It’s time once again for your Friday comment of the week! I did eventually tackle Luann this week, but Maggie’s comment pretty much describes why it took me so long.
“I can’t believe you’re calling out hot sexy comic strip action without mentioning this week’s Luann! Is it because you eyes burn with shame and confusion each day this queasiness progresses? Because … because I get that. When I saw Toni Daytona charlie horse humping Brad today, I called in sick and went back to bed.” –Maggie
And your runners up! Very funny!
“The dissonance between Adrian’s desperate eyes in the first panel and her claim to be ‘calm and happy’ is something out of a POW video. If this were a live video, her eyes would be blinking the horrific truth in Morse code.” –Johnny Knuckles
“Wait, is Mary eating a Pantone PMS 727 indeterminate puff, or her own middle finger? Apparently even she isn’t immune to the oily, seeping tendrils of boredom Adrian shoots out like strangler vines.” –bunivasal
“Mary, try the hors d’oeuvres! I chose these plain, gray crackers to symbolize our impending bland, unsatisfying marriage.” –Ethan Shuster
“We find it intriguing that shades of lavender seem to be de rigueur at Charterstone this week: the higher the status, the darker the hue. Mrs. Worth is, of course, exempt. When purple becomes the badge of the common folk, the nobility wears teal. ” –Fashion Police
“Also, the Lodge tyranny explains why Archie hasn’t done a stroke of proper work in several decades. Honestly, look at that complacent yawning mug. It makes me thirst for the revolution.” –TruthOfAngels
“I think we can mark today as the day grad school has official broken me: I read that Archie strip and found myself nodding knowingly at the final panel. ‘I feel you, Archie comic spinster schoolmarm lady. Students are the worst!’” –Revenge of Chesnut
“I’m pretty sure that when Mark gets out of the shower, he’ll just rip off that layer of skin, revealing a new layer of khaki just underneath. He only really needs to shower in order to maintain his slicked-wet hairdo.” –Jim North
“Funky Winkerbean: The ‘my wife’ joke actually makes a lot of sense because as Les’s handler for this stop of the tour, I’m pretty sure Mike now wishes he were dead, like Lisa.” –No Stupid Bear
“‘I think one of us had a little too much to drink’ reflects Doc Jeff’s confusion over whether this hot young booze-addled blonde’s come-on stems from her disinhibition or his hallucination. Either way, it’s the best damn day of his life.” –Uncle Lumpy
“I’m glad we still don’t know whether or not Mark has nipples. Either answer would be creepy.” –Poteet
“Shoe: I imagine that the art intern was charged with drawing a Treetops version of Santa, but the beak didn’t work. And he started asking himself if this Santa-bird would still have a beard, and how would that make any sense? Then he spent the rest of the day weeping in the corner.” –Artist formerly known as Ben
“As soon as Les gets the projector set up, we are all invited up his ass for a slideshow commemorating Lisa’s suffering and death, projected onto the interior of his rectum. (Musical accompaniment: ‘I Will Remember You’ by Sarah McLachlan.)” –Walker of Dog
“The romantic misadventures of Aunt Iris are clearly building up to a spin-off strip entitled Willard Scott: Taxicab Matchmaker.” –Doctor Handsome
“Damn you, Comics Curmudgeon. For the first time in my life I find myself seeking out today’s Mary Worth to see what happens. By the way, Jill appears to be melting.” –k#
“Greg Evans is just messing with us. I think he originally draws Brad and Toni having sex, for his own perverse enjoyment, then uses Photoshop to move them two feet apart and add clothing. The dialog’s unchanged.” –cheech wizard
“I hope the cabman manages to be pretty assertive with his advice, considering Aunt Iris’ gift-giving history. Otherwise our hapless cyclist may be spending the next few weeks rearranging his living room around a civil-war cannon, old-timey jukebox and full-sized puppet theater.” –Violet
“It seems to me that ‘another incident’ is exactly what Adrian wants: look at that smile on her face as she proffers Jill support. ‘No,’ Jill mumbles, ‘I don’t want any water.’ ‘It’s vodka, sweetie, now drink up … we’ve both got four more hours of this crap.’” –I am Jack’s username
“Family Circus: No, Dolly, they’re ‘triplets,’ not ‘threeplicates.’ Not everyone was grown in a vat like you and your brothers.” –Mr. Goboto
“Pretty sure you’re giving Marvin’s look of terror way too much credit for listening/caring to the beings around him. It is just random happenstance timing, that he just dropped a massive, unexpected deuce in his pants. In which case the bug eyes are less ‘terror’ and more ‘SURPRISE DUMP EGO POWER SURRRRRGE.’” –Wilbur
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This entry was posted on Friday, December 3, 2010 at 06:23 pm and is filed under metaposts. | 117 responses to “” Uncle LumpyDecember 3rd, 2010 at 6:31 pm [Reply]
Josh, thank you — runner-up COTW was the perfect gift under $18!
Walker of DogDecember 3rd, 2010 at 6:37 pm [Reply]
Congratulations to poor, traumatized Maggie and all the riders of float, especially Wilbur, whose comment made me laugh out loud. At my desk. AT WORK. Dude, not cool to wreck my game face.
Also good to know the secret password to CoTW Float glory: rectum.
PatrickDecember 3rd, 2010 at 6:41 pm [Reply]
Congrats to the COTW and all the other float-riders! Violet, especially, made me laugh more than once.
Fashion PoliceDecember 3rd, 2010 at 6:46 pm [Reply]
One doubts not that the COTW tiara fits Maggie perfectly, and one sincerely hopes that the honor more than compensates her for the discomfiture.
Ed DraveckyDecember 3rd, 2010 at 6:48 pm [Reply]
Two hours later, high on paint fumes and mild carbon monoxide poisoning, Mudlarks players untrained in home repair complete their reign of terror over the hapless foster children. Much paint and many lives are wasted.
queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii CommandoDecember 3rd, 2010 at 7:04 pm [Reply]
@Walker of Dog (#2): . . . . darn near killed ‘em!
Jim NorthDecember 3rd, 2010 at 7:05 pm [Reply]
Woo! Not even on the job but a couple of days and I’ve already made it amongst the honorable mentions! Soon you will all bow before me et cetera et cetera
Grats to all the CotW and other HM comments folks!
Rana the Pedantic Wet BlanketDecember 3rd, 2010 at 7:15 pm [Reply]
Congrats, all!
dreadedcandiru2December 3rd, 2010 at 7:22 pm [Reply]
I just realized something horrible; you know how BD and Boopsie have turned Zonker into a more-or-less loyal family retainer, right? Sure, he goes off on the occasional spree but the rest of the time, he’s a fairly reliable serf to the man who used to wear helmets despite not knowing why. It occurs to me that Greg Evans is doing the same damned thing to Brad, Toni and TJ. It isn’t going to be too much longer before we associate The Grin That Walks with his canine loyalty and forget his get-rich-quick schemes.
ElkMeadowDecember 3rd, 2010 at 7:33 pm [Reply]
Congrats float riders!
Fashion PoliceDecember 3rd, 2010 at 7:54 pm [Reply]
@dreadedcandiru2 (#9):
Well, it might be a more interesting strip if Miss Daytona took over the master bedroom and relegated TJ to striped trousers and a starched collar, and cramped quarters next to the laundry facilities. Despite his occasionally grandiose ideas, the lad posesses the ingratiating manner ideally suited to a life devoted to service, as well as the need for gainful employment.
Such a coup would certainly set the cap of Miss Daytona’s arch-enemy Mrs. deGroot.
VioletDecember 3rd, 2010 at 8:07 pm [Reply]
Thank you so much, Josh, for the delightful recognition and thank you, Patrick. I don’t know If I’ve mentioned it but I find your comments consistently hilarious.
On a different note, so if I understand today’s Luann correctly, Brad has a charley horse in his face, and he wants Toni to massage it away? Hmm. Well, I guess that explains why he looks like that.
Comcis FanDecember 3rd, 2010 at 8:25 pm [Reply]
Congrats, COTW winner and runners-up!
Lesser WharkDecember 3rd, 2010 at 8:26 pm [Reply]
I recently came across Mort Walker’s The Lexicon of Comicana, thanks to Square Root of Minus Garfield. Now I’m torn. I want to start throwing around ‘plewds’ and ‘agitrons’ in regular conversation (the way a few of you regulars already use ‘grawlix’), but then I’d be using words invented by Mort Walker. He was funny when he wrote that, so my question is: can a cartoonist’s current output be so offensively unfunny as to retroactively taint their previously funny work?
Also, what is Adrian displaying? The lexicon defines ‘emanata’ (for shock or surprise) and ’solrads’ (for luminous objects) but neither seems adequate for this strip, especially after seeing Johnny Knuckles’s interpretation.
KarMannDecember 3rd, 2010 at 8:43 pm [Reply]
Repost due to jumpage:
@Rimpy (#y33): MT: I’m too lazy to try to find it in the archives, but didn’t Cherry once fondle a phone cord erotically just like Kelly Welly is doing? I think the artist just swapped the already-nearly-indistinguishable heads of the women (or more probably – their hairdos).
I, on the other hand, am not so lazy, and possibly mildly OCD to boot. So I found it first in the Comics Kingdom archives, and then in Josh’s:
Of course, it’s possible that I’m wildly misreading all of this, and, as Cherry languorously plays with the phone cord in panel one, she’s actually initiating a little erotic phone talk.
And, here’s the side-by-side comparison I put together.
commodorejohnDecember 3rd, 2010 at 8:55 pm [Reply]
You know, I have to wonder what long-time Wizard Of Id readers who have no idea what the kids these days and their war crafts are about thought when reading today’s strip.
Écureuil ÉcumantDecember 3rd, 2010 at 9:02 pm [Reply]
@KarMann (#15):
Yeah, you can’t do that tips-of-thumb-and-forefinger chafing and tweaking thing on a cellphone.
Just another example of how yesteryear’s appliances were better, such as the steam-powered corncob sybian, which emits no greenhouse gases.
gnome de blogDecember 3rd, 2010 at 9:08 pm [Reply]
@commodorejohn (#16):
Since I’m old enough not only to remember that Wizard of Id once was funny but also when it began (1963?), all I can say is that I do know enough about “what kids these days and their war crafts are about” to get the alleged joke.
December 3rd, 2010 at 9:10 pm [Reply]
@gnome de blog (#18): Okay then :)
bats :[December 3rd, 2010 at 9:46 pm [Reply]
@Écureuil Écumant (#17): isn’t yesterday’s Sybian just a Western-style saddle? Of course, you’ve noticed the number of horses on Mark’s ol’ LoFo spread. And why Cherry doesn’t ever get TOO upset when Mark leaves her at home…
JoshDecember 3rd, 2010 at 9:52 pm [Reply]
@Poteet (#Y182): I hope you in fact read longer in the Wikipedia article to get to this sentence:
“Mark Trail, the main character, is a photojournalist and outdoor magazine writer whose assignments lead him into danger and adventure. His assignments inevitably lead him to discover environmental misdeeds, most often solved with a crushing right cross.”
(With “cross” linked to the article on a crosspunch in boxing, obviously.) To my mind it’s the greatest sentence on Wikipedia, and while I didn’t write it, I keep the Mark Trail article on my watchlist and jealously gaurd against killjoy attempts to delete it as “unencyclopedic” or some such balderdash.
PoteetDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:13 pm [Reply]
Well done Maggie!! I say that with extra emphasis because I just now saw today’s LUANN, gaaaaaagh. You said it well. And congratulations to the runners-up and thank you for much out-loud laughing! It’s an honor to ride the float with you.
PoteetDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:25 pm [Reply]
@Josh (#21): Thank you for calling that to my attention. I’m bug-eyed. It definitely deserves your zealous guardianship.
PoteetDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:41 pm [Reply]
SNUFFY SMITH — I am oddly disconcerted by this merry cackling over having to post bail. It’s as if we suddenly saw Snuffy and Loweezy putting together a meth cook in their kitchen.
Artist formerly known as BenDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:42 pm [Reply]
Thanks for implanting me on the float again, Josh. You must share my taste for imaginging Shoe personnel in tears.
And of course, congratulations to the other people on the float. Walker of Dog, your Winkerbean snark was both hilarious and… vivid.
PoteetDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:45 pm [Reply]
JP — Ooooh, he’s going home to spend time with Abbey! Ho HO! Nudge nudge, wink wink!
Yeah, I know he’s going home to talk to Abbey with all his clothes on including his shoes, but I’m trying to stay awake here.
Artist formerly known as BenDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:46 pm [Reply]
@Lesser Whark (#14): Mort Walker is–aptly enough for his given name*–dead. So it’s not entirely fair to hold current Beetle against him, unless the sins of the sons are visited upon the father.
Artist formerly known as BenDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:47 pm [Reply]
@Artist formerly known as Ben (#27): The * is supposed to be followed by an explanation that Mort is French for “death.”
PoteetDecember 3rd, 2010 at 10:50 pm [Reply]
S-M — Don’t drag Cerberus into this. For one thing, a three-headed dog has TEETH. This creature, whatever it is, is more akin to Barney.
JoshDecember 3rd, 2010 at 11:04 pm [Reply]
@Artist formerly known as Ben (#27): Actually, Mort Walker is still very much alive at 87! His kids do most of the work at Walker-Browne Amalgamated Humor Enterprises LLC, but according to Wikipedia (which must be true) he “supervises” their labors.
cheech wizardDecember 3rd, 2010 at 11:05 pm [Reply]
@Artist formerly known as Ben (#27): Hate to break it to you, but Walker is very much non-Morte. He’s still out there and making sure Beetle Baily remains chock-full of classic 1950s humor and notions about women.
And being included on the float this week was a pleasant surprise, particularly in light of my infrequent contributions these days. Always better to ride than to walk, as Beetle and his friends would say. Thanks, Josh.
Pseudo3DDecember 3rd, 2010 at 11:06 pm [Reply]
Congratulations COTW winners!
Better luck next week, Pseudo3D.
PoteetDecember 3rd, 2010 at 11:10 pm [Reply]
I just reread the COTW list and laughed all over again. A special salute to Walker of Dog.
Great American SatanDecember 3rd, 2010 at 11:34 pm [Reply]
OMG, I looked up today’s Luann, and Brad is totally implying he’s gonna go down on Toni! WhoooOOOOOOOOooooaaaaaaa! Or am I reading that wrong? She’s like “I have smooth legs” He’s like “I have smooth face” And I’m like “Put ‘em together? Oh. OH.” Amirite or amirite or amirite?
tb4000December 4th, 2010 at 12:07 am [Reply]
Grand Avenue: If this is implying that these two are planning on slowly killing themselves via high cholesterol and cancerous tv rays, I say let’s ride it out, see where it takes us.
[Old Man] MuffarooDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:07 am [Reply]
@True Fable (#y44): Good old sweet Brad. Yup. Good old virginal Brad.
“…How I hate him!”
@Ethan Shuster (#y84): a know, Brooke, these “fantasizing about Seth” strips would make much more sense if you hadn’t made the character look so very, very gay.
Seth is what, now?
@Bootsy (#y163): Loony Tunes cartoons are not considered appropriate for kids today? Really? How come?
Imitatable behavior. You probably weren’t around when all those kids injured themselves whirling through things because of the Tasmanian Devil. Not to mention what it did to the trees and rocks.
CoTWs – Congratulations, hell. I’d like to offer my thanks to all you Very Funny folks for making me laugh.
Well, don’t just sit there. Amuse me some more!
Rocky StoneaxeDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:12 am [Reply]
Brad is the peanut butter to Toni’s chocolate… together they’ll send Mrs. DeGroot into a diabetic coma!
Congrats to my fellow posters — both sung and unsung!
Rocky StoneaxeDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:30 am [Reply]
@Artist formerly known as Ben (#27): Are you confusing an alive-and-still-kicking Mort Walker with “Morty Seinfeld”? Because Jerry Seinfeld’s TV father (played by actor Barney Martin) passed away in 2005.
True FableDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:41 am [Reply]
Congratulations to Maggie and all the Float Riders!
Artist formerly known as BenDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:03 am [Reply]
@Josh (#30): @Rocky Stoneaxe (#38): Dammit! Yeah, I have a little bit of egg on my face. I think I may have gotten confused between Walker and Dik Browne, who spawned the other half of Walker-Browne Amalgamated Humor Enterprises. Dik shuffled off this mortal coil in ‘89. So I guess Mort Walker actually does rate some of the blame for what Beetle Bailey has become. (Or credit. If DADT is repealed, maybe Beetle and Sarge will have something to do with it.)
So Frank Costanza outlived Morty Seinfeld. Bitterness must have preserved him.
Old School Allie CatDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:07 am [Reply]
Another fine week in snark, though I fear I’ll never get used to the new COTW Fridays.
I thought today’s Luann had Brad asking Toni to sit on his face, but then, I’m seriously jet-lagged.
9CL – I’d go back to the story of how Grandmama defeated Nazi Germany or the one with the Unicorn if only we could get away from two bitches in heat.
FW – And speaking of masturbatory fantasies, I can only assume that somewhere, Batuik lies spent, surrounded by crumpled Kleenex, or perhaps a stray tube sock, glowing about this week’s strips.
MW – I feel bad for Jill. There isn’t enough potato-ade in the world to get her through the next week. And moreover, why didn’t the good doctor tap that when he had the chance? We know Mary’s skills as a cock-blocker are second only to her meddling prowess.
Motorcycle PartsDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:19 am [Reply]
We doubt that COTW Maggie Tiara fits perfectly, and we sincerely hope that the honor more than compensates for his defeat.
Rocky StoneaxeDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:22 am [Reply]
Mark Trail/Phantom — Mark and Kit got some ’splainin’ to do!
Funky Winkerbean — Screw Destiny! (Actually, he did… “Destiny” being the name of the exotic dancer Les hooked up with at “Cheetah’s Club” in San Diego!)
Comcis FanDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:36 am [Reply]
FW: Cayla appears to be taking high-dose testosterone supplements in Les’ absence. Otherwise, I have decided that Batiuk’s audience is locked in a Sartresque room with Les, Batiuk, Funky et al. The difference is we don’t have to stay in the room with them, and each must decide whether to give up the snark, open that door and leave.
MW: It’s important that the drunken guest intent on draining all joy from a wedding approve of the rehearsal dinner menu.
PoteetDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:41 am [Reply]
@True Fable (#39): Sir Fable MTK, a college in Iowa decided to provide de-stressing activities for students this week as they face their finals, and one of the activities was a room full of cuddly animals for petting. Of course I was pleased to see a tortie kitty, but the animals that mostly stole the TV camera time were the goats, all decked out in cute diapers and looking very pettable. Judging from student reactions, the room was a success.
PoteetDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:47 am [Reply]
@Old School Allie Cat (#41): Or maybe the one about how the Unicorn defeated Grandmama. Anything except this. I can’t take much more.
beanweanDecember 4th, 2010 at 2:08 am [Reply]
@Great American Satan (#34):
Exactly where I went, and I was sorry I did.
PoteetDecember 4th, 2010 at 2:17 am [Reply]
12/4 JP — Promises, promises.
Peter HillockDecember 4th, 2010 at 2:27 am [Reply]
MW: “We have dinner coming up anyway!” — that’s why there’s a bucket next to Jill’s seat.
Chip WhittleDecember 4th, 2010 at 2:42 am [Reply]
@Josh (#21):
To my mind it’s the greatest sentence on Wikipedia …
For me, it’s Wikipedia’s attempt to explain pork roll:
Although the product is widely consumed and enjoyed, it resists accurate description.
This is one of those sentences that survives its evidence of personality because it’s simply fact.
This GuyDecember 4th, 2010 at 2:49 am [Reply]
9CL: Anyone else rooting for a double murder in the immediate future?
Pluggers: A skinny plugger? Isn’t that a contradiction? It’d explain the weights being heavier, though–the very notion is so bizarre and reality-warping that it’s changing the local value of the Higgs field.
AndyLDecember 4th, 2010 at 3:15 am [Reply]
A grown man riding a bicycle? He must be a courier! No need to even read this business card he gave me!
Iris’s gift-giving skills are as good as ever though! She’s gone to meet (she thought) a bicycle courier at work to give him a gift that can’t reasonably be carried on a bike.
Baka GaijinDecember 4th, 2010 at 3:25 am [Reply]
Pluggers: What? I thought it was, “Plugger Rule of Physics #267: Pluggers get heavier with age.”
Mary Worth: Uh oh. From the expression on his face, the groom-to-be sees this as the beginning of a porno but not the kind that involves penises peni.
Spiderman: Spidey, the spider in Garfield showed more spidery talent than you. That’s not a compliment.
Hagar the Horrible: Stop stealing The Lockhorn’s schtick. Unbelievably, they do marital strife better. Did I just say that last sentence?
Mark Trail: Inappropriate Facial Expressions Theater.
Blondie: Haw haw! Men are so clueless about giving gifts to their wifes. Haw haw!
The Ghost of JarrodDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:02 am [Reply]
12/4 Luann — And the three-way with TJ begins. Gah! Brain bleach! Brain bleeeeach!
RWDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:07 am [Reply]
Luann: On the one hand, I’m horrified that this comic may be about TJ giving Brad advice on fingering. On the other hand, that’s the only explanation that would actually make this somewhat funny.
Baka GaijinDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:12 am [Reply]
@This Guy (#51): Sorry for the oversnark, man. Your comment wasn’t there when I was composing mine. And I know how to spell “wives.”
KarMannDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:27 am [Reply]
@Baka Gaijin: I think you might appreciate today’s Brevity.
James_MurtonDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:54 am [Reply]
Marmaduke is meeting Charles Manson. Who is about 4 foot tall, unless Marmaduke is actually the size of a cow. In unrelated news, Brad Anderson has completely lost his mind.
Fourth BearDecember 4th, 2010 at 6:59 am [Reply]
9CL: So Seth has decided to convince a father of 11 that Seth just met briefly that Roger’s actually a deeply repressed homosexual, despite no one requesting anything in the way of intervention? Geez, Mary Worth doesn’t have this guy’s gall.
A-3G: “Mr. Brooks is our finest legal shark. He’s working with his team to sue some rich yokel for every cent she’s got!”
DT: Thanks, Locher! I never would have worked out that the prisoner would be in chains from the past several days depicting exactly that. And isn’t Liz going to explain the gimp mask as well as the chains? Or is that a little extra they tossed in for fun time?
FW: Poor ol’ Les. His growing fame and adulation are *such* burdens.
GF: Talking about genetic experiments, I think Rob is turning into a lycanthrope in that last panel. Watch out, Bucky!
JP: Home early? Does Sam ever do any work?
Phantom: Geez, Diana, watch where you point that gun! Don’t take your rage out on My Friend Flicka!
S-M: Awwww, isn’t that cute? He thinks he’s helping!
gleebDecember 4th, 2010 at 8:08 am [Reply]
Archie: Also, Dilton has to keep track of the imprisoned school mascot. Dump his books, will it? Never again!
Beetle: Wretched refuse.
Between Idiots: Science is like that. There has to be repeatable confirmation. One experiment never proves anything. Why does no one connected to the newspapers understand this?
Dilbert: Fuck that noise. Do your own work, you lazy piece of crap.
‘bean: Destiny is easy when your creator has your back *smirk*.
Abbey Driver, annoyed at work: When you’re married to the country’s least-occupied attorney, you have to put up with this.
Phantom: For a fleeting second, the ghost-who-walks considers how much easier life will be if he just drops her now.
June Morgan, annoyed at work: It’s just the working comix women’s day to be interrupted, I guess.
Zip: Go somewhere ad get eaten by something, Griffy.
queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii CommandoDecember 4th, 2010 at 9:09 am [Reply]
Bizarro: *golf clap* well played, sir.
MG&G: takes a turn to the Lio.
NS: “hey, watch this!” is missing.
I have been watching waaaay too much FMA Brotherhood on hulu, so today’s RwO and R&R both got “omg, Homunculus!” responses. A Lab as Gluttony somehow is appropriate.
6Cx: good news/bad news, well played. Note Mom’s response to the offer of discount piercings. . . .
tb4000December 4th, 2010 at 9:14 am [Reply]
9CL: Is this really healthy mother/daugher talk, Brooke?
The RidgerDecember 4th, 2010 at 9:22 am [Reply]
MT 12/4: Cherry’s facial expressions are oddly disconnected from what’s happening. Look at her pain-filled distress over having dialed a wrong number, and her – oh, wait, that’s Kelly in panel three. Her purring satisfaction is exactly right for breaking up Mark’s marriage!
queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii CommandoDecember 4th, 2010 at 9:25 am [Reply]
lolcat puns, bad and good.
miss-heard lyrics for the win.
puppeh rings and floofy things.
teh goggles 4bb,u.
Baka GaijinDecember 4th, 2010 at 9:42 am [Reply]
@KarMann (#57): Yeah, that’s good. Now let’s train him to get full-sized clowns. Unlessssss, unless doggie dearest has shrunken that clown’s noggin. Then that’s the most awesomest dog ever. Sorry, Andy.
Buck RipsnortDecember 4th, 2010 at 9:52 am [Reply]
MT: I was all set to protest Adult Situations in Mark Trail, but then I realized 1) this is a repeat, and 2) Mark’s not actually involved, or even aware. Which is a good description of Mark all the time.
Baka GaijinDecember 4th, 2010 at 9:58 am [Reply]
@Buck Ripsnort (#66): #2 can describe at least half of every Spiderman plot.
John C FremontDecember 4th, 2010 at 9:59 am [Reply]
Due to some nasty lower back pain I missed most of these comments the first time. Funny stuff, guys! You made me laugh. Now my back hurts again. So, uh, thanks? More pain meds, mule!
GT – I’m a day late with this info, but “King of Screen Repair” was the working title of that one Police song. Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls. Want a Walnetto?
RMMD – ‘Cause nothing says “sanctuary” like a glass of Mogen David.
And now, my Mandy Patinkin impersonation. “Sanctuaaaarrrryyyy!!”
Thank you.
JP – “Could I interest you in a glass of Mogen David in the sanctuary of our living room?”
As a guy recovering from back pain, I’d just like to say nice posture, Abbey. Also, nice sweater. Very pointy.
The RidgerDecember 4th, 2010 at 10:00 am [Reply]
@Buck Ripsnort (#66): Speaking of Mark not being aware, that shower must be loud, if he didn’t hear the phone ring and Kelly’s “WAIT, Cherry.”
The Modesto KidDecember 4th, 2010 at 10:05 am [Reply]
MW — “I hope you like what’s on the menu” should really be “I hope you like what’s on the menu…” and in the next panel you cut to the evil mad scientist who remotely controls Adrian rubbing his fingers in glee and lauging ominously.
The Modesto KidDecember 4th, 2010 at 10:07 am [Reply]
That zombie standing next to Adrian with the hors d’oeuvres platter is also controlled by said mad scientist. Perhaps all of Charterstone is his evil experiment.
John C FremontDecember 4th, 2010 at 10:51 am [Reply]
MW – “Awww. She doesn’t like my salmon cookies.”
DT – “Links! Get it, Chief? Links? Ha, ha! I crack me up!”
FC – “Are there subtitles? Where’s the fast forward button? What happens if I press Cntrl-Alt-Delete? Where are my pants?”
SequiturDecember 4th, 2010 at 10:54 am [Reply]
How ’bout a little morning squee?!
queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii CommandoDecember 4th, 2010 at 11:04 am [Reply]
@Sequitur (#73): heh.
mr 12 oz canDecember 4th, 2010 at 11:43 am [Reply]
mark trail- why does kelly have to wait by the phone just wait in the bed in your fancy underwear like the other day and give this strip some zing.
The Spectacular Spider-BrickDecember 4th, 2010 at 11:45 am [Reply]
thorps. Coach was right! Looks like a team-building session at Camp Bukkake was just what the Mudlarks needed!
PMP: No… it means you don’t have to squint while aiming. Makes shooting easier, actually. Ask Rooster Cogburn.
S-M: “Now that you’ve saved us both, I’ll… do the one thing I do.”
TheDivaDecember 4th, 2010 at 11:59 am [Reply]
9CL: I’m not entirely sure how convincing Roger he’s really a Narnian-level closet case is going to stop the mother and daughter from exchanging sexual fantasies with each other, but I won’t question the method as long as it gets results.
C’shaft: Lies. Crankshaft knew Rose would want some and just spent the last ten minutes scarfing down the remaining rumballs just so he could deny her the pleasure. He’ll puke them up later, but the misanthropic high he’s enjoying right now will be worth it.
FW: Yes, everything in Les’ life, up to and including Lisa’s death, has happened for the sole purpose of making him a famous author. The only reason why he’s not heading the TVTropes page for “Black Hole Sue” is because they don’t allow examples on it.
MW: Oh hey, there’s Scott! (I think–at the risk of sounding racist, all these sherbet orange blazers look the same to me.) Apparently the happy couple so strapped for cash that not only are they honeymooning at the Santa Royale Super 8, but the groom is forced to pull double duty as a waiter.
SM: Spidey, quit trying to pretend you’re doing something useful. You’re not fooling anyone.
Married Agnostic WomanDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:06 pm [Reply]
Luann: In real life, Brad’s comment would have been “Fuck you.” Of course in real life, Brad would also be very aware that there is “an easier way to do that.”
Married Agnostic WomanDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:10 pm [Reply]
Luann: Toni is so uninterested in sex that she hasn’t even taken her shoes off. Brad is uninterested in sex due to the painful sensation of a shoe in his crotch.
John C FremontDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:18 pm [Reply]
Love is… pretty much guaranteed to end in tears and a lengthy legal process.
Les of the Jungle PatrolDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:21 pm [Reply]
In Holland, where apartments tend to be small, they have grand and baby grand pianos in an upright formation. These pianos tend to be tall, but they sound as good as their more horizontal cousins, but have a much smaller footprint. I’m wondering now if you can find these in New York. Or even in Holland anymore – I saw them in museums. This is why A3G is better than the other soap strips. It makes me wonder about the region specificity of musical instrument evolution, versus Rex Morgan, which forces me to think of prostates and (inexplicably G-rated_ social networking, or Mary Worth which has more of a focus on food-horrors like potatoade.
Ed DraveckyDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:24 pm [Reply]
Do mothers and daughters normally exchange explicit sexual fantasies in a state of semi-orgasm about a friend who is standing right there? Sorry, gay teens, but “it gets better” doesn’t apply in the Burberverse.
The RidgerDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:30 pm [Reply]
Squee po-russki! are you coming or going? (I’m HERE)
for bb,ucatch the mice, don’t howl and scare them!)
messy kittehs! (have you tried two from one dish?)
obstacle courses for elephants (unlike weight lifting and water spraying, not our strong suit)
Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™December 4th, 2010 at 12:36 pm [Reply]
I’ll be gone for a few weeks (all is good, all is well). Here’s something to contemplate while reading Kelly and Cherry tete-a-tete:
Kids in the Hall telephone sketch
My bet is that Cherry sounds a lot like Frank.
Jamus The BartenderDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:37 pm [Reply]
9CL: Okay, two can play at this game….Edda as a cheerleader whose boyfriend dumped her for a girl from the chess club, and all her girlfriends are consoling her in the locker room because she really doesn’t need a man anyway…mmm….
Juliette on a women’s prison chain gang, dressed in frayed jeans and a tied top denim shirt, and the warden’s about to give her a night in the box…mmmm….
December 4th, 2010 at 12:41 pm [Reply]
@Peter Hillock (#49):
MW: “We have dinner coming up anyway!”
It’s like they’re just handing us straight lines now.
Jamus The BartenderDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:42 pm [Reply]
Luann: Oh, god, no….not a threesome…..I mean, i’m no prude, but this is just wrong… not want…
queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii CommandoDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:43 pm [Reply]
@Jamus The Bartender (#85): that second one is ruined by the mental image of the warden from Rhodia. (Juliette and Diana, in the prison shower, on the other hand. . . . )
Jamus The BartenderDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:47 pm [Reply]
Judge Parker: Well, they could have wild, freaky sex, but….naahh, THAT’ll never happen….
Jamus The BartenderDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:47 pm [Reply]
@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#88): mmm…there ya go….
[Old Man] MuffarooDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:55 pm [Reply]
9 – Brilliant idea Brain… but supposing Roger doesn’t want to dress up like Robin the Boy Wonder?
Archie – How mad is that “doggie” at the window? The one with superfluous eyes? How mad is that “doggie” at the window? I do hope we won’t hear his cries.
Gil – Nothing to see here! Just another wholesome guy-bonding activity that results in splotches of rapidly drying liquid on everybody’s face.
R=R – The crazy tilted panels… the wholly unrealistic prop animal… the grotesquely ugly face… the trite overnarration… wait… this is the 1960s BATMAN show!
[Old Man] MuffarooDecember 4th, 2010 at 12:56 pm [Reply]
Ziggy – Worse than a burglar because the toilet flushed… huh? What are you trying to imply here? That Ziggy’s worst fear is turd burglars?
Luann – Original dialog: “Y’know, you don’t need her for that.” “Shit.”
@Jamus The Bartender (#85): Mmmm… Edda as a human with a normal face and chin…
commodorejohnDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:22 pm [Reply]
A3G – Okay, if Wacky Aunt Iris employs some Marx Brothers-like scheme to get into the meeting and give Bicycle Guy the flowers, I will be officially won over.
A&J – It’s never too cold to cook out. That’s why garages were invented.
BS – Huh. It’s like the exact opposite of 9 Chickweed Lane.
Bizarro – Win.
Crock – AUGH.
DT – Uh, what. I’m starting to think Tracy and/or Locher seriously believes that the criminally insane are not biologically human.
GT – “Eh, Cody, the kid who’s going to replace Cody, what’s the difference?”
HOTC – Hee hee. She knows his weaknesses.
JP – “I’m just kidding, of course. I’m actually going to lounge around with a glass of wine, looking smug and ignoring your pleas.”
Luann – “You wondered what could be grosser than watching Brad and Toni engage in chaste, chaste foreplay?” Luann asks. “Well, how about if they did it while TJ watched!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!”
MT – Hahahahaha oh Kelly you’re just…wait, is Kelly having a stroke in that last panel?
Marmaduke – Too bad Angry Kem isn’t doing Japes For Owr Tymes anymore. I’d love to see what she made of this.
MW – Oh, so Scott is there, but he’s been reduced to servitude? I guess they decided Jill was right after all.
Phantom – Yeah, good job with that, Warden.
Popeye – Popeye finally tells Olive to fuck off, albeit indirectly.
SM – “Not to minimize your little deed, but look! Look! See, I’m a superhero too! Really! Look look look!”
DanDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:23 pm [Reply]
@Baka Gaijin (#53) et all:
Yeah, what the hell? A skinny Plugger? Did I miss the strip that said “The only chemistry a Plugger knows it what he needs to run his trailer park meth lab?” Or “Pluggers can’t afford expensive cancer treatment?” Or “Some Pluggers get parasites from eating road kill?” Somebody please explain this before my entire world view crashes down around me.
God, I wrote “Plugger” so many times it’s starting to sound really weird.
Jim NorthDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:25 pm [Reply]
9CL: Yes! Put an end to it! I don’t care how, just end it, please!
Archie: Years later people will look back and see that the AJGLU3000 shifted the strip from high school humor to high school horror so slowly that they didn’t even really notice when it happened.
Crock: That’s weird, I thought guys liked lesbians.
FW: Les is gonna get the smarmy kind of cancer.
Luann: Maybe get-rich-quick TJ is back and he’s trying to give Brad pickpocketing advice? “No, dude, you gotta go in from the top!”
MW: Is that supposed to be the groom-to-be? Is this his first appearance at the rehearsal? That’s . . . that’s sad. No snark here. Just . . . really really sad.
Phantom: Thank goodness everyone’s polite enough to stop shooting at each other while the Walker’s work out their marital problems at the best possible time ever.
S-M: Isn’t that, like, the spidery-equivalent of pissing on someone after you’ve beaten the shit out of them? Dude, not cool.
Zits: Granted the context is a little iffy, but shouldn’t the stuff Zits Mom is making not be pink? And I dunno about anyone else, but that actually sounds delicious.
Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™December 4th, 2010 at 1:26 pm [Reply]
Y’know what’s missing from this week’s Luann? Dialogue out of Curtis:
Lawsy, I gots the jimmy legs! I gots me the jimmy legs! Brad baby, hep me! Jimmy legs gone turn Tina crazee!
Let’s see here. Let’s see. You gots the jimmy legs? Did you shave ‘em or are they all stumbly?
I shaved ‘em this mornin’, wiseass. Whut girrrl gone come ’round her beau with stumbly legs?
You don’ know the crazed bitches up here. Shoulda seen the woman in the cab this mornin’. Made me hep her get flowers for a bike messenger. Thought she’d tongue mah bootyhole ‘fore we was done.
NOBODY better be in that bootyhole but my lappin’ tongue or a warrant finger!
Girrrrl, you shaved the legs and I shaved this mornin’. Lessee what happens when we put ‘em together.
SWEEEEEET JESUS MOTHER SACRED HOLY! My jimmy legs done disappeared! Keep movin’ that face up. Up! UP! Keep goin’ ’til you see Pittsburgh and Point State Park.
Did someone make salmon squares?
queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii CommandoDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:27 pm [Reply]
@Jamus The Bartender (#87): and I’m not sure who gets to be Lucky Pierre out of this trio, either. If it does not fit, you must just quit! (first rule of jigsaw puzzles . . . .)
Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™December 4th, 2010 at 1:28 pm [Reply]
Say it in Japanese while standing naked in a subway car, holding a chrysanthemum in a bowler hat covered in fragrance of mink and rooster.
Baka GaijinDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:38 pm [Reply]
@[Old Man] Muffaroo (#92): I was looking for Ziggy to understand your comment. The search at showed this for the first result. WARNING: Use of Ziggy and the phrase “nipple slip” in the same panel.
@commodorejohn (#93) on Luann: Yeah, TJ watching the non-foreplay is pretty gross. Almost like wondering if Pluggers have retractable genitalia. Pass the brain bleach.
@Dan (#94): Clam down. A nice PotatoAde toddy will help. Soak your feet in it.
@Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™ (#98): You have spoiled Pittsburgh for me, forever. Goodbye Fort Pitt Museum.
cheech wizardDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:40 pm [Reply]
JP – Most people would see that look on Abby’s face and assume she’s thinking about sex, but given this is Judge Parker, she’s probably just going to have him clean out the attic.
DtM – Ok, but you don’t get any long cake until you’ve finished your long pig – and quit asking what happened to Joey.
MT – Kelly really seems to be enjoying the mental torment she’s inflicting on Cherry, in an “I’m-going-to-fuck-your-husband-and-you-can’t-do-anything-about-it-because-you’re-500-miles-away” kind of way. Of course, she’s really just a moron with idiocy inscribed on her very DNA, the same as Mark, and so the chances of anything happening between them are… um, wait, what’s the backstory on Rusty again?
DanDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:49 pm [Reply]
I’m appalled! The comics have become a hotbed of sexuality and heavy petting and substance abuse and coprophilia!! Disgusting!
Luann: Brad is attempting to put his arm all the way up Toni’s pant leg. You’re gonna need a longer arm, son! Also, Toni is obviously dead. She doesn’t move or change her expression at all. Brad has strangled her so he can have his way with her, and he’s so damn pathetic all he can think of is rubbing her damn leg.
9 Chickweed Lane: What the fuck?! Are Roger and Seth gonna rip off their clothes and engage in some full-on gay sex in front of Edda? Do they think that will stop her? She’s obviously an omnisexual freak and will just jump in and join them.
Flight Deck: My husband is a transvestite and he looks better in my dresses than I do. Um, I can’t even think of anything funny to say about that.
Mary Worth: Really, when was the last time you comforted and catered to an out-of-control drunk person? In reality we just keep moving away from them and hoping they don’t puke on us.
Marvin spews feces out of his ass at such a prodigious rate that his parents can’t keep up with it. Just what I want to read when I’m having brunch.
Mark Trail: Cherry should just laugh at Kelly and say “Good luck, sister! Mark has no idea what his penis is for. Trust me on this.”
Judge Parker: The younger suit guy is gonna bang his hot redheaded wife/girlfriend/sister! (I do not care enough about this strip to waste brain space learning who these people are.)
Curtis: Die, Curtis! You must die for making me imagine Derrick and his PYT (potato-shaped young thing) doing it!
DanDecember 4th, 2010 at 1:52 pm [Reply]
@Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™ (#96):
Damn you! I’m in the midst of a gallbladder attack, and laughing so hard hurts like hell! Thanks!!!
Baka GaijinDecember 4th, 2010 at 2:16 pm [Reply]
@Dan (#101) on Marvin: Marvin also spews feces out of his other end at a prodigious rate, too. Webster’s has his picture on the entry “Full of Shit.”
Sorry to hear about the gallbladder attack.
daleDecember 4th, 2010 at 2:40 pm [Reply]
Gil Thorp
Why are they happy? Gil didn’t take them away from a regular practice session, like when your history teacher brought in a film.
He screwed over their Sunday afternoon.
How did the feel-good event help anyone but the camp owner?
The only team dissension problem was that they couldn’t all agree to beat the shit out of Jamarr.
December 4th, 2010 at 4:06 pm [Reply]
@TheDiva (#77): All Seth and Roger will succeed in doing is adding fuel to their diseased fantasies; nothing will ever end as long as we have a guy who’s a) disgustingly perverted and b) in denial in charge.
cheech wizardDecember 4th, 2010 at 4:07 pm [Reply]
Jill’s “No” may be the greatest piece of dialog ever written for Mary Worth, particularly when coupled with her grim determination to keep drinking. She’s going to get through this evening, dammit, no matter how many pressed chicken sandwiches and Jell-o salads they throw at her. With any luck, she’ll black out before the DJ can gin up the Macarena or, god forbid, the Chicken Dance.
CyranettaDecember 4th, 2010 at 4:23 pm [Reply]
RMMD — Is that what general practice has come to these days — a stroll about town with the mayor followed by getting boozed up early at home?
AmateurDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:24 pm [Reply]
MW: “Okay, so you don’t want food — well, hang on, we have food coming along in a minute! Maybe you’ll like that!”
Dr. Corey really isn’t very bright, is she?
bats :[December 4th, 2010 at 5:33 pm [Reply]
@Jamus The Bartender (#87): did someone say threesome?
Artist formerly known as BenDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:36 pm [Reply]
DT: “Links for a missing link.” 1-Truly vile pun. 2-I’ve been reading all week (yes) and I don’t remember any mention of More Dread being a Java Man.
RMMD: Rex is absolutely right. The story of how the mayor’s prostate saved Christmas is not one that should be told sober.
S-M: “Not to be an asshole, but ha ha! I’m an asshole!”
FW: There are two ways to reach Les’ heart. The first, of course, is to die. The second is to speak of his glorious destiny and in general show a kind of Squeaky Fromme-to-Charles Manson devotion. It should be noted that the second way doesn’t necessarily excuse you from the first.
GT: The team is brought together by getting high on paint fumes. Yes, I think Cody Exner would approve.
BSt: Sometimes a caulking gun is just a caulking gun. And then there’s times like this.
M-Dawg: Seeking enlightenment so you can shake it by the throat until dead.
Marvin: Thanks for bringing up “the volume of Marvin’s output.” Thank you ever so. That’s just what we all needed.
9CL: When Seth tells Roger “It’s time to put an end to this,” he’s also handing him $300 and a .38 with the serial numbers filed off, right? Please?
Artist formerly known as BenDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:55 pm [Reply]
@Fourth Bear (#59): Re: Judge Parker: This is Sam. They probably pay him not to practice law.
PoteetDecember 4th, 2010 at 5:59 pm [Reply]
@cheech wizard (#106): Oh, great. Now you’ve got me thinking about what kinds of songs might be played not only at the rehearsal dinner, but the reception. Also what kinds of songs definitely won’t be played. Arrrrrrrrrgh, now the tiny demented lDJ in my brain is doing “Love Shack.”
MibbitmakerDecember 4th, 2010 at 6:16 pm [Reply]
9CL: Why? He doesn’t control them. NObody controls the BAHbahs! (unfortunately)
A3G: Oh, gee, what’re the chances of THAT happening?!
DT: Shuts for a SHUT UP!
Dilbert: Photoshop Dwight Schrute!
FW: Actually, I find his “destiny” excruciatingly aggravating!
GF: The Return of Bucky the Straw Right-Winger. Meh.
JP: It’s hard to tell in a drawing, but her eyebrows are wiggling up and down in panel 3.
MT: Janet or Chrissy, I forget which.
Elrod: “Hey, I got a decent drawing of a person in here for once! I don’t care if Cherry’s expression is inappropriate for the dialogue, it stays in!”
NS: Actually, Bert stopped wondering that once he realized that his life was being written and drawn by a gender traitor (male Phylis Schlaffley, that is). Dude.
Phantom: Uh, Diana? Your timing’s kinda stupid right now…
S-M: Spidey doing clean-up. It’s all he ever does (if that).
MW: Worry about you, J.B.? They’re worried that you’ll screw up the whole wedding process! I’m a CC commentor, and thusly looking forward to it myself, but your co-characters actually in this comic’s “reality” don’t want the happy event ruined. Capisce?
Steve the PocketDecember 4th, 2010 at 6:20 pm [Reply]
B.C.: Remember when this strip would actually do stories about Thor inventing a stoneage version of some modern-day thing, instead of just name-dropping the modern-day thing out of context? I do. I miss those days.
Dennis: Those “mischievous eyes” ain’t foolin’ anybody, kiddo; you’re a Family Circus reject and you know it.
Funky Winkerbean: Aw, fer the love of… Jay Naylor’s Gary Stu was more subtle than this! Batiuk, your comic is not worth the paper it’s printed on.
Strange Brew: Um……. what?
Jamus The BartenderDecember 4th, 2010 at 6:21 pm [Reply]
@bats :[ (#109): VERY well done, bats :)
MibbitmakerDecember 4th, 2010 at 6:25 pm [Reply]
Today’s Meta Winner: RwO (for “Gruesome Death of a Shadowy Figure”)
Today’s Meta Loser: Doonesbury (it rarely does meta well. Bloom County was better at it)
This Week’s Meta Loser: FW (for “I Love Me, Signed Les/Tom (Or Is It Tom/Les?)”)
queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii CommandoDecember 4th, 2010 at 7:40 pm [Reply]
@Steve the Pocket (#114): re FW: could we hope for grenades and a “balls. . . . “?
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