More Links Soon...‹ PreviousNext ›Norway through Thor’s DayMay 30th, 2011
I’m off to Bergen, Norway this week, Monday through Thursday. Back to blogging Friday or Monday.
EuroVis 2011 is an IEEE conference focusing on data visualization, an area I’ve grown increasingly interested in, and a field which comics may increasingly find common cause with this decade.
My dad was an engineer and had hundreds of old IEEE Journals on a giant bookcase in the basement. As a kid, I’d read to him from their articles (he was blind). Years later, when I was actually cited in one, I think Mom could finally relax; secure in the knowledge that I had a real job.
Posted in Technology, Travel, Visual CommunicationDiscussion (2)¬
Welcome to Norway! Hope it’s not raining (as usual) in Bergen the days you are there.
Here’s an article in Bloomberg Business about Comics going digital:
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May 31-June 3, 2011
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