Hats off to the tireless Jessica Abel who has a great report on last month’s teaching comics seminar in Helsinki. She’s much better than me at recording what’s going on around her and I’m grateful for the record.
Also online are some of the excellent Webstock talks from February’s trip to Wellington, New Zealand. As usual, I had to decline to have my talk filmed (see Monday’s comments), but there’s lots of other great stuff up.
Spring is always a busy time for travel. Check out some of my recently-posted upcoming engagements in the travel sidebar at right.
Posted in Academia, Cartoonists, Events, Press, TravelDiscussion (2)¬
Looks like you’re in NYC for the month of May. Any chance you’re gonna make the trip up to WRJ, VT for graduation? (May 17th)
It’d be great to see you again.
Unfortunately, I’ve got to use my NYC time to do reference taking for the GN, but I hope I can find a way to make it north to Vermont (and to my own New England family for that matter) before too long.
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