I’ve been dying for an excuse to plug by Brooke Gladstone and Josh Neufeld, since I read an advance copy several weeks ago, and this PW article oughtta fit the bill (though I’m a little embarrassed to be once again linking to an article that turns around and plugs me back at one point =•_•=).
is one of the best non-fiction comics I’ve read. I’m a long-time listener/reader of both Gladstone and Neufeld, and their work dovetails beautifully here as they tackle the important and timely issues of media evolution and influence.
Gladstone’s work for NPR’s On the Media has always been top-notch. Her probing, far-reaching editorials for that show set the tone for . This is an ambitious book, and it delivers. I’m delighted that she chose comics (and Neufeld!) to help hammer these vital issues into our minds.
I strongly recommend both the book and, if you haven’t heard it before, the show.
Posted in Audio, Non-Fiction Comics, PressDiscussion (3)¬
Are there sample pages anywhere? I’d like to see some.
ReplyScott, thanks SO much for your continued support! James, you can see some sample pages here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/38023940/The-Influencing-Machine
ReplyThanks Josh I was wondering the same thing, the comic looks great!
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