Why yes, I’m willing to link to porn comics.
If they’re funny, creative, and only slightly evil.
Especially liked this one.
[Discussion (17)¬theriverlady says:December 2, 2010 at 6:46 am
“.” Or school, which is where I am. Guess which comic I’m not reading!
ReplyAt least not until tonight.
ReplyAt least not unitl I can find a deserted corner of my school library.
Reply‘Funny, creative and only slightly evil’.
Checked. That’s actually of very good taste.
Long-time fan of this one. You may find yourself re-reading the archive if you didn’t realize most of them have an extra joke in the mouseover alt-text.
ReplyI’ve never been so attracted to made-up women in my life.
Oh who I am kidding, I’ve had a thing for Helen Hunt for years.
ReplyOglaf has two things going for it. It’s really good looking comics work, both art and writing. AND it’s actually funny! Never quite the correct time to check each weeks new strip, but I always try and find a private minute.
Not sure I could find an opportunity for wearing that t-shirt though…
ReplyHahaha Nice. This comic is amazing. Been reading this one for a while. If you go to the archive, it indicates which ones are safe for work.
ReplyEeuww! Funny but gross. I blame my ‘girlness’, sorry guys.
ReplyInterestingly, the artist turns out to be a woman—the talented Trudy Cooper of Platinum Grit fame.
ReplyWhile the art there looks pretty nice gonna have to skip this one…not so much into the porny type stuff. Always found it to be rather unnecessary in a good (or bad) story.
ReplyIn this case, the porn is necessary, because the porn IS the story. The comic wouldn’t be what it is without it. It’s hilarious.
ReplyWhy? I understand if jokes involving sex themes are just not your cup of tea, but avoiding something because there are elements that don’t add something?
And is this porn? Meh, sex jokes yes, porn not so much.
ReplyTechnically, no, it’s not really “porn” per se, more a “sex comedy.” I just said that ’cause it sounded a bit funnier in the blog post (and to warn people that yes it was very explicit stuff).
ReplyI once had this very weird situation with a girl who happens to be a complete comic geek. I was quoting a non-sex joke from Oglaf and she just looked at me; “Oh my do you read Oglaf? me too!”
ReplyTroo-DEE! Troo-DEE!
ReplyHuzzah! Oglaf is hilarious.
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