More Links Soon...‹ PreviousNext ›Aww, Just Read This…May 10th, 2011
There’s some real wisdom in this comic, apparently by a young Norwegian artist that I (and I suspect you) have never heard of.
[Update: It apparently was first posted on her deviantART page and yes, she's from Norway.]
Thanks to Bill Amend, by way of Raina Telgemeier, for pointing to this gem today.
Posted in Cartoonists, Process, WebcomicsDiscussion (13)¬
Um. Wow. Now I want to be an artist!
ReplyThank you very, very much for sharing my comic on your blog! Your books have inspired my way of making comics greatly! I feel very honoured
ReplyThanks for making me smite this morning! ^__^
ReplySmite? Good heavens, Scott! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
Yes, meant to write “smile.” Sorry!
[could edit, but will leave that typo in for entertainment value]
ReplyThat’s very awesome. Thanks for the encouragement!
ReplyBeautiful! It reminds me italian comic artist eriadan (
ReplyAww, I remember seeing this on DA a while back. It’s so heartwarming and inspiring <33
ReplyThis is amazingly beautiful. I think the one thing that really resonates with me is the “consider other options” suggestion, I’m so sick of hearing things to that effect.
ReplyThanks again for sharing another great comic & artist. I need to read this one to my children (and keep it in mind for myself too)
Thanks for sharing that… it was lovely.
ReplyKomik inspiratif dari luarkontent « says:May 11, 2011 at 10:30 pm[...] scott mccloud juga memuji komik ini.. colek sini Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)My Top 5 Performance on Harmoni SCTVgeocounter [...]
ReplyKomik Kerennnnn sumpahhh « a r t u p i d a says:May 13, 2011 at 12:12 am[...] bahkan scott mccloud juga memuji komik ini.. colek sini [...]
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