Monday, April 25, 2011

I actually find the fact that she’s smoking more shocking than anything else

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"I salute Apartment 3-G for spicing things up by bringing Rasputin back as a guest-character. I'm not sure if I'm more frightened by original, ultra-hair Rasputin, or the new, albino Rasputin, but I'm sure that wacky hijinks will ensue. If nothing else, he'll give Margo a chance to live out her dream of being able to shoot, poison, stab, and drown the same man on different occasions." --Alan's Addiction

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Slylock Fox, 4/22/11

Everyone knows that the quickest way to make something adorable and kid-friendly is to make a li’l child version of it; this is the logic that produced Muppet Babies and Animaniacs, to great success. Still, when you’re dealing with a mummified corpse reanimated via the ancient magic that still lingers in some musty tomb, a child version seems less cute than terrifying and soul-crushingly sad. Look, the little damned soul is about to taste its first dessert since he died sometime during Egypt’s 19th Dynasty! Too bad his tongue is going to crumble to dust in his mouth the moment it touches that ice cream.

Mother Goose and Grimm, 4/22/11

Ha ha, yes, I’m always up for a good joke about Mary Worth showing off her vagina, but still … still, this is kind of the moment when you realize, “Wow, I don’t think the people at the syndicate are actually reading the comics anymore before they just ship them off to America’s few remaining newspapers,” what with jokes that only make sense in the context of, “Hey, remember that movie in the ’90s, where you saw that lady’s vagina?”

Pluggers, 4/22/11

Pluggers are too respectful to call their teachers by their first name, but never could get their head around all these crazy ethnic names they have these days, like “Van Pelt” or whatever Dutch craziness.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 22, 2011 at 09:12 am and is filed under Mother Goose and Grimm, Pluggers, Slylock Fox. | 164 responses to “I actually find the fact that she’s smoking more shocking than anything else” Roto13
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:14 am [Reply]

Animaniacs or Tiny Toons?

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:16 am [Reply]

A3G – So…Tommie is taking career advice from a guy whose plan for a trip to one of the most active cities in the country is to hide in a tavern and get drunk as all hell? The sad part is, he can probably still teach her a thing or two.

BB – That’s not a bear, that’s a person in a fursuit. Just be glad he/she is sticking to growls and not explaining at great length about their inner animal, guys.

Crankshaft – Okay, I’m seriously enjoying this week’s Crankshaft. …dear God.

Crock – … …? …

DT – Holy expletive, Batman, did we really reach the climax this soon? (…okay, I did not mean that the way it sounded.) Seriously, we need at least another month or two of maddening shuffle and repetition here.

FW – God, Les is just so inherently punchable that even when he’s not doing anything particularily obnoxious you still want to paste him.

JP – “There’s a secret staircase! Would you like to see it? I’ve got a nice cask of Amontillado at the bottom!”

Luann – Wait, wait, it’s obvious: Rosa is just Crystal in a wig! Or Greg Evans can’t be arsed to draw more than half a dozen faces. One of the two.

Mandrake – Uh, I’m no expert on helicopters, but I don’t think the engine is the loudest part.

MT – Please welcome special guest director John Woo. Maybe the Ducks of Foreshadowing aren’t quite the same as doves, but you work with what you have, and ducks – they’re everywhere!

MW – No, no, Lisa, that’s supposed to be your creepy thought balloon!

Monty – *snrk*

OB – As the late great Steve Irwin would say: “that’s Nature’s way.”

Phantom – “Tonight a feast! Tomorrow – we wake up with hangovers and start wondering exactly where the Python’s got to!”

RMMD – Congratulations to @Joe, the Upper-Evergreen Guy (Y110) for calling this incredibly stunning turn of events.

SF – I love this strip.

SM – Mary-Jane is going to go all True Method Actor, is she? I look forward to her building a roost in one corner of the Parkers’ apartment, sucking the blood from stray animals, and practicing her echolocation. Christian Bale himself will be jealous.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:16 am [Reply]

@Roto13 (#1):
they both rocked.

Scott Bot
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:22 am [Reply]

DtM – Consider yourself lucky she doesn’t hire Sarge to run you through the car wash.


JP – I know there are words there, and that the two characters are having a conversation, but I haven’t read it. I just can’t seem to get my eyes away from that first panel.

Rex Morgan, Asprin Cookie – Yep, he’s gonna give a winning lottery ticket that cannot otherwise be traced to you, and take three thousand dollars for the job. Sure he is. You just keep thinking that…

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:23 am [Reply]

Pluggers apparently have also failed to learn about advanced technology like “baskets”.

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:23 am [Reply]

I thought it was a given that all Pluggers are old. some are just older than others.

Andy Bear there looks like he dropped a few pounds, good on him.

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:26 am [Reply]

I woke up thinking I was still a relative young thing, and now realize, sadly, that I’m a Plugger. I teach in one of the schools I attended, and I still can’t bring myself to call my former teachers (now my colleagues) by their first name (but at least I don’t abbreviate their last names!)

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:30 am [Reply]

Animaniacs were different characters altogether. Yakko, Wakko & Dot, etc., didn’t have direct Looney Tunes counterparts.

Tiny Toons were kid versions of the LTs, but still separate characters. That, plus the quality of the series (relatively speaking, at least) made it better than the typical popular-characters-as-kids gimmick elsewhere.

Now, Baby Looney Tunes — THAT’s the franchise’s misbegotten attempt to make Bugs, et al, children. Still not as bad as Loonitics, or whatever that “edgy LT” thing was!

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:34 am [Reply]

JP: From the look on the Judge’s face I’m guessing he would like to see your secret staircase. In fact, I think he’d like to explore every inch of your secret staircase.

Phantom: That Bandar in the foreground has obviously gotten a head start on the celebrating. What with the lamp shade on his head and the shouting to no one in particular.

MW: Ha ha! Drew gots cooties!

Esther Blodgett
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:37 am [Reply]

RMMD: I’m getting a creepy Norman Bates vibe from Dexter right now. I can’t wait for the shower scene.

MG&G: Believe me, Dick, you want her sitting just that way, considering the alternative.

DT: “I can’t say…but it sure can kill flies!” Well, it’s no “I hate rats!” but not bad for the new guy.

A3G: Dan’s plan is going perfectly. Tell the mark she’s got a purty voice, let her sing into a fake mike for a few hours, then get her to pony up for beer and sammiches. Excellent.

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:38 am [Reply]

A3G: Dan St.-Moses is so desperate to get away from Tommie and her little inanities (he’s already explained to her that he lives in COLORADO a number of times) he’s decided to just open a random door as an excuse to get away “Hey, look at that, it’s my favourite tavern, my favourite, um, males-only tavern….You keep writing those songs now, I’ll be in touch!” /jumps down garbage chute/

MW: A big CONGRATULATIONS to Liza, who finally managed to COMPLETE HER THOUGHTS IN WORDS, instead of selfishly keeping the end of her sentences to herself. With that problem out of the way, I’m sure her and Drew will live happily ever after, have plenty of pointy children, and found their own hospital where doctors and nurse do their rounds when the damn well feel like it.

MT: “With his special forces training, I would think he could survive anywhere” said the green duck.

“Winters are harsh in the mountains though”, said the mustard duck, “and he has no downy feathers of his own”

“Quack Quack!” said the other two ducks, as they were only ducks…

Pluggers don’t care how few panels they have to fill, they just don’t care enough to finish backgrounds.

Rocky Stoneaxe
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:46 am [Reply]

Six things I learned from reading the comics today…

Sam & Silo — Jasper is one wise cat:

Edge City — The family cat is Jewish!
Buckles — Cats are Buckles is stupid!
Broom Hilda — Girls are Broomie is weird!
Snuffy Smith/Mutts — Today is Earth Day!
Mother Goose & Grimm — Mary Worth is no Sharon Stone! (SHUDDER)

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:46 am [Reply]

A3G: They’re confusing a cartoonists’ award with a drink! (No, I don’t drink, why do you ask?)

Archie: Yeah, because th– HEY!!!

BBlues: “When You Say:”/”You, as the Hardly Impartial Adult, Immediately, And Somewhat Cynically, Assume They Must Be Hearing:”

Doones: When has that stopped Trump before?

Esther Blodgett
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:46 am [Reply]

MT: So the giant psychedelic ducks are meant to imply that John has been able to survive in the mountains with the help of hallucinogenic drugs?


MT: Panel 3 is a special look at the rarely-seen Warhol/Lichtenstein collaboration, “Quack.”


MT: Andy, having left the idiot humans to continue their blathering, has already caught John’s scent, tracked him to his mountain cabin, and asked him if he needs a roommate.

It’s pretty rich content today.

Rocky Stoneaxe
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:48 am [Reply]

Candorville — Mentioning ad agency McMahon Tate Stevens Evans instead of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce exposes Darrin Bell for what he really is… a dyed-in-the-wool Bewitched fan!

But What Do I Know?
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:49 am [Reply]

The Ghost Who Pays — “Feast tonight” in the Bandar tongue carries the unspoken connotation — the guy in the purple suit’s picking up the tab. . .

MT — He’ll be easy to find–just look for a display of shrunken heads

JP — “See her secret staircase” Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:50 am [Reply]

GT: Coffee C-nt?

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:51 am [Reply]

I liked Mother Goose & Grimm. It gave me that combination of humor and horror I need to get started in the morning.

Animaniacs (after a song about the universe)
Yakko: But what about Uranus?

April 22nd, 2011 at 9:57 am [Reply]

GF: Once again, Rob undercuts his own sense of superiority with his choice of TV genre. Though, to be fair, I do the same thing with American Chopper. — Though, to be fair, it is the only one of those shows I watch.

MT: (said in Tom Servo voice): Yeah, that’s really great. Certainly can see what the FREAKING PROBLEM IS!!!


OBH: Sorry, Craig. Well, there’s still always Sid…

John C Fremont
April 22nd, 2011 at 9:58 am [Reply]

@Scott Bot (#4): No, not Freebird, man. Tarzana Nights! Woo!!

RMMD’s Dexter says, “I like to watch.”

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:03 am [Reply]

The only possible rationale for today’s “Mother Goose & Grimm” is that they are desperately trying to get their comic featured in Comics Curmudgeon.
Which means that you, Josh Fruhlinger, are now the main audience for newspaper comics.
Within a year, all comic strips are going to be lame mash-ups of Mary Worth, Dick Tracy, Mark Trail, and the other strips you feature most often.

Maggie the Cat
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:04 am [Reply]

That’s Mary Worth up there? I thought it was Sharon Stone.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:06 am [Reply]

MG&G – I just can’t get over Dick’s look of annoyance. Like he’s dealt with this from Mary before.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:06 am [Reply]

@pugfuggly (#11):The idea that the Mark Trail ducks are actually quacking the dialogue to one another reminds me of this GastroPhobia comic:

Tee hee.

Little Guy
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:08 am [Reply]

Luann: Comedy in the Comics Strips, however, is a privilege.

MG&G Crossover win.

Lio: Sybil down the Hentai Hole — who’s next? And how did they market Princess Clara’s vay-jay-jay as a breakfast cereal?

Candorville: Screaming Susan makes her flatter than a board.

Curtis: DUN DUN DUHHHHHHHH! Dramatic Curtis, now on YouTube!

Gasoline Alley: Pay the man, Shirley.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:10 am [Reply]

OBH: “Whattadon’t, ever’body!”

S-M: If Cherry Trail was Kelly Welly… (“Mrs. Spider-Man’s being foolish!”)

6C: In the Gender Bizarro World, this was written by Dave Sim. Or Jack Elrod.

R=R: So that’s the “scream of the butterfly” from the Doors’ “When the Music’s Over”!

“What about our pidgeon, Dex, eavesdropping right over there?”
“No problem. The idiot thinks he’s watching TV right now!”

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:10 am [Reply]

basset pup. *faints*

Bert or Zippy?

otter sez daaaaang!

man. weaksauce day on the lol-sites. :-(

Esther Blodgett
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:12 am [Reply]

@queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando (#27): Basset pup! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:13 am [Reply]

@Non-Shannon (#24): Those are some sinister looking cuckoos….nice.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:15 am [Reply]

“Hey, remember that movie in the ’90s, where you saw that lady’s vagina?”

Are you putting in a plug for Basic Instinct, Josh? Cause that makes you a plugger.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:17 am [Reply]

I don’t get it. Wouldn’t pluggers greet one another by sniffing each other’s butts?

Alan's Addiction
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:26 am [Reply]

I think that today’s “Slylock Fox” Mummy-kid drawing is easily the most incongruous thing I’ve seen all month. Mummies and ice cream? Tune in next week, kids, we’ll learn how to draw a deep-sea pelican eel riding a bicycle.
Today’s “Mother Goose and Grimm” presents a sort of “few steps forward, few steps back” situation. I mean, the sight of Mary Worthy in a “sexy” dress meant to convey her as a sensual creature is enough to make the strongest, most asexual and oblivious man (who we’ll refer to as “Mark Trail” in this hypothetical) whimper like a child and beg for death. On the other hand, the thought of Mary Worth running around and killing people with an ice pick is strangely appealing.
Ah, “Pluggers,” always running around using outdated modes of respectful address, always calling everyone “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or “Sir” or “Ma’am.” Not that us big-city dwelling scum would know anything about addressing people in a respectful manner; that’s the exclusive domain of middle-aged, white-trash critter-folk.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:29 am [Reply]

A3G: If someone says he’ll stay in touch, and then he answers the next question with a complete non sequitur, I’d worry.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:34 am [Reply]

I’m pretty sure you meant Tiny Toon Adventures instead of Animaniacs, and vulva instead of vagina.

Victor Von
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:39 am [Reply]

@Roto13 (#1): Yeah, I’m pretty sure Josh meant Tiny Toons. The Warners were child versions of something, but no one knew what.

On the other hand…

“Undead babies, we make nightmares come true!
Undead babies, we’ll do the same for you!”

Yeah, I’d watch that.

Maggie the Cat
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:40 am [Reply]

Ah Pete, while you’re technically correct, “vulva” just doesn’t have the melodious ring that “vagina” has when spoken aloud. Besides, the vulva is to the vagina as the hard candy shell is to the m & m. One cannot exist without the other.

Ned Ryerson
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:44 am [Reply]

If we’re talking about Mary Worth’s lady parts, the appropriate term is “meat curtains”.

Maggie the Cat
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:44 am [Reply]

Or maybe a more accurate analogy would be “as the soft flour tortilla is to the seasoned ground beef”?

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:45 am [Reply]

Pluggers fail to call their teachers by their first names as adults because THEY JUST FINISHED GRAMMAR SCHOOL THE PREVIOUS YEAR!!!!!

Maggie the Cat
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:46 am [Reply]

@Ned Ryerson (#37):

Meat curtains, hahaha. Mary Worth and her dried beef drapes.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:49 am [Reply]

@Maggie the Cat (#40): Mary’s got the jerky strips, Dr. Jeff’s got the Slim Jim.

And now I need to go shoot myself for typing that.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:51 am [Reply]

Mary Worth’s showing off her beefwits?

Walker of Dog
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:51 am [Reply]

FC: Thel: “Did you remember to pack the s-h-o-v-e-l-s?”
Bil: “Yes, dammit. Why must you constantly undercut my m-a-s-c-u-l-i-n-i-t-y?”
Thel: “Impressive. At least you know how to spell it.”

Jumb: The sluggish cardplayers were normally so sedentary that it took an effort just to push their chips across the table. But that was before they got a little help from the world of illicit pharmacology. The poker players were able to remodel their poker room because they all did this: |T|W|E|A|K|E|D| |U|P|.

A3G: Dan, please don’t let Tommie in with you. She’ll ruin Narnia for everyone.

FW: The Aloha State’s new motto: Aw, Hell No.

GT: Hazelnut mocha latte isn’t the perfect substitute for a high-school girl? But it’s close?
What do these boys think you’re supposed to do with coffee? Or with high-school girls?

JP: Either the Judge has grabbed Constance by the arm, hostage taker style, or he has punched his fist through her body, Coach Kaz style. Either way, the bust of Chester A Arthur, 21st President and early Broadway impresario, is not amused.

SFox: The curse of the mummy endures: That kid is lactose-intolerant.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:51 am [Reply]

I think that horse is about to take a bite of the mummy’s ice cream cone.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:53 am [Reply]

MG&G: “What are you going to do, arrest me for meddling?”

Pluggers have never strayed more than ten miles from their elementary school.

9CL: Keep trying, Fernanda, you’re bound to bash his smug face in with the door eventually.

C’shaft: I should have known Crankshaft’s sudden mania for apiarism would translate into misery for his associates. It’s just his way–everything he touches turns to poison. He could volunteer at a soup kitchen, and it would end with everyone huddling outside the charred remains of the building and the firefighters trying to determine just why he thought it would be a good idea to use lighter fluid on a gas stove.

DT: Artists come and go, but brutal violent death remains.

reFOOB: Again, how old is Michael? Seven or so? If he’s starting to question the whole thing, maybe the time has come to let him see how the bunny goes into the hat, so to speak. Not everything is an agonizing dilemma, Elly.

FW: Funky solves his businesses woes the only way he knows how–by shuffling them off onto the next generation.

MT: If John doesn’t look like the Unabomber’s crazier cousin when we find him, I am going to be very disappointed.

MW: Must be hard talking through a chaste, close-mouth kiss like that.

SM: Now really, MJ, is that the best cover story you could come up with? After debacles such as Dance of the Vampires and Lestat, no Broadway producer is going to touch anything vampire-related with a ten-foot wooden stake.

April 22nd, 2011 at 10:53 am [Reply]

Apparently male Pluggers don’t understand the concept of a shopping basket and just carry everything clumsily in their arms.

JD Rhoades
April 22nd, 2011 at 10:59 am [Reply]

@commodorejohn (#41):

No, please. Let me. I insist.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:01 am [Reply]

@Digger (#46): To male Pluggers, any object-carrier with a mobile handle that’s not a five-gallon bucket or a toolbox is a purse.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:01 am [Reply]

FC: “Mommy, what does that big word mean? L-O-B-O-T-O-M-I-Z-E?”

RMMD: Dex suddenly realizes why these people were so interested in becoming his new friends. They, too, are mentally challenged.

[Old Man] Muffaroo
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:04 am [Reply]

3G – This arrangement is business only, Tommie! He likes his women like he likes his sandwiches — Reubenesque!

Gil – I hope the boys aren’t hoping to pick up chicks there. The likelihood of its being a lesbian hangout is pointed up by the name, “The Coffee C*nt.” How long will it be before the hopeful fellas adjourn to the sister establishment that specializes in Tea?

Judge – Wait, the hot chick is a ventriloquist dummy? This explains nothing!

[Old Man] Muffaroo
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:05 am [Reply]

Mary – They just sat through one of those kissing movies, and now they’re going to want to try out what they saw. I think we can all agree it’s too bad they didn’t watch the “crazed slasher kills entire neighborhood” movie in the next auditorium over.

Monty – Damn resized halftones! I swear, I can’t tell who it’s supposed to be. Ann Coulter? Barbra Streisand?

Prickly – Kevin is five or six years old? Isn’t there an age requirement for the Senate?

[Old Man] Muffaroo
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:05 am [Reply]

Spider-Man – I hope MJ is just lying about being in a Dracula revival. I’d hate to think that the banal banter we’ve been witness to is part of a vampire melodrama.

@Jim North (#y246): I’m always interested in how people in other countries see (and hear) USians. Some years back, a friend told me about asking a French teacher how French people imitated Ameribabble — in the same way some people here unreel fake French noises — and she responded with a string of phonemes that sounded strangely American without making any sense. (Insert political joke. Laugh politely.) There’s a video on YouTube by some Italians performing a funny rap in Ameribabble. If I wasn’t so lazy, I’d find it and link to it.

Artist formerly known as Ben
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:09 am [Reply]

SFx: I was thinking the same thing as Josh, but couldn’t have put it as well. Shudder.

MG&G: When Mary Worth says, “I enjoyed fucking him,” it’s a euphemism for meddling.

Marvin: Even as we speak, the smell from Marvin’s diaper is asphyxiating the flowers, as well as making them lose the will to live.

MT: The duck knows all about special forces training. His brother was in the Green Berets.

H&L: “Also I’m pretty sure she’s my mom in a wig.”

FC: Of course Bil and Thel aren’t spelling anything out. It’s just that they’re using words outside of Jeffy’s twenty word vocabulary, so he hears them as random letters slapped together.

Phantom: “Tonight we watch the shifty white vigilante do his hot wife nine ways to Sunday!”

DT: They’re switching the formula up. A recurring villain just died horribly, and the storyline is nowhere near over.

S-M: Mary Jane really is the superhero in this strip. She has the power to stun her prey into silence with rancid bullshit.

RMMD: Goose here actually believes in honor among thieves. Dex might not even be the most naive sap in the room.

C-Shaft: Christ what a Crankshaft!

GT: Kyle Rayner hangs around showing off his auxiliary Green Lantern status, but it doesn’t help him with the chicks.

Archie: Nice try, Reggie, but your name is still on the masthead. Also, Mr. Weatherby knows there’s no “Hugh G. Rection” enrolled at Riverdale High.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:12 am [Reply]

I thought plugger dog was formally inviting the former teacher to his plugger chicken wife’s funeral-barbecue.

Comcis Fan
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:14 am [Reply]

FC: Hey, Thel, remember what George Bailey said in “It’s A Wonderful Life?” Why did we have all these k-i-d-s?

I don’t know, Bil, and frankly, I don’t know how I’m even standing here after birthing four m-e-l-o-n h-e-a-d-s.

MW: The beatific halo we see so often in this strip must be the Mary Worth version of “schwing!” I use the term schwing quite loosely here, however, as I’m not sure anyone ever acquires a full one in Santa Royale, given Mary’s Saltpeterish omnipresence.

Artist formerly known as Ben
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:17 am [Reply]

@[Old Man] Muffaroo (#50): Re GT: Yeah, very canny of them to place the dialogue balloon right there.

Jim North
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:22 am [Reply]

@[Old Man] Muffaroo (#52): Haha, as I was reading your post, I was actually thinking, “Man, I should link that English-gibberish song by that Italian guy!“

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:25 am [Reply]

MT-If the guy wanted to lose himself why not do it in a city. It would be easy for a person to hide amongst lots of people instead of out in the woods where a single person would stick out like a sore thumb.

Terry in Maryland
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:26 am [Reply]

Phantom: Hmmm, Chatu goes missing at the same time as the kick off of a hugh celebration there at Skull Mountain. What’s on the menu at the feast? Python stew?

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:26 am [Reply]

@Dood (#54): Now that’s funny!

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:27 am [Reply]

@jamoche (#Y263): I have just spent four hours reading every single dang panel of every Weapon Brown strip, some of them twice. That guy is utterly, utterly brilliant. Wow.

Scott Bot
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:30 am [Reply]

Pluggers – still think it’s cool to refer to their elders by their initials, like the Fonz used to do to the Cunningham parents on Happy Days.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:31 am [Reply]

@[Old Man] Muffaroo (#50): You called it. After the dudes strike out at “Coffee C*nt”, they will find a friendlier crowd at “Teabaggers”.

bats :[
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:33 am [Reply]

I never saw “Basic Instinct,” but unless Ms. Stone was spreadin’ ‘em really wide, I’m guessing you just saw her vulva, not her vagina.
Maybe you saw her Volvo…I dunno.

Which begs the question: what does the “V” in Pluggers’ “Mrs. V” stand for?

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:36 am [Reply]

@bats :[ (#64):

You know what name I wish I hadn’t just read in the context of what you said?

Van Pelt.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:39 am [Reply]

MG&G — The mere suggestion of Mary Worth’s vagina has made my privates recede all the way up into my pelvis.

Dick Tracy — Read today’s Dick Tracy dialog in context of today’s Mother Goose parady: (Mary Worth uncrosses legs) — “Wow, what was that Tracy!? I can’t say, but it can sure kill flies…” You see, it fits perfectly.

Phantom — I seem to recall the Bandar were feared as headhunters; thus the proclamation “tonight a feast!” in this setting suggests that Roast Ghost is on the menu.

Dennis the Menace — “No, dear. If I just dust you off, it will be harder to make it look like you accidentally drowned in the bath…”

Slylock — The title “Mummy’s little boy” suggests that this is not a mummified dead child, but the offspring of sexual intercourse between mummies. Now that is scary.

[Old Man] Muffaroo
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:44 am [Reply]

@bats :[ (#64): Which begs the question: what does the “V” in Pluggers’ “Mrs. V” stand for?
Vermedahl. (Also, “begs the question” is not the same as “raises the question,” but I’m not going to dwell on it.)

ps – I went with it the Coffee C*nt bit even though Charlene had already posted it because (1) I went at it differently, and (2) I wrote my comment before she posted, but then had to step away from the computer and make breakfast with my daughter. Still, credit where it’s due and all that.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:46 am [Reply]

@[Old Man] Muffaroo (#50): Their preference for hazelnut mocha latte suggests that the guys are already well on their way to “Teabaggers Bistro”.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:47 am [Reply]

GT: awkwardly truncating “Cantina”.

OB: Hawkward!

Lio: sadly, despite the tentacles, I doubt we’re going to be seeing any seifuku/shimapan action on Saturday. Cybil-created calimari is the more likely result.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:48 am [Reply]

@seismic-2 (#63): … and a polite nod to you for the first use of Teabaggers.

Fashion Police
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:57 am [Reply]

We are sadly out of touch with the New York theatre scene, but it seems to us that Miss Darling and the gray lady in the first panel are rather overdressed (yes, we realize a few of you pluggers fellows out there will mistake our meaning), unless it’s a gala opening night, in which case any respectable gentleman patron ought to be in black tie.

But alas, times change. One can depend on so little any more.

Gal Friday
April 22nd, 2011 at 11:57 am [Reply]

Oh, gosh, I’m finally a Plugger–I, too, can’t say my teachers’ (or professors’) first names. And I also grab a few items before belatedly realizing I need a basket. Depressing way to begin today.

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:17 pm [Reply]

It figures that McE would think “prone” and “supine” are synonyms – anything for puerile innuendo, of course…

@Gal Friday (#72): Meh – don’t worry about the 1st-name-or-not. It all depends on local culture. I’ve been at universities where students are on 1st name basis with profs starting at (1) postdocs+ (2) grad students+ and (3) everyone, with individual variations like a prof who addresses all students as “Mr/Ms X” and a different prof who was cordially called “Dr X” even by all the profs. And plenty of adults call each other Mr/Mrs/Ms when they’re not close friends. I think a hallmark of Pluggerdom would be a fuddy-duddy difficulty adapting to local norms combined with a pride about it.

bats :[
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:17 pm [Reply]

@terrapin (#9): terrapin, that’s Guran, the Bandar shaman/witch doctor (ooo, eeee, ooo ah ah…). He always wears that lampshade hat, except for those certain mornings after, like commodorejohn mentioned.

@commodorejohn (#41): oh, lordy, commodorejohn, after that, don’t let me stop you!

JD Rhoades
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:20 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#61):

Oh, man. That is DEMENTED. I love it!

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:23 pm [Reply]

I’m more disturbed by the little child’s Guernica horse in Slylock Fox. Get this kid away from the History Channel.

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:25 pm [Reply]

I thought today’s Pluggers was actually kind of universal and charming. I really don’t see why Josh thought to imply it was racist.

Fashion Police
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:28 pm [Reply]

@wossname (#y230):
We are overwhelmed.

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:31 pm [Reply]

@CanuckDownSouth (#73):

“It figures that McE would think “prone” and “supine” are synonyms – anything for puerile innuendo, of course… ”

I’ll admit I only recently learned the difference myself (on another list). At least one other person who clearly did not realize it was whoever first created the joke I read many years ago (in a Bennett Cerf collection, I think) about what some Elizabethan tart said to her client, a wordy poet more interesting in declamation than fornication: “Sir, I am not prone to argue.”

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:31 pm [Reply]

RE: Funky. For a pizza joint that was rapidly going under a few months ago, they sure seem to hire an awful lot of people.

RE: Monty. It’s, um, probably a good idea to see if you photo punchline actually reproduces before you ship it off to the syndicate.

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:33 pm [Reply]

@Hank (#80):

“RE: Funky. For a pizza joint that was rapidly going under a few months ago, they sure seem to hire an awful lot of people.”

It’s cheaper than paying the going price for sausage. (“Soylent Montoni’s Is People!”)

Artist formerly known as Ben
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:35 pm [Reply]

@Maggie the Cat (#36): Ah, now you’ve got me picturing today’s Mother Goose and Grimm, only with Mary Worth replaced by the green M&M. Much, much better.

Al of the Christian Singles Jungle Patrol
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:41 pm [Reply]

Slylock Fox — When I saw the mummy w/ ice cream, all that came to mind was “2 girls — 1 cup” [*]. My meds must be off again.

Esther Blodgett
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:41 pm [Reply]

@Maggie the Cat (#36): “…the vulva is to the vagina as the hard candy shell is to the m & m.”

Melts in your mouth, not in your hand?

Baka Gaijin
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:41 pm [Reply]

Mother Goose and Grimm: If we’re talking about Mary Worth’s lady parts, the appropriate term is “endless brain-searing nightmare bait.”

Zits: Connie, girlfriend, remind that kid who’s the boss. Put on your pink tights, the ones that have absolutely no chestal support. While you’re waiting in the school square for Jeremy and his classmates to be dismissed, polish up your Zumba Dancing!

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:42 pm [Reply]

@bats :[ (#74): Hee :D

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:43 pm [Reply]

@zerowolf (#y219):

06. Kinko The Clown- Odgen Edsl (1983)

Chip Whittle
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:46 pm [Reply]

Apartment 3-G: Desperate to escape conversation with Tommie, Coloradan music producer Dan Hobotramp walks into the first door he finds, little realizing it’s the Consulate of Latveria. Three weeks later he sorts out Doctor Doom’s latest plan and hires Spider-Man as a freelance napper.

Beetle Bailey: “What’s that bear so mad about?” “I think I know. You forgot it was dress-up games day with Sarge and Otto.”

Crock Numbers Station cartoonist Incomprehensible Squiggle is sending out information about our naval bases. Alert Homeland Security.

Funky Winkerbean: “I brought in travel brochures for Holly and me. I’ve done my annual five minutes of caring about this business, now it’s off to let it fail some more.”

He’s just lucky Crankshaft doesn’t see anything wrong in charging a $485,000 Funky Pizza on his daughter’s credit card.

Gil Thorp: “I’ll take a short break, I’ve been singing for…I dunno, three hours? Ten minutes? Since the Franco-Prussian War? A quarter hour? Man, you think geometry’s hard to work out in this strip try sorting out the flow of time.”

Judge Parker: “There’s a secret staircase! Would you like to see it?” “Um…you’re underage.”

Love Is… Oedipal Fantasy Night here at the fabulous Fountain of Youth Spa Resort!

Mark Trail: I’m honestly relieved by the serious discussions between the ducks. It’s been so long since they were involved in the story. Think how much more awesome the smuggler-head wound-smuggler story would be if we learned more of its plots from geese and chipmunks.

Mary Worth: “It was so romantic! … Just like THIS! … I saw an adorable picture of a mommy otter grooming her cubs this way!”

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:48 pm [Reply]

@JD Rhoades (#75): Dude. I checked out Now I want all the nice, pretty books with the excellent titles.

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:50 pm [Reply]

@Greg (#y282):

I’d like to see the beer heads, the one with the little hoses that go into the mouth, in the 3G background. The cowboy hats have already been done.

I live where cowboys roam, and very rarely do you see one with anything like an ascot/scarf/whatever that over-priced rag Wassiface from South Dakota was wearing around his neck, unless it is a bandanna filthy with dust and snot out where there aren’t any buildings for 50 miles in any direction.

April 22nd, 2011 at 12:55 pm [Reply]

I was at the post office this morning and they had the big “Family Circus” poster for the May 14th food drive.
I think all CCers should support their letter carriers and honor the Keanes.
First — get a big melon.

Maggie the Cat
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:56 pm [Reply]

@Esther Blodgett (#84):

Haha, I guess that’s open to debate.

Baka Gaijin
April 22nd, 2011 at 12:59 pm [Reply]

Spiderman: Martine Bancroft just got a reach-around prostate exam from MJ Parker. Right? Look at that expression in panel 3.

Rose is Rose: That cat just got a drive-by prostate exam.

Curtis: Curtis can’t decide if he liked the drive-by prostate exam.

Sally Forth: No one got a drive-by prostate exam. Sally’s still rocking the Prince Valiant hair.

bourbon babe, unbuckled
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:00 pm [Reply]

MT: Mark looks pretty cheery about John Thrasher’s situation: “Well, fellow, your son is probably dead by now! How about some pancakes?”

MW: Obviously, everything that Liza knows about kissing she learned from reading Mark Trail.

@Fashion Police (#71): I had just the same thought; I’ve been to Broadway theaters in the last few years and felt overdressed in a skirt.

To illustrate the Little Miss Muffet: THE MUSICAL! crowd accurately, Manley needs a whole lot more t-shirts, jeans,and ball caps, as well as huge shopping bags from Toys R Us and the Planet Hollywood store.

Esther Blodgett
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:01 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#89): Me too! A gosh-damn author in our midst! Do your books run in color on Sunday?

Artist formerly known as Ben
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:01 pm [Reply]

@Hank (#77):
I thought today’s Pluggers was actually kind of universal and charming. I really don’t see why Josh thought to imply it was racist.

Because said implication was funny.

Baka Gaijin
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:09 pm [Reply]

Curtis: Like Reeky Rat, you’re always presumed guilty, only because 99.99994% of the time it’s a correct assumption.

Oh, Brother!: There was a meerkats special on Animal Planet aimed at children. It followed this cute meerkat mob that, one by one, got picked off by predators. On camera, in full living color, painful wailing in Dolby Surround Sound. The narrator spoke like a golf announcer between killings to lull you into a relaxed state until, BAM! A hawk swooped down and plucked the lookout meerkat. Sound familiar?

Dilbert: I await the day I can say Dilbert’s dialog verbatim. Verbatim I say.

Cow and Boy: Oh ho ho ho! That Jerry is one smart sensei.

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:09 pm [Reply]

@Just some guy (Y256): The understudy got the job the same way Tommie did. They did have to audition, but it was in private with the producer. And closer to humming than singing, really.

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:11 pm [Reply]

MW: They aren’t kissing – by the looks of their non-kissing posture, the blazing light, and the disappearance of Drew’s face, it appears that Liza is draining Drew’s life force, his will to live!

Little A and his Crystal Ball That Might Finally Be Right Predicts:
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:14 pm [Reply]

OBH: I haven’t mentioned this in a long time, but I reiterate: the drawing is getting careless and sloppy.

Yes, it matters to me. A large part of the quality of this strip (and it has plenty) is and has been, the quality of the drawing; and if Mr.
Detorie is going to start working more quickly and carelessly, a good part of its charm and appeal may be lost.

And please, don’t anyone tell me (again) that it doesn’t matter because the strips are drawn to fill smaller spaces in the papers, etc. I don’t buy it.

And while I am at it, I don’t like the way James is maturing. He used to be a little more sensitive. Now, he’s just a churlish little animal.

Thank you all and happy holiday, whichever you celebrate!

Little Guy
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:20 pm [Reply]

9CL: Today’s Special Guest Artist: Zombie Johnny Hart.

Black Drazon
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:20 pm [Reply]

DT: Ah good, we have a corpse (of a once-returning character!), surrounded by a few hundred little corpses! It’s a good start.

Zits: So, not today’s Zits. I’m gonna rant now, and frankly, it’s probably something someone’s complained about already, because this goes back a bit. But I gotta. Sorry about the length.

Background info: I actually do buy Zits collections. I find that newspaper comic collections make for acceptable bathroom reading so there’s usually a stack of the things. The latest Zits collection is #13, called Drive, and follows up You’re Making That Face Again, which follows up an absurd number of collection cash-ins, but ultimately Rude, Crude and Tattooed. I’ll be mentioning those in a bit. Because I’m used to absorbing this strip year-by-year rather than through the tortures of daily, I suppose its flaws, like its overemphasis on the parents, have bounced off me. But I’m not here to complain about how the strip has become Walt & Connie Featuring Their Wacky Teen Son. I’m here to talk about storylines.

In the period of time in and maybe even before RCaT, Jeremy and Sarah had broken up to see other people, and he spent some time with a girl named Viral (unresolved, she vanished into thin air) and then stalked and ultimately with a girl named Becker. The collection ran out of space in the middle of the Becker storyline so it spills into YMtFA, where something very odd happens. Like in many of the Zits collections, Sunday strips get pushed back from time to time for space reasons. The last of one cluster of Sunday strips has Pierce telling Sarah and Di’jon not to invite Jeremy to the beach with them because Becker will come and exes in bathing suits are a recipe for disaster. Now I know Sunday strips don’t foreshadow Daily events, but call me a Sluggite if that didn’t sound like a recap, setting up something to follow.

Sure enough, the next strip in the collection is the start of the school year, and Sarah has undergone a makeover and a summer apart has Jeremy barking at her heels (must suppress commentary, must suppress commentary…). And then…

Nothing. After a few weeks they’re together again off-panel. Becker is gone. Why? And while we’re at it, what did happened to Viral? Once is an accident, twice is a problem. I wonder if a strip (or twelve) was dropped somewhere along the line. Okay, fine.

But then nothing else happened either. That brings me to Drive, where we continue to watch nothing happen. Not for 90% of YMtFA and the 80% I’ve read of Drive. Oh, Jeremy has his license, but it’s hardly distinct from when he had his learner’s permit. Now I know Hector’s makeover is coming, and the rancid squeamishness of the naked Jeremy and Sarah Love Is… strips, but uh… what happened? This strip used to pretend it had a plot every once and a while, but Pierce’s recap strip now sounds like the dying scream of everything outside the meta-cosmic reach of the Reset Button. I don’t think this can be blamed on keeping the cast in a time loop. Luann’s plots stink worse than a Westview spirit rally but at least Evans keeps doing them.

I admit: if I wanted a high school story with plot I’d find a webcomic to do it. I read Dumbing of Age, that’s close enough. I just think that if the newspaper comics are going to lock themselves in statis, they should at least keep doing what they kept doing when they were good. I’d hate to think that even Zit’s lite exploration in continuity was such an anathema to newspaper comics that sales dropped enough to put an end to it forever.

Effluvius Erratus
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:20 pm [Reply]

Some day, after I get rich and go crazy, I’m going to build a cathedral—Our Lady of Infinite Meddling—the stained glass windows of which will all be Mary Worth kissing panels.

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:27 pm [Reply]

It’s Earth Day, it’s Earth Day! The day notorious for producing the WORST COMICS IN HISTORY!! *blows noisemaker, throws confetti* Let’s see what we’ve got today!

A3G: “They’re all organic because EARTH DAY EARTH DAY EARTH DAY”

Arch: “And if he doesn’t like it, the papers won’t print, and we’ll save trees! EARTH DAY!”

BC: Um…animals! It’s Earth Day!

FW: “They were made from trees that died of tree cancer.”

….Yeah, okay, I got nothing. What happened? It used to be that every freaking comic on the page was anvilicious on Earth Day. I want to complain, darn it.

Comcis Fan
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:31 pm [Reply]

Future Pluggers won’t be defined by this name issue because so many kids today don’t call the grownups Mr. or Mrs.

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:32 pm [Reply]

@Shrug (#81): I get a more Sweeney Todd vibe out of Montoni’s than Soylent Green. But I can’t decide who would make a better Sweeney, Les or Funky?

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:39 pm [Reply]

The text lies – that child is one of the worst artists ever.

So, what unique way would Dick murder Mary?

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:41 pm [Reply]

@Shrug (#79): Well, the joke still makes sense, depending upon which page of the Kama Sutra they flip to :->

Artist formerly known as Ben
April 22nd, 2011 at 1:46 pm [Reply]

@Rocky Stoneaxe (#15): Well, he’s Darrin Bell, obviously not named after Pete Campbell.

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:52 pm [Reply]

I just gotta add my voice to the “it’s vulva, not vagina” chorus…

April 22nd, 2011 at 1:54 pm [Reply]

@DairyStateDad (#110): There’s a chorus? What’s the tune?

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:00 pm [Reply]

@commodorejohn (#111):

I think it’s to the tune of “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things.”

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:00 pm [Reply]

@Artist formerly known as Ben (#96): Yeah, accusing people of being racist is HILarious

Scott Bot
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:02 pm [Reply]

@commodorejohn (#111): I believe it was to the tune of the ‘Aqua Vulva’ commercials of the seventies.

Effluvius Erratus
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:02 pm [Reply]

@Comcis Fan (#105): “Future Pluggers” would be a good parody comic.

You’re a Future Plugger if you wear your legs for a week but have to change your torso after every meal.

When a Future Plugger finally gets “High Definition” it’s for his television, not his retinal projectors.

Future Pluggers don’t need the president to tell them the State of the Union because there isn’t one.

A Future Plugger grandma knows that no matter how dirty, a grandchild’s face is always clean enough to eat.


Esther Blodgett
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:04 pm [Reply]

@Hank (#113): Now the Dutch are a race? Everything is getting so specialized these days. Can I just be a misanthropic generalist and be done with it?

Artist formerly known as Ben
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:04 pm [Reply]

@Hank (#113): This is probably where I should let Josh step in and defend himself, assuming he’s following the thread. But I don’t see any serious accusation of racism in the post. Especially not anti-Dutch racism, which I think reached its apex around 1700.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:05 pm [Reply]

Today’s comics page suddenly reminded me of the time DairyStateMom and I went to the Chicago Symphony earlier this season and saw a nebbishy middle-aged man (even more nebbishy than yours truly) in the audience with his date — a late 20s-something bottle blonde with bought-and-paid-for boobs who was almost certainly a rental for the evening. Or at least I was certain of that until reading this morning’s Judge Parker. Maybe she was just his book publisher’s publicity department intern.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:05 pm [Reply]

This Pluggers might be the first one in some time that has mentioned Sheila Roo.

“So, how are Sheila and the kids?”

“All doing great, Mrs. V. They just spend all their time in their mom’s pouch.”

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:08 pm [Reply]

RMMD: Why shouldn’t he steal the drugs? Wouldn’t it make more sense to make this look like a regular break-in than a targeted one?

Phantom: Too bad Chartertone isn’t in Bandar territory. It would liven up a Mary Worth pool party to combine it with a Phantom homecoming.

Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:09 pm [Reply]

@commodorejohn (#111):

It gives me angina, when people say vagina,
’cause vulva is the whole, but vagina’s just the hole
Whether you’re in Timbuktu or the Carolinas…

Doctor Handsome
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:09 pm [Reply]

What have we learned from Slylock Fox, kids? Seven. Seven is the age at which your art skills surpass those of the Crock creative team.

Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:14 pm [Reply]

Re: 9CL, I really don’t understand what Seth’s trying to accomplish here. Does he really think that a woman who had a crush on him, for whom he threw over his purported homosexuality and had a one-nigh stand with, is going to just say, “Oh, it was about my art? Well, okay then. Sorry for the confusion. See you around the studio!”

I mean, if you’re going to be an asshole, at least have the self-awareness to acknowledge that you were an asshole, and either apologize or move on. Demanding that your victim forgive you is confirming that you’re a jerk, not the nice guy McE is insisting Seth is, despite all evidence to the contrary (evidence that, it should be emphasized, McE has been providing in great heaps).

Doctor Handsome
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:17 pm [Reply]

A few days ago, I remarked on how odd it was to have such a lengthy discussion of whether or not bus drivers take their buses home, but if you had told me then, “Just wait! Within the week, a whole thread will be dedicated to Mary Worth’s genitals!” I’d have grabbed a cop’s gun and gone out in glory then and there.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:19 pm [Reply]

@Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket (#121): I’m hearing that as a kicky Burt Bacharach number…

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:20 pm [Reply]

@Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket (#121): If that is an existing song, please tell me the rest of the lyrics.

If it is not an existing song, I’m going to have to write them myself.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:21 pm [Reply]

Yeah, thanks for that, Lisa ‘thinly disguised pseudonym of Mrs. V’ Vermedahl. Actually, real pluggers cook their former teachers upon a spit and then eat them, because real pluggers know you don’t waste good meat. Nice try, though.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:22 pm [Reply]

@Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket (#123): I’ve been wanting to say that but I have not been coherent enough. I’ve gotten only as far as “Is there any reason we should want Seth to not die?”

Jim North
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:36 pm [Reply]

@Effluvius Erratus (#115): Pluggers of the Future, eh? What a terrible idea. Who in the world would want to read that? I mean, really.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:37 pm [Reply]

Those two pluggers are in aisle B “Canned Veggies Fruit.” Yeah, that works for a pair of canines.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:40 pm [Reply]

@Austria (#104): I had only a few of them, and NS of all things was one of them. Mutts was the other, and I don’t remember seeing any others on the non-Chron wanderings either.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:44 pm [Reply]

@Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket (#121):

It gives me angina, when people say vagina,
’cause vulva is the whole, but vagina’s just the hole
Whether you’re in Timbuktu or the Carolinas…

A Shriner on a moped or Brent Spiner in a Vol … vohhhh,
[tap-shoe sounds]
Vulva! vagina! To me there’s nothin’ finer!
But call it what it is, and name the names from A to Zed!
“secret place” is babyish, “lady-pocket” maybe-ish,
But I’m gimble-in-the-wabe-eeish when “labia” is said!

…Shit, couldn’t we have started talking about breasts? They’re a lot easier to rhyme.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:46 pm [Reply]

and on further review, I may have been misunderstanding NS. If that house isn’t supposed to look like a nuclear reactor cooling tower, than A: it isn’t an Earth Day strip and B: I don’t know wtf the strip is trying to say.

bats :[
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:46 pm [Reply]

@Chip Whittle (#88): this is the reason why this strip is NOT in my regular reading rotation…

@Shrug (#112): hahahahahaha!

@Artist formerly known as Ben (#117): and let’s not even start on the Belgians…

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
April 22nd, 2011 at 2:49 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#131):

reminds me of the feminist anti-war outfit, Lesbians Against Boys Invading Anything.

April 22nd, 2011 at 2:54 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#132): This is why I love the Comics Curmudgeon.

queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:05 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#132):

there’s a neat bit in the movie “Go Fish” as the various characters discuss proper terminology. “Honeypot” ends up being the chosen term.

April 22nd, 2011 at 3:06 pm [Reply]

@Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket (#123):

I’m pretty sure at this stage, that McE is down with the fact that Seth is a jerk. He likes him, respects him…loves him even, but he still thinks that Seth is a jerk. Like you said – look at all of the evidence. In the gaydar story, even if Seth was right, he was still wrong.

April 22nd, 2011 at 3:13 pm [Reply]

@Rocky Stoneaxe (#15):
My stars!

A3G – And in my spare time, I’ll write a 1000 page novel and cure cancer!

GT – Good lord, what is that hair supposed to be? How in the world did she get it to look like that?

MT – A “gentle soul” who not only joined the military, but was in special forces? Yup, that makes sense.

Pluggers – Considering the age of Pluggers, shouldn’t the (older) teacher have a walker and an oxgen tank?

This Guy
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:16 pm [Reply]

A3G: He’s definitely talking about sandwiches, because there’s no way Reuben Awards are getting anywhere near this strip.

GF: He should have to forfeit the couch for watching that.

H&J: If Herb thanks God whenever he doesn’t cheat, lie, or deceive people in a day, he’s just one step away from being a serial killer who claims God made him do it.

Luann: Anonymous won’t forgive her for using that quote, or Evans for writing this storyline.

Uncle Lumpy
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:16 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#132):

As played on Mary’s vulvuzela, in a slow, mournful dirge.

April 22nd, 2011 at 3:17 pm [Reply]

@Hank (#80): Re: FW In a soon-to-be-released story arc, Funky will be investigated by the IRS, FBI, Homeland Security, etc. for the irregularities you mentioned. Hilarity ensues!

Max Ambiguity
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:23 pm [Reply]

@Roto13 (#1): It’s gotta be Tiny Toons…or else the Yakko, Wakko and Dot are the world’s most perverted children. Hellooooooo, Nurse!

Maggie the Cat
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:29 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#132):
Yeah, not many words come to mind to rhyme with vagina. Maybe that one strip should be called “Rhymes With Vagina”.

Effluvius Erratus
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:31 pm [Reply]

@kkarenb (#139): It’s possible that he was a gentle soul when he went into the Army à la John Rambo or–Holy Shit! George Hayduke/Doug Peacock! Mark Trail vs. the Monkey Wrench Gang would be the best goddamn crossover evar!

Maggie the Cat
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:32 pm [Reply]

@Doctor Handsome (#124): Oh come on, what surprises you so about an ongoing discussion about a senior citizen comic strip character’s reproductive parts? Nothing weird about that….

Beetle Bumstead
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:36 pm [Reply]

Dennis the Menace: Judging from his mother’s blush, she probably is thinking of this definition of “Dust if Off.” Menace Level? Give it a 4, particularly with the shadow that usually implies stubble.

Effluvius Erratus
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:39 pm [Reply]

@Maggie the Cat (#144):

Maybe one would have better luck if one used the classical Latin (as one always should) pronunciation—”wa-GEE-na” (hard-G).

(And, yes, vulva would be pronounced “WUL-wah.”)

Otherwise, you’ll have to make do with slant-rhymes, e.g., “Nothing could be finer / Than to look up Mary’s vaginer / In the morning…”

Baka Gaijin
April 22nd, 2011 at 3:42 pm [Reply]

For the record, queek, source of Cuteness, Kawaii Commando did not kill this thread. The Easter COTW is up.

@Effluvius Erratus (#148): No, Everything is finder/Than to look up Mary’s vaginer/In the morning or any other time of day or night.

April 22nd, 2011 at 3:43 pm [Reply]

I wonder how Mary Worth keeps her muff trimmed.

April 22nd, 2011 at 4:04 pm [Reply]

Judge Parker: Hello, Betty! When we started this sojourn in New York I said, “Oh God, I hope we get to see Cute College Girl in something slinky,” (what’s her name? Chloe? Courtney? Cassandra?) and here she is. And I am grateful.
And it didn’t take six months like the wait to see June Morgan in a bikini during the Cruise Odyssey.

Mary Worth: “That was a great movie! It turned me into Dan Aykroyd!”

April 22nd, 2011 at 4:28 pm [Reply]

MW-It is not a good idea to be kissing in the middle of a busy street like that. I just hope the driver of whatever vehicle that is barreling down on them can stop in time.

April 22nd, 2011 at 5:17 pm [Reply]

You’re thinking of Tiny Toons, Josh, not Animaniacs — and actually, the Tiny Toons were better than “bite-sized Looney Tunes,” they had a hipness all their own.

Darryl Heine
April 22nd, 2011 at 5:53 pm [Reply]


Blondie – According to Mr. Dithers, when he writes the number “3″, it takes 3 minutes for a fired employee to clean out his desk? Three isn’t a magic number…

Classic Peanuts 1964 – What do you think is the meaning of “VAN” in Ludwig Van Beethoven?

April 22nd, 2011 at 6:31 pm [Reply]

Slylock: It’s not the mummy, it’s that Guernica horse/unicorn that creeps me out.

Rana the Pedantic Wet Blanket
April 22nd, 2011 at 7:31 pm [Reply]

@Katy (#126): @Katy (#132): That? Is awesome.

And, yes, I punted on trying to rhyme “vulva” with anything.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:14 pm [Reply]

Re: Ma Goose & Grimm- Now that she’s a Dick Tracy antagonist, I guess Mary Worth is destined to die a gruesome, improbable death. Perhaps mistaken for a hamburger by Wilbur? Or maybe she’ll die ironically in a freak Kindle accident?

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:16 pm [Reply]

@Mars (#153):
They did come out with a Baby Looney Toons on Cartoon Network in the late 2000s, which was a blasphemy.

April 22nd, 2011 at 11:41 pm [Reply]

@Greg (#76): Guernica Horsey. It sounds like an awesome goth metal band.

Sgt. Stoned
April 23rd, 2011 at 12:02 am [Reply]

@But What Do I Know? (#16): MT: “The horror! The horror!”

Sgt. Stoned
April 23rd, 2011 at 12:04 am [Reply]

MW: Drew and Liza kiss just as terrorists blow up the building behind them.

April 23rd, 2011 at 1:05 am [Reply]

Is it just me or does it look like Slylock Fox’s terrific young artist of the day has ripped off Guernica?

Randrew Cox
April 23rd, 2011 at 2:45 am [Reply]

And Andrew Q. Dogface’ will never bring himself to use his growmn up name. Or get a cart.

April 23rd, 2011 at 11:36 pm [Reply]

Guernica donkey is definitely stealing the show for me here.

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