This looks kinda cool. And weird.
I also like the look of two relatively-recent Portland-based diary comics (both of which could benefit from a dedicated website): Natalie Nourigat’s Between Gears and Emi Lenox’s EmiTown.
Meanwhile, blog entries have been popping up about last weekend’s Comics and Medicine conference. Check out accounts by John P, Brian F, and Sarah L, plus Phoebe G’s Facebook page. Not surprisingly, I look like a dork in all the pictures.
Posted in Events, Experimental Comics, Non-Fiction ComicsDiscussion (4)¬
You have the link for Between Gears wrong, or something. It’s here –
ReplyIt had an extra “http.” Thanks for the heads-up!
ReplyAlso, the first link just brings up a page with the image you already posted. Was it meant to go to another site or comic?
ReplyYup. It linked to my own image instead of the comic. Oy.
I must have been tired last night! Sorry about that. `•__•
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