So here’s a picture of Patrick McGoohan and a telephone.
Discussion (8)¬
I have no interesting comment to add except:
McGoohan \o/
Reply“I think progress is the greatest enemy on Earth… next to oneself.”
Patrick McGoohan
Last year I introduced The Prisoner series to my kids and my wife who had only seen one or two episodes. I also watched 1 episode of the new series, the remake. It made for sad viewing.
ReplyI still haven’t seen the remake. Just never got around to it.
ReplyI still remember those saturday evenings watching consecutive episodes of “The Prisoner” with you, Ivy and other friends and so SURE that I would be able to ‘get’ that last episode. Nope.
ReplyI *love* the last episode.
ReplyI do too. But do I completely “get” it? Not so sure!
Reply“The Prisoner” is the best TV show ever. In my opinion, the only good TV show ever. “Hammer Into Anvil” is great, “The Schizoid Man” is greater, but “Fall Out” transcends everything.
The only bad side:
“Alright! I’ve got the best idea for the next strip! Time to draw it!”
“… Right after I finish ‘It’s Your Funeral’!”
“… Right after I finish ‘A Change of Mind’!”
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