland
November 30th, 2010 at 10:12 am [Reply]

Phantom: Savarna is both a hot mistress and a darn fine deus ex machina.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 10:13 am [Reply]

@Yael (#2):

“Bloomin” would be my vote.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 10:16 am [Reply]

@Terry in Maryland (#11): “Ghost-who-likes-gals-with-big-guns” [*]

November 30th, 2010 at 10:20 am [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#10): The next time I have to get my picture taken (a revolting prospect), I’m coming to you for some squee to make me smile angelically.

Scott Bot
November 30th, 2010 at 10:23 am [Reply]

DT – This is starting to look more and more like an Andy Griffith episode, with Dick as Barney Fife.

FC – Judging by the design of the cars, I’m guessing today’s strip is from about 1962 or so.

FW – I admit I chucked, partly because I did this to my parents once…

MT – ‘Uh, no, I’ll do that. I want to give him a special greeting…

MW – This is the most interesting thing to happen on Mary Worth since, well, ever.

November 30th, 2010 at 10:25 am [Reply]

Oh, I hope Jill barfs down Jeff’s back on the dance floor!

The Grandstander
November 30th, 2010 at 10:25 am [Reply]

Agree with all about the awesomeness of today’s Mary Worth. I am wondering if it will soon be revealed that Jill is the illegimate daughter of Helen (hic) Clark.

Dennis Jimenez
November 30th, 2010 at 10:30 am [Reply]

MW – The halo of saintly doctor J., leads me to believe he has cured that zit in the middle of Jill’s forehead, by a simple laying on of hands….

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 10:33 am [Reply]

@wossname (#14): a smile like dis? :-D

November 30th, 2010 at 10:33 am [Reply]

Curtis: “Somebodda”? Is Derrick related to Jimmeh Carter?

MW: Why, Dr. Jeff, your nails are just lovely.

Ethan Shuster
November 30th, 2010 at 10:38 am [Reply]

You must realize that in the world of Mary Worth, such dancing is the equivalent of having sex. All that touching and swaying. Granted, Jeff probably wouldn’t even get THAT from Mary, as gut-wrenching as the thought may be.

I could also make some kind “pearl necklace” comment, but I’m much too classy to actually do it properly.

November 30th, 2010 at 10:42 am [Reply]

I got the impression that Jill was literally ‘Spinning’ that guy on the dancefloor. The look of panic to me screamed ‘Oh god, my knees! My poor crippled knees! This crazy drunk is gonna break me!’

That being said, I’m a little jealous of Jill’s cleavage.

November 30th, 2010 at 10:46 am [Reply]

MW: By the time this night is over, Mary will no longer want Dr. Jeff, as he will be “damaged goods.” Once Jill rips the orange suit off it’s going to be all over.

The Modesto Kid
November 30th, 2010 at 10:46 am [Reply]

@Ol’Froth (#16): Clearly that’s why he wore the orange suit.

November 30th, 2010 at 10:57 am [Reply]

So Mary Worth could go either way, it looks.

Situation one has Jill drunkenly INJURING Dr. Jeff and his bad knees on the dance floor. (I don’t recall Dr. Jeff having bad knees and using a cane until it was mentioned last week, but perhaps I just haven’t cared enough to pay attention.) He will need to be rushed to the hospital, Adrian will be certain her wedding is RUINED, but in the end they will either have it in the emergency waiting room … or Dr. Jeff will bravely come to the service and reception in a wheelchair and Adrian will dance with him THAT way.

Situation two has Jeff and Jill embarking on a torrid affair (ugh), culminating a month from now with Mary trying to tell Jeff he’s throwing what little life he has left away, and Jeff insisting, “Jill and I have something SPECIAL! She loves me for who I AM! You just don’t UNDERSTAND us!” much like a teenager does right before he Runs Away and Learns a Valuable Lesson.

November 30th, 2010 at 11:04 am [Reply]

Blondie: See, rest of the comics page? This is how you reference technology. No fuss, no muss, no repeated, contrived jokes.

Curtis: Honestly, I’m more concerned with the fact that Derrick’s tongue is flapping about outside his mouth, BGSS-style. Watch out, Snuffy! He’s gunning for your spot!!

FW: I think I now officially love Summer.

GF: I was right. Still loving this.

MW: Oh, this is wonderful. Drunken Jill is the best thing to happen to soap opera legacy comics since “Mayor Dalton’s prostate has a Pacebook page?!”

Zits: Do I really need to reiterate my love for Pierce? Because I love Pierce, I really do.

Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™
November 30th, 2010 at 11:06 am [Reply]

It’s a well-known but idle fact that pearls at a wedding dress rehearsal are the effete woman’s answer to peeling the label off of her beer. If you don’t know what I mean, go out tonight, find a honkytonk somewhere along the interstate and watch. Jill will swaddle herself in store-bought hootch at five-star prices, swirl her necklace ’round her neck like a hula hoop and fellate poor Dr. Jeff Cory before he even realizes his pants are at his knobbish knees. All in front of Mary, Adrian, the cop, and the extended parties.

Sort of like Elizabeth but without the anal tidbits.

Chyron HR
November 30th, 2010 at 11:19 am [Reply]

Curtis – “Veranda Post”? I applaud “Onion” for embracing his true self, but that’s a pretty shitty drag name, son. I mean, girl-FRAND. Whatever.

9 Chickweed Lane – He’s a “gay in denial”? A GAY IN DENIAL? Well, at least Brooke didn’t say anything offensive like “sugarplum fairy”. That would be inexcusable.

Edge City – “What was Hanukkah like when I was a kid? Oh, such a pain cleaning that temple up, those Syrians were raised in a barn maybe? Now stop asking stupid questions before I smack you.”

November 30th, 2010 at 11:22 am [Reply]

All Jill is missing to give me TOTAL JOY is the “HIC!” If she HIC!’s sometime this week, Christmas will have come early for me.

Red Greenback
November 30th, 2010 at 11:40 am [Reply]

I’m no geologist, but I can see that the Perfesser’s car is in heat by the way she’s “presenting” her fins and tail lights.
Also, is anyone else imagining the theme from Jaws playing in Mary Worth’s panel 2?

November 30th, 2010 at 11:41 am [Reply]

MW-C’mon bub! If Aunt May can marry Mole Man I can dance with you! And you better be good!

November 30th, 2010 at 11:42 am [Reply]

9CL: Oh gee, a hidebound conservative who’s really just suppressing his own homosexual desires. Nobody’s ever done something that daring and original before.

FW: Great, Summer, now he’s going to drop everything and rush home so he can fit you with a tracking anklet at chastity belt.

MW: Go for it, Dr. Jeff! Every wedding needs at least one episode of wild drunken sex in the coat room, and it would be a shame to let that Cialis you took in the vain hope of thawing Mary’s titanium-clad resolve to go to waste…

PBS: It’s times like this I wish comics had sound effects.

SM: What’s so terrible about them? I mean sure, they do look like kind of a cross between hobbits and the Oscar statue, but the result isn’t necessarily nauseating. Anyone who’s ever sat across the table from Aunt May on Thanksgiving has faced much worse, I’m sure.

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 11:47 am [Reply]

@mojo (#25):
right before he Runs Away and Learns a Valuable Lesson.

The valuable lesson being that he should have run away from Mary, his family, Charterstone, and Santa Royale decades ago.

November 30th, 2010 at 11:52 am [Reply]

Shoe: “See, yer car here is named Christine (betcha didn’t know that, did ya), and she was turned down by that fella Herbie. Hell, even that secret agent car Kit won’t speak to ‘er! An’ you know how Christine gets when she’all’s frustrated! Wouldn’t wanna be in your claws, mister driver, no SIR!”

9CL: Great dialogue (for once).

Between Friends: Much easier being a woman in Strangers in Paradise (at least in that way)!

MT: The foolishness is about to begin….

MW: And now, the fun really begins! I already like drunk, troublemaking Jill Black much more than hateful put-down Jill Black.
However, that woman in the background? The one without a nose? Omigod, THAT’S A REALISTICALLY DRAWN CATHY!!! AAAAAUGH!! (seems she’s lost some weight since she lost the comics gig…)

Marvin: She’s not wearing one of them now, of course.

R=R: Odd… the commercials are all for bathroom products.

Other Coast: That ain’t lemon juice!

Zits: Ask a silly question….

November 30th, 2010 at 11:57 am [Reply]

MW-Jill is about to find out that salmon squares taste even worse coming up than they do going down.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:05 pm [Reply]

Apparently, the main effect of alcohol on Jill is the expansion of her forehead.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:09 pm [Reply]

I’m w/Kore (3), that’s not panic on Jeff’s face. Judging by the shimmering halo surrounding his head, he’s just been struck blind like Saul on the road to Damascus. And it shall be written:

He fell to the floor and heard a voice say to him, “Jeff, Jeff, why do you deny me?”
“Who are you?” Jeff asked.
“I am Sex, whom you are denying,” she replied. “Now get up and go into the cloakroom, and you will be told what you must do.”

This because his constant begging at the feet of Mary is an abomination. Of COURSE she turns down his repeated proposals — she obviously already wedded Beelzebub in order to gain her mantle of meddlesomeness.

Walker of Dog
November 30th, 2010 at 12:15 pm [Reply]

A3G: The changed font size in Margo’s last dialogue balloon tells us that the Decency Police got ahold of today’s strip. The original statement: “Maybe but ten bucks says he wants to scalp you to make a wig for his mother.”

FC: I see the revolution has begun, and a certain Mr. Kringle is one of the guillotine’s first bourgeois victims. Bil, if you want to keep your head, I’d lose the fedora.

MW: So, that little star on Jill’s forehead: not a stroke, but actually her new skin-carving honoring the Zia tribe of the American Southwest and their sacred Sun symbol (as seen on the New Mexico state flag). Body art done under the influence of alcohol in a restaurant bathroom mirror with the carving knife from the roast beef station is the best body art.

Phan: “OK… witty bon-mots, spectacular explosions, trampling the skulls of our enemies…that ought to do it. Walker out.”

RMMD: One of the building’s gargoyles has wandered away from the roofline.

S-M: Subterranean kilts are lame. And that guy on the left is totally coming on to me.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:19 pm [Reply]

A3G – I love Margo’s expression here. This is no girlish teasing, it’s a sociopath testing someone for chinks in their armor.

Blondie – Man, Kingdom of Loathing has gotten even weirder since I last visited.

C&B – This is why I love Cow & Boy.

Crankshaft – Psst, Batiuk, “digital” does not mean what you think it means.

Curtis – I’m sure Curtis is going to drive this storyline into the ground within three weeks, but I do at least applaud its use of the term “thugess.” (I prefer “ruffienne,” myself, though.)

FW – Summer, you kick ass. Now if you could just find a believable way to imply wild monkey sex with Cory Winkerbean over the phone…

JP – Sam’s wry smirk at the thought of people trying to seduce him is pretty amusing. Oh you ladies, why do you try? You will never move the immovable object that is Sam!


MT – I tried to understand how the straps crossing Kelly’s chest work, and then I remembered that humans are the one thing Elrod doesn’t draw from high-detail reference photos.

MW – Oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes. This could only be better if she had instead grabbed Scott (who, uh, seems to be wholly absent, but who can blame him?) Then we could watch Adrian fling herself about in overwrought poses, distraught over how her fiance could be so callous as to let himself be danced with by another woman against his will! Still, watching Jeff be tossed around like a rag doll by a drunken, spiteful giantess is something I could only have dreamed of seeing in the funny pages, until now! Thank you, Mary Worth!

Phantom – That’s not a BOOM! gun, that’s a KA-BOOM! gun. Savarna doesn’t fuck around.

Popeye – Please God let her pull some hideous creature from the depths that announces itself engaged to her. Please, that’s all I ask.

RMMD – Even Paul Stookey can’t believe how ridiculous this denouement is!

SF – Ces, you’re awesome.

SM – Are those the Martians from Quatermass and the Pit on the platters? “Aged for five million years in an indestructible vessel, these insect-like creatures have a smoky flavor with chitin overtones and notes of genocide.”

November 30th, 2010 at 12:21 pm [Reply]

@mvg (#37): And of course, to live forever. Hence, that’s why Mary Worth has been an old lady since the 1940s or so.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:24 pm [Reply]

I must be tough parking a car in a tree.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:26 pm [Reply]

Personally, I like Jill’s visible calm-down between panels one and two. She goes from a drunk lady on the prowl to a generally bemused party-goer in one swift motion. I can only assume that skin-to-skin contact with Jeff has some sort of instantaneous desexualizing effect on women, and that this why Mary is reluctant to marry him.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:26 pm [Reply]

Jeff is worried because Jill’s forcible dancing will screw up his knee, and he’ll be unable to walk his daughter down the aisle. Woe.

Johnny Q
November 30th, 2010 at 12:27 pm [Reply]

Curtis: Maybe Onion got plastic surgery and a sex-change operation!

Mary Worth: Before long the Mary Worth posse will be telling Jill “You’d better not… steal Jeff from Mary!”

Fashion Police
November 30th, 2010 at 12:37 pm [Reply]

One wonders if Miss Black merely grabbed the first available dancing partner in spite of his appearance, or if she, discerning the orange suit of distinction, deliberately picked on the Father of the Bride to share her humiliation. In either case she certainly did not let her reach exceed her grasp.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:37 pm [Reply]

I highly doubt that Veranda is actually a trans/drag incarnation of ‘Onion’. If that were the case, wouldn’t her name be ‘Vidalia’?

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 12:39 pm [Reply]

MW: Like many of you, I am very much looking forward to Jeff greviously injuring himself as he spastically tries to avoid Jill’s grinding crotch.

Popeye: Has Olive always been so homicidal?

RxMD: Rex is thinking, “Hey! I’ve got ignorance and ego in spades! Maybe I should go into politics!”

Slylock: In high school, some friends and I created a cartoon “character” called a penisfish. We drew dozens of comics about penisfish and their uses (there were, like, two). Except for a few lacking details, today’s panels are an almost perfect reproduction of the penisfish origin story, especially when it comes to the fisherman’s facial expression.

Dennis Jimenez
November 30th, 2010 at 12:42 pm [Reply]

Onion in drag – I’d have to go with the Lady of Shalott – thank you Alfred Lord Tennyson….

November 30th, 2010 at 12:43 pm [Reply]

MW: There goes Whoville, flying right off Jill’s head and drifting toward her shoulder pad.

And with barely a slosh in her splishy red drink
And hardly a moment for one Who to blink
That small speck of dust flew right past Jill’s ear
And floated quite close to the groom-to-be’s beer.

In a whirling air current encircling Doc Jeff
The mayor of the Whos shouted, “Geez, what the eff?”
The speck-quake was instant, the risk quite severe
The Whos yelled, unheard, “We are here! we are here!”

Jill too drunk to listen, the music too loud,
Whoville floated, unnoticed, through the prenuptial crowd
A strange blinding light forced the Whos all to hide
As they flew past the beams of an odd, obtuse bride.

They landed, at last, on a quaint buffet spread
With punch and small sandwiches on white Wonder bread
And as one guest named Wilbur got ready to bite
The Whos shouted: “Stop! We’re not food! It’s not right!”

And that one guest, that Wilbur, he heard all the Whos
And wondered out loud if he’d had too much booze
“No!” the Whos shouted. “You’re sober, you heard
If you eat us, you’re likely to come down with GERD!”

Government Cheese
November 30th, 2010 at 12:43 pm [Reply]

MW: Dr. Jeff’s reaction to Jill’s advances are something out of a comic strip version of “The 40 Year Old Virgin”.

Col. Havoc
November 30th, 2010 at 12:44 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#15): I think you meant “Chuckled”, but it was funnier your way.

Francisco Arrowroot
November 30th, 2010 at 12:55 pm [Reply]

Veranda knows where Curtis shops because she’s wearing the same shirt. She’s not laughing at Curtis, but rather out if her own sense of shame and gender confusion manifested externally as Curtis.

November 30th, 2010 at 12:59 pm [Reply]

Rather than try to care about Shoe’s joke, I’m fixated by the bird-thing again: Why do birds need cars? How do they drive from tree to tree? Why do I care so much?

Scott Bot
November 30th, 2010 at 1:00 pm [Reply]

@Col. Havoc (#51): Oh, geez, I just noticed that…that’s what I get for posting before I have my first cup of coffee…

Edgy DC
November 30th, 2010 at 1:00 pm [Reply]

With a shorn head, military-ish cap, strong upper body, and a name that comes from architecture, I’m not sure Derrick has found a romantic partner so much as a fellow hallway martinet (or martinette). You’d think, “Onion shmunion, Derrick’s got a new partner in pain,” but you know, I think maybe the old relationship has simply evolved and Veranda is simply Onion in drag.

gnome de blog
November 30th, 2010 at 1:02 pm [Reply]

Margo: “TEN BUCKS SAYS HE HAS A CRUSH ON YOU!…which makes him a complete idiot.”

November 30th, 2010 at 1:10 pm [Reply]

Ah, it’s mano a mano between Colleen Moore and Louise Brooks here at CC!

Unfortunately, today they’re both having a bad day:

Louise Brooks

Colleen Moore

November 30th, 2010 at 1:11 pm [Reply]

Wow, a drunken, boorish Jill, and Kelly Welly is stalking Mark Trail again.
It’s Christmas in the comics!

Scott Bot
November 30th, 2010 at 1:17 pm [Reply]

Sorry, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for Curtis – face it, if you go to an inner city school with a John Deere cap glued to the back of your head, people are gonna pick on you.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:19 pm [Reply]

Regarding panel one of MW: take a look next to Jill’s head (our left, her right). I think someone should call Horton and let him know we found the dandelion that the Who’s live on.

Pop Goes the Weasel
November 30th, 2010 at 1:20 pm [Reply]

@ComcisFan (#49): Nice Work!

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 1:20 pm [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#15): “This is the most interesting thing to happen on Mary Worth since, well, ever.” I’m not so sure. Remember:
* The “Shootout at the SantaRoyMart?”
* Toby ordering a gift on the Internet?
* When Gail Martin was declared “The Rock and Roll Carole King?”
* The inflating-deflating shopaholic and Fine Ernie?
* The whole “Queenie” episode?

@TheDiva (#32) on Spiderman: THAT’s why those guys look so familiar. They’re Oscars.

@terrapin (#35): “Jill is about to find out that salmon squares taste even worse coming up than they do going down.” Is that even technically possible?

@Dan (#42): ” I can only assume that skin-to-skin contact with Jeff has some sort of instantaneous desexualizing effect…” A 10-cent phrase for “wang shriveler” perhaps?

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 1:24 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#62):
@terrapin (#35): “Jill is about to find out that salmon squares taste even worse coming up than they do going down.” Is that even technically possible?

I’d think they’d taste better coming up because of the semidigested remnants of actual food coming up with them.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:26 pm [Reply]

Pluggers: Pluggers have yet to realize that, in order to solve this very problem, ketchup has been coming in squeeze bottles for the last ten years.

gnome de blog
November 30th, 2010 at 1:27 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#62): You make many excellent observations, but “When Gail Martin was declared ‘The Rock and Roll Carole King?’” happened in (Death To) Gil Thorp.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:27 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#62): Of course it is! Haven’t you ever eaten something that wasn’t quite right and found yourself leaning over a toilet a few hours later?

gnome de blog
November 30th, 2010 at 1:28 pm [Reply]

Brenda: “Blood may be thicker than water, but it’s thinner than money.”


November 30th, 2010 at 1:34 pm [Reply]

@Pseudo3D (#66): Perhaps he meant that salmon squares are the absolute-zero of flavor.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:36 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#62): I hope so! If Jill has a wang to shrivel, then this story has more twists and turns ahead than we could have possibly hoped for!

November 30th, 2010 at 1:38 pm [Reply]

I think Jeffs terror is more due to the fact that the dance floor is behind him and she’s dragging him towards the windows.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:38 pm [Reply]

@Indichik (#64): While this is true, every time I encounter a ketchup bottle in a restaurant, it’s the old glass kind, I presume because it looks classier. It still doesn’t make sense, as Plugger-frequented dining establishments A. don’t give a crap about class, and B. are much more likely to have ketchup in packets.

Calvin's Cardboard Box
November 30th, 2010 at 1:41 pm [Reply]

@gnome de blog (#67):

I remember it as “Blood is thicker than water, but cheaper than beer.” From one of the bats (B’witched, B’mothered, or B’mused) in Pogo.

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 1:41 pm [Reply]

@gnome de blog (#67): Agreed. I almost never comment on Brenda because there’s so little to snark about. For instance, in any other strip, Trip’s dad would really have been senile and played for Oh-Shucks-That’s-Just-My-Demented-Dad! sitcom style laughs, but Mary Schmich uses it as a key point of plot and characterization. Anyway, it’s nice to see others here appreciate Brenda.

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 1:45 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#73): Also, in RxMD the tagline would have been, “Blood may be thicker than water, but it’s thinner than butter,” followed by Rex smiling smugly at his heart disease-related witticism for the following three strips.

Scott Bot
November 30th, 2010 at 1:46 pm [Reply]

@Indichik (#64): And Pluggers love the farty noise a squeeze ketchup bottle makes…
@Baka Gaijin (#62): And how could I forget the whole ‘Lonnie the Suburban Vigilante’ plot? Baka, I stand corrected.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:48 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#73): Yeah, Brenda Starr is good stuff. Kind of hard to follow at points, but it’s just nice to see a comic strip that has a reasonably complex plot and more mature themes without vanishing up its own ass 9CL-style. Now if I only knew a place to get higher-resolution versions than goComics offers…

November 30th, 2010 at 1:50 pm [Reply]

“Blood may be thicker than water, but how is its viscosity relevant to the question of familial loyalty?”

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 1:52 pm [Reply]

Mary Worth: Jeff’s expression in the last panel is a textbook visualization of the medical condition hyperpremature ejaculation.

Zits: Proving once again that Jeremy is a total loser and his mother should really look into a 45th trimester abortion.

Sally Forth: Ted is a graduate cum laude of the Brad DeGroot School of Conclusion-Jumping.

The Better Half: Harriet channels Elly Foob. Seriously.

Marvin: “I’ve got a couple of bras that do the same thing.” Honey, unless those bras are made of queen-sized bed pillows, a Wonder Bra can’t do much with your barely-Olive Oyl titties.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:55 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#78): Every time a comment here induces me to read Marvin, I wind up wishing for the annihilation of the entire human race. You’d think I’d learn to stop.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:57 pm [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#19): If I could look that cute, I’d get my picture taken all the time.

@Scott Bot (#75): And neither one of you mentioned what’s arguably the greatest of them all – Aldomania.

November 30th, 2010 at 1:58 pm [Reply]

Big Nate: Thank you, Francis, for correcting Nate’s misuse of “jealous.” Too bad you won’t have time to explain the distinction introduced by “zealous” before you get brained by Teddy’s textbook.

Zits: This is a repeat of my favorite Zits strip: “What happened?” “Hector hit me with a rock.” “What were you two doing?” “Trying to hit each other with rocks.”

I think hitting each other with rocks is funnier than pushing each other down the stairs, but the classics never get old.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:00 pm [Reply]

MT: Wait a minute. Welly is Kelly’s actual last name? It’s not just some nickname Josh and the Mudges made up? Her name is Kelly Welly?

I . . . I think I need to go lie down.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:02 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#63):I guess only Jill will know…after she’s done heaving like a college freshman on dollar beer night.

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 2:07 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#63): I was thinking more about that Poison Control advice: do not induce vomiting. Like battery acid, one should send a neutralizer down the throat rather than expelling the salmon squares back up the gullet.

@gnome de blog (#65): Was wondering if anyone was reading that list. Gail Martin was a great summer, you gotta admit.

@Dan (#69): Jill could be a hermaphrodite. The wang shrivels, the pussy throbs. I just completely grossed myself out.

@Scott Bot (#75): ‘Lonnie the Suburban Vigilante’? I don’t remember. Did it involve the Bum Boat, a pool party, or furniture that randomly moves around the room?

@commodorejohn (#79): Hey, I warned you of mosquito-bite boobies.

@wossname (#80): Aldomania? Never heard of it.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:07 pm [Reply]

MW-I hate to keep snarking on the same strip but this one is comical on so many levels. I just noticed the look of absolute panic on Jeffs’ face. “Oh no! I’m being dragged onto the dance floor by a totally blitzed woman! There is no way I can escape the grasp of her tiny hand!”

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 2:09 pm [Reply]

@Pseudo3D (#66): yes, but I got a T-shirt out of the deal. (hot wings contest at the local party store.) ye gods, was I miserable for the rest of the night, and felt like I was hung over the whole next day. Next day I wore the T-shirt, the QG said “I can’t believe you’re actually wearing that” and I shrugged and pointed out “It was purchased with pain.”

Buck Ripsnort
November 30th, 2010 at 2:21 pm [Reply]

And The Wind Cries Mary Worth: Having been in Jeff’s exact position at the last wedding I attended, I gotta say he’s getting off easy. The drunken ho-bag in question doesn’t weigh 300 pounds or appear to be on the verge of barfing. And from that first panel, it looks like her time in Thailand taught her a few interesting tricks w/ ping-pong balls.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:23 pm [Reply]

MW – If it turns out that Jill is really a man, and she/he discovers through dance-floor groping that Jeff isn’t, I will take back every bad thing I’ve ever said about this strip.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:36 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#84): Gah, yes. How do you even do that? It’s like Armstrong’s either never seen a woman smaller than a C cup and doesn’t have any idea how to draw one, or just straight-up doesn’t give a shit. (And we all know, there’s nothing Tom Armstrong gives like shit.)

Black Drazon
November 30th, 2010 at 2:39 pm [Reply]

Jill’s reluctant dance partner has spent the better part of the last week addressing his increasingly useless legs, so we can only hope that this wedding ends with the sundering of a highly temporary friendship, and also the father of the bride’s ankles. Mary will stand by him, of course, as she lovingly makes suggestions about how to prepare his casts.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:43 pm [Reply]

@commodorejohn (#71): Mmmmm, it might be because squeeze bottles can slurp stuff back up when released, which would contaminate the ketchup remaining in the bottle, rendering it unsuitable for use by multiple customers.

ms. docweasel
November 30th, 2010 at 2:51 pm [Reply]

“Jill decides that she’s going to forcibly dance with any man who comes within arm’s reach.”

And where you say “dance”, you mean “ride like the hydrolic Stygian”.

If you’re unfamiliar with girls riding the Stygian, GTFTG, realizing it’s NSFW although YMMV, IYKWIMAITYD.

November 30th, 2010 at 2:56 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#78) said:
Sally Forth: Ted is a graduate cum laude of the Brad DeGroot School of Conclusion-Jumping.

I’d say it’s the other way around – Brad’s the grasshopper. As in all things, Ted is the Master.

Scott Bot
November 30th, 2010 at 2:58 pm [Reply]

@ms. docweasel (#92): GTFTG, realizing it’s NSFW although YMMV, IYKWIMAITYD.

OMG, I don’t know WTF half of those mean…LOL.

Al of the Christian Singles Jungle Patrol
November 30th, 2010 at 3:09 pm [Reply]

@ms. docweasel (#92): Actually @ms. docweasel (#92): Actually, I think you mean “Sybian”, although dancing with Jill might be like floating on a river in Hades.

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 3:13 pm [Reply]

@Anonymous (#93): Now that you mention it, yeah, Brad’s the padawan.

November 30th, 2010 at 3:19 pm [Reply]

I used to not read Brenda Starr due to lack of interest. Then I read the comments in this thread and now have an Andy Gibb song stuck in my head. So now I won’t read Brenda Starr out of spite.

November 30th, 2010 at 3:22 pm [Reply]

Shoe–is that what they mean by auto-erotic?

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 3:27 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#96): I did NOT need the visual of Brad dressed as Ahsoka Tano.

My sister, who usually sends snark, sent a B-Day card with squee on it. Two adorable wolfpups sleeping in some flowers. Also only had two people in front of me at DMV, so it’s been a better afternoon than anticipated!

Rocky Stoneaxe
November 30th, 2010 at 3:27 pm [Reply]

@odinthor (#57): The still of Colleen Moore you linked is from a film called ORCHIDS AND ERMINE… and the “midget” is a very young Mickey Rooney!

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 3:29 pm [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#99): Happy Birthday and who’s “Ahsoko Tano?”

gnome de blog
November 30th, 2010 at 3:31 pm [Reply]

@Baka Gaijin (#96): For the record, #93 was me.

@nescio (#97): Your loss.

November 30th, 2010 at 3:36 pm [Reply]

MT: Wait…….wait……….wait.

Her name………her name is actually Kelly Welly.


Rocky Stoneaxe
November 30th, 2010 at 3:37 pm [Reply]

Curtis — Her name is “Veranda” because she was conceived on the porch of her teenage mother’s house!

Helen Clark
November 30th, 2010 at 3:38 pm [Reply]

Now we’re ((hic)) talkin’, dammit.

November 30th, 2010 at 3:39 pm [Reply]

MW: I want to know where Adrian’s brother is. Wasn’t he invited to the wedding? I think he is still in Vietnam shipping over heroin and massage call girls to the states from his “Peace” village. But you would think that he could of taken time out from his BUSY schedule and go to his sisters wedding. That way Jill could find some younger meat to do the tube snake boogie (thanks ZZTop) with than poor old Dr. Jeff. I would also have to guess that Porn-Boy Charlie was not invited to this as well.

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 3:42 pm [Reply]

@gnome de blog (#102): So you weren’t going incognito, so to speak? Good. That was a great post.

bourbon babe, unbuckled
November 30th, 2010 at 3:46 pm [Reply]

Curtis: “Squeeze”? I think that Billingsley learned all his urban street-talk from watching old Bowery Boys movies.

FC: I hope they’re going shopping to buy Thel some shoes.

JP: Sam’s wry smile creeps me out: “Yes, women are drawn to me—but I deny them my essence.”

MW: Uh, Jeff, you didn’t practice that move with Mary.

MT: Even the palm trees are extra-helpful at Sea Breeze Fishing Camp.

bourbon babe, unbuckled
November 30th, 2010 at 3:48 pm [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#99): Were you short on squee today? Here’s a birthday gift to make up for it: http://www.zooborns.com/

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 3:49 pm [Reply]

@bourbon babe, unbuckled (#108):
Curtis: “Squeeze”? I think that Billingsley learned all his urban street-talk from watching old Bowery Boys movies.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Curtis use “mook” as well, so, yeah.

November 30th, 2010 at 3:55 pm [Reply]


November 30th, 2010 at 3:55 pm [Reply]

MT: So if Cherry gets wind of Kelly’s antics at the Fishing Lodge, will Cherry show up there in typical Mark Trail fashion to take out Kelly with her own fists? And if Kelly should get the upper fist, so to speak, can we say that she popped Mark’s Cherry?

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 3:58 pm [Reply]

@littlestevie (#111): Now’s your chance! To the book depository!

Windier E. Megatons
November 30th, 2010 at 4:01 pm [Reply]

Despite her love of stating her name and her enthusiasm for dancing, Jill was soon kicked off “Yo Gabba Gabba” for being both too old and too drunk.

November 30th, 2010 at 4:01 pm [Reply]

MW – That’s Jill??? I thought it was Toby. (They look alike to me.)

Steve the Pocket
November 30th, 2010 at 4:03 pm [Reply]

Crock: Normally the point of having two people working on a strip is to avoid situations where something will sound funny to the writer and nobody else, because at least one other person will have to read it before it goes to print. But then again, does it look like the guy who draws this strip gives a shit?

Family Circus has abandoned all pretense of not being reruns from the ’60s. Just look at those cars! Sad thing is, most of its fans won’t notice, because statistically most Family Circus fans have Alzheimer’s and believe it’s still the 1960s.

Marvin: It’s almost like he’s going for the kind of immature audience that Beavis and Butthead satirized, the sort who’d go “Huh-heh, boobies!” even though there’s no real joke here. Only within the boundaries of what you can print in a newspaper comics strip.

Pluggers: Shake and shake the catsup bottle; none will come, and then a lot’ll. – Richard Armour, who was being funny long before you weren’t.

Zits: … @Spunde (#81): I knew it sounded familiar! More proof that Zits can only be funny when it’s shamelessly ripping off its old jokes. Maybe this strip should give up and go into reruns; I think I would welcome the improvement.

November 30th, 2010 at 4:04 pm [Reply]

Veranda Post? Get it? Because she looks like a wrap-around deck support? Hee-haw! Bray! Yah yah yah!

Seriously though what does she look like? Some sort of gnome wearing a shower cap?

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 4:05 pm [Reply]

@bourbon babe, unbuckled (#109): dual squee!! (thanks!)

@Baka Gaijin (#101): Ahsoka Tano is the young female padawan of Anikin Skywalker in the Star Wars The Clone Wars series.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 4:06 pm [Reply]

AnAkin Skywalker, rather.

November 30th, 2010 at 4:10 pm [Reply]

@ComcisFan (#49): So awesome!

This Guy
November 30th, 2010 at 4:15 pm [Reply]

R==R: The psychiatrist, I’d say.

@greghousesgf (#y217): Now you’d better not be talking smack about my Skyline, friend. Prometheus himself gave humans the recipe, saying: “Oh, by the way, here’s something cool you can do with that fire stuff I brought you the other day.”

November 30th, 2010 at 4:18 pm [Reply]

What’s going to happen when Jill realizes that Adrian is wearing the same dress as she is?????

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 4:20 pm [Reply]

@Charterstoned (#115): I think you’re on to something. Victoria “Toby” Cameron, airhead, doormat, searching for a way to tap into the basic sense of pride and self-worth that normal humans have. Then an accidental overdose of sweet, sweet booze interacts with her low self-esteem. And now when Toby Cameron grows bored or doubtful, a startling metamorphosis occurs. The creature is driven by spite and pursued by an investigative meddler…

Professor Fate
November 30th, 2010 at 4:23 pm [Reply]

MW: Now all i can think of is the Nils Lofgren song “I came to dance” which isn’t that great to dance to. And this always happens when someone plays Wild Cherry’s hit Play that funky music white boy.

FW: Summer the thing to do now is change the locks.

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 4:31 pm [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#118): Thanks.

November 30th, 2010 at 4:34 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#113): I am trying, but I can’t figure out what freakin’ hotel he is staying at.

November 30th, 2010 at 4:35 pm [Reply]

MT: Wait, isn’t Mark supposed to be there on some sort of undercover mission? But he’s using his own name?

Of course, this is Mark we’re talking about. He probably checked in at the front desk with a cheery “Hello, my name is Mark Trail, and I’m here to spy on your other guests! Can I get some help with my bags?”

Chip Whittle
November 30th, 2010 at 4:35 pm [Reply]

Broom Hilda: News anchors Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey? Looks like somebody else has been watching the short comedy movies on Turner Classic Movies there.

Dick Tracy: Ah, a diversion operation. Yes, I think the strategic air bombing of Downtown Tracyville while Dick Tracy looks impassively and uninvolvedly on will be most diverting, don’t you? Maybe we can take in a pandemic after dessert, too.

Gasoline Alley: Ha ha! See, it’s entertaining because Uncle Walt is crippled by an inability to distinguish reality from TV shows. And happy holidays to all of you, too!

Graffiti: Again, just piling up words doesn’t necessarily make for a joke.

Dennis Jimenez
November 30th, 2010 at 4:43 pm [Reply]

BB – Now I’da thought this would have been funny today if Sarge said something like, “Zero asked for a pass, so I passed gas, and he passed out.”

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 4:50 pm [Reply]

@littlestevie (#126): Be patient. Batuik’s bound to make San Diego throw a parade in Les’s honor.

November 30th, 2010 at 4:52 pm [Reply]

@Amateur (#127): They’ll all know in 10 minutes anyway because Mark can’t think anything without also saying it out loud. “I WONDER IF THAT GUY IS THE SMUGGLER I WAS SENT HERE TO FIND?”

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 4:58 pm [Reply]

@terrapin (#131): I have this vision, of a Scooby-Doo/MT cross-over, and both dogs facepalming over Mark’s stupidity.

“Re rowles ro rat?”

Andy just buries his head in his paws.

Scott Bot
November 30th, 2010 at 5:02 pm [Reply]

@bourbon babe, unbuckled (#108): JP: Sam’s wry smile creeps me out: “Yes, women are drawn to me—but I deny them my essence.”

If he starts talking about flouridation, it’s time to run.

Mr Foofram
November 30th, 2010 at 5:13 pm [Reply]

@Indichik (#64):
Pluggers don’t know about those fancy squeeze bottles of ketchup because they’re still working on the five cases of glass bottle ketchup they got for 59 cents a bottle at the dollar store in 1988.

gnome de blog
November 30th, 2010 at 5:14 pm [Reply]

@Steve the Pocket (#116):
Re Family Circus: The fly in that ointment is that many of us who were around during the 60s don’t remember much about them.

Plinko Commie
November 30th, 2010 at 5:15 pm [Reply]

Family Circus: Ah, Christmas! The sounds of carols, Jeffy excitedly begging his parents to decorate the house, sales signs, a great big tree and, of course, the decapitated head of Santa Claus as a warning to those who would desecrate the birth of Jesus by not being a conspicuous enough consumer or by saying Happy Holidays insted of Merry Christmas and To Hell With The Rest!

November 30th, 2010 at 5:17 pm [Reply]

Spiderman: Oh, I get it. When I saw yesterday’s Spiderman I thought that guy was the Mole Man in his lounging-around-the-house wear and I was really freaked out. Aunt May “Eeeee”-ing in either disgust or delight (or both) didn’t help matters any.

Now that I know that it’s just the Mole Man’s cabana boys, I feel slightly less queasy.

Baka Gaijin
November 30th, 2010 at 5:20 pm [Reply]

@Mr Foofram (#134): Mr. Foofram, I know Pluggers. Pluggers are friends of mine. You’re no Plugger. Five cases of ketchup would last the typical Plugger 3 months, tops. A month in the summer if they’re lucky, 2 meals if they include either orange-colored seafood scampi or salmon squares.

Little A and his Crystal Ball That Might Finally Be Right Predicts:
November 30th, 2010 at 5:32 pm [Reply]

AGNES: I know this is a snarkers’ site and not a site for praises, except for offhanded ones, but how many of you snarkers like or even love AGNES? I find it very enjoyable and funny, most of the time. Just thought I would mention this.

November 30th, 2010 at 5:33 pm [Reply]

MW – I don’t know if I were at a wedding rehearsal dinner red wine and potato chip dance party and I saw a middle aged man in a salmon square colored suit with a pink fishtail patterned tie, I might just get a little grabby myself.

November 30th, 2010 at 5:35 pm [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#132):My hope is that some day the SPCA finds out what goes on at Lost Forest and liberates Andy.

Peanut Gallery
November 30th, 2010 at 5:38 pm [Reply]

I love how the restaurant in Rex Morgan boasts both a Lunch menu and Pickles menu.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
November 30th, 2010 at 5:43 pm [Reply]

@terrapin (#141): we could also hope for Rusty getting run over by the Mystery Machine.

Fashion Police
November 30th, 2010 at 5:44 pm [Reply]

@Firesandfowl (#122) asked:
What’s going to happen when Jill realizes that Adrian is wearing the same dress as she is?????

We have theorized that given Charterstone’s essentially feudal social structure, on ceremonial occasions women are required to wear varying shades in the violet family according to their status. Mrs. Worth as the local priestess is of course exempt. As the bride-to-be, Miss Cory’s dress is the shade closest to the royal hue. We do wonder, though, whether Mr. Hewlett will appear in the orange suit of distinction, or whether custom decrees his relegation to the electric blue of the common folk. If so, Miss Black’s accusation that Miss Cory is marrying beneath herself will prove out, and her determination to stop the wedding at all costs in order to preserve the underlying social structure is more than justified.

Mr. Goboto
November 30th, 2010 at 5:44 pm [Reply]

@Peanut Gallery (#142): Pickles must be the new cupcakes.

November 30th, 2010 at 5:45 pm [Reply]

@Little A and his Crystal Ball That Might Finally Be Right Predicts: (#139): It’s weird as hell, but I do enjoy it, particularily when it slips some audaciously dirty thing past whatever barely-attentive editor is responsible for it.

November 30th, 2010 at 6:10 pm [Reply]

For your mildly related entertainment (a big ol’ NSFW, unless you have a boss w/a good sense of humor):

Roof sex:

November 30th, 2010 at 6:12 pm [Reply]

@Little A and his Crystal Ball That Might Finally Be Right Predicts: (#139): Yes—count me in! I’m a long-time fan of Agnes and its characteristic bizarreries!

November 30th, 2010 at 6:27 pm [Reply]

@Little A and his Crystal Ball That Might Finally Be Right Predicts: (#139):

I like AGNES, but the drawing style makes it really painful to look at.
Thinking about AGNES is reminding me of SYLVIA.

November 30th, 2010 at 6:29 pm [Reply]

MW: Given the constantly changing hair color and wildly shifting ages of the men in this strip (and they ALL have a fashionable orange suit – ) I confess that I thought Jill was moving in on a horrified Scott. I forgot that Jeff already met her during the card-picking excursion. She’s got that evil plan to break up the lovebirds, after all….

That she wants to break up Mary and Jeff, or maybe just break Jeff, is a little disconcerting because I don’t see how this fits in her plan.

Walker of Dog
November 30th, 2010 at 6:50 pm [Reply]

@Bryan (#137): I wondered about that lack of punctuation in Aunt May’s “EEEEEE”. Maybe she’s just tuning a piano or practicing for the next test of the Emergency Broadcast System.

gnome de blog
November 30th, 2010 at 6:58 pm [Reply]

@Walker of Dog (#151): If anyone needs her piano tuned, it’s Tommie. But I’m not sure Aunt May’s the one for the job.

November 30th, 2010 at 7:01 pm [Reply]

And here I thought coveting Adrian’s beau was as sad as one could possibly get. Live and learn.

November 30th, 2010 at 7:02 pm [Reply]

I haven’t been following this whole Adrian/Scott marriage too closely, but did I catch in Sunday’s Mary Worth that Jeff is Adrian’s father? So could Jill’s looseness lead to a situation in which Jill is Adrian’s stepmother?

November 30th, 2010 at 7:16 pm [Reply]

curtis expression is one of great derick now has a new partner in pain and she a female version of him. Jill drunk behavior will not only get her dropped by Adrien but she will have to face the wrath of Mary for messing with her man. an aged cat fight brewing.

bourbon babe, unbuckled
November 30th, 2010 at 7:26 pm [Reply]

@Little A and his Crystal Ball That Might Finally Be Right Predicts: (#139): I like it when it’s at its weirdest; it can get a bit repetitive at times, but then he’ll throw in something truly bizarre, and I’m happy again.

Jamus The Bartender
November 30th, 2010 at 7:34 pm [Reply]

@MattF (#9): Boy, i’ll say she does….Mary, I think Jeff is gonna get loved long time….

November 30th, 2010 at 7:41 pm [Reply]

@littlestevie (#106): OMG, that’s the only thing that would make this even better – if Charley showed up and started hitting on Jill! But I fear it’s going to be more about Jill breaking Jeff’s kneecaps than Jill getting laid. The real question is, when is Mary going to start meddling Jill and find out what’s wrong with her? She’s had plenty of incentive already – maybe this, or the broken kneecaps, will spur her to action.
@honeypot (#150): Actually Scott met her during the invitation-picking excursion, and I’m ashamed that I know that. Where is Scott, anyway? Maybe he can prevent the kneecapping.

November 30th, 2010 at 7:47 pm [Reply]

158 was me – I just installed Google Chrome and obviously my cookies don’t carry over.

November 30th, 2010 at 8:05 pm [Reply]

@Mr. Goboto (#130): You know the Holiday Bowl Parade of Ballons is coming up, but since Les is so full of hot air, I can’t tell the difference between him and the ballons.
@wossname (#159): Sigh, I know but it would just be more fun if Charley were there. I know Aldo can’t make it but mabe Helen can make a guest showing.

gnome de blog
November 30th, 2010 at 8:06 pm [Reply]

@Pseudo3D (#154):
Now there’s an idea! Are you listening, Ms. Moy? Or are you one step ahead of us?

Actually, it all fits. Jeff’s seemingly gratuitous proposal of marriage to Mary and her refusal set the stage perfectly. When Mary confronts him in anger he can say to her, “you were the one who wanted things to stay the same between us. The only difference is that I’ll be getting what I never got from you!”

November 30th, 2010 at 9:12 pm [Reply]

@MattF (#9): Only whores have cleavage in the Worthiverse.

[Old Man] Muffaroo
November 30th, 2010 at 9:28 pm [Reply]

@ComcisFan (#49): Well done!

November 30th, 2010 at 9:33 pm [Reply]

@Anonymous (#158): (alias wossname)

I realized I typed the wrong name as soon as I hit post. And I’m ashamed I know that, too.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if Karen Moy actually took us somewhere unexpected? She’s posted here on CC before, she was cool. You can tell she’s made an effort since she took over, but the traditional Worthian constraints of the job and the fact that she can’t draw or color it herself must be wearying to her. But, anyway, Go Karen!

November 30th, 2010 at 9:56 pm [Reply]

MW: the part of Jill is now being played by Joan Van Ark of “Knots Landing” fame.
I guess Jeff crusing the navy base in drag before the party and forgot to take off his Lee Press on nails (see hand panel two). Please note in the lower right corner of panel one…Barbie’s cousin Francie makes an appearance!

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