I’m in Baltimore, Maryland today to keynote at the Content Management Strategies/DITA North America 2011 Conference.
Back to regular blogging tomorrow!
Posted in TravelDiscussion (3)¬
Man, you really get around! I love how you’re using your knowledge of comics and visual communication / organization to benefit others in so many ways. Comics are much bigger than narratives or experiments, and it’s great to see you spreading their pragmatic nature around
You’re a stones throw away! Sounds really interesting. I wish I could attend, but on such short notice that’s not going to happen. Any chance your keynote will be recorded and posted? That would be rather counterintuitive if it wasn’t, IMHO.
ReplyActually no, sorry.
My talks contain several hundred fast-moving images and synchronized remarks. If they were available online I’d have to constantly create them again from scratch and never get any drawing done, so I ask that my hosts not film them.
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