Okay, I officially love these guys now.
Got this letter this morning.
Dear Scott,
Mind if I call you Scott?
Oh, Scott, you have done so much for us comic geeks.
Reading comics is no longer childish. It’s «de la culture» !
One book and everything changes. *sigh*
Thank you for that.
I have to tell you first how much my friends and I like you. We admire you.
But I have something else to say, and it won’t please you. Ooooh no.
Do you like french people, Scott?
You don’t have to answer. We know how Americans see us… They think they know us, they think froggies are full of self-esteem, arrogant… even rude sometimes.
Do YOU think we are? Do you, Scott?
You are so far from the truth.
We are worse.
This «24 hour comics day» you created, you know… it was a really good idea. Congrats for that.
But, eventually, we realised it was way too easy.
We decided to do the same, but in 23 hours.
Yep, 23 hours.
Because we choose the shortest night of the year, when daylight savings time begins.
And we did it. We’ve been drawing faster than you and your pals for 3 years now.
We just wanted you to know. We are just the best.
And on march 26th, we’ll do it again.
In your face!
But with respect.
And a lot of compassion.
Yours faithfully,
Zia, for the amazing Turalo, Piak, Paka, Kéké and hundreds of french comics artists.
(So who else is surprised they even *have* daylight savings time?)
Good luck from all us slowpokes!
Posted in Community, InventionsDiscussion (42)¬
this makes me so proud of 1/4 of my lineage. Vive la France!
Reply“Merci beaucoup !”
Replyalso 1/4 French. unrelated: my nickname growing up was ZsaZsa. not sure if it is pronounced the same way.
ReplyI am 1/4 dutch and 3/4 french ^^
Zsazsa is a funny nickname ; your parents were big fans of Madame Gabor I guess ?
Zia is my nickname, most people think it comes from “The Mysterious Cities of Gold” but no ^^
Reply“In your face! But with respect. And a lot of compassion.”
That is wonderful.
ReplyWhat do you mean, “even *have* daylight savings time”?
A proud France/US hybrid.
ReplyMeaning I always thought Daylight Savings Time was a dumb idea!
I’m always surprised when other countries use it.
ReplyWell DST works if office buildings are designed to take advantage of daylight and if employees don’t leave all the lights on all the time.
Of couse, many times this isn’t the case.
..daylight savings time
We should be afraid
Following, we show the barbaric acts done by Bahrain riot police. The officers are shown in their uniform beating an unarmed citizen beside their car. The officer is kicking the citizen lying on the ground, stepping his foot on his head, and then dragging him from his foot to the police car.
That happened in Sitra Island in Bahrain, on March 15th, 2011.
ReplyHuh. I thought the French Muslims had already outlawed time for religious purposes. A report should be sent immediately.
ReplyOMG ! YOU are soooooo a cliché ! French muslims are more numerous in your head than in France !
ReplyFrench fan here: I can tell you, we definitely LOVE you here.
Much like in cinema, I guess we like to over-intellectualize stuff, because we’re so proud of our “exception culturelle” (cultural exception), and so we’re always glad when somebody gets smart about a topic that is seen as somewhat “secondary”.
Plus, you’re plain awesome, so really, it’s easy to like you. And yes, you’ve done a lot for us, and we’re forever grateful!
(and we have dst… and it sucks.)
ReplyNeedless to say, the feeling’s mutual.
France’s brilliant cartoonists have been a world treasure for decades.
ReplyYep. DST sucks. But YOU rock !!!
Thank you Neo for this (not so) virtual love !
Methinks they somewhat miss the point, in that it actually CAN be done in less time than 24 hours. Not everybody spends that much time at it (I did, the one time I got it more or less right), but it certainly isn’t a hard number that everyone has to use the whole 24 hours. Heck, I’m pretty sure I remember some of the people who completed theirs saying they even allowed time for food and sleep. Perhaps I misremember.
Still, it’s cute that they decuded to ride your coattails while being cheeky about it. Also, a nice way to remind folks about The Challenge.
Reply“Oh, honey…”
ReplyI blushed (^_^)
Thank you Scott !
Thanks for giving me something fun to write about this morning, Zia.
Good luck with the challenge!
ReplyWill you join us ?
ReplyI’ll be there in spirit, but alas, I need to work on my graphic novel!
ReplyBeware of these people. I know what I mean!
ReplyThe main point is to finish a comic? I always thought you just have to draw for 24 hours and happens what happens. Shortening it sounds like cheating from this point of view XDDD
But they’re fun. Sorry for my Blondeness though.
Actually the original challenge is to finish a complete 24 page story in 24 hours, so assuming they kept the page count the same, it is in fact harder (4% harder!).
ReplyWah, I see now! Thanks a lot for the info! <3
ReplyAnd then they have A4 instead of letter sized paper: that’s 3.5% more surface area…
ReplyE-xa-ctly !
ReplyI actually thought about scheduling one of the 24 Hour Comics Days on the end of Daylight Saving Time, giving people an extra hour not to draw (that’d be a cheat), but to recover before work on Monday.
As for thinking that Daylight Saving Time is a bad idea, just wait ’til the sun goes out, Mr. McCloud! You’ll be in the dark, but I’ll have all this daylight saved up, just waiting to be used!
ReplyOh Daylight savings time…you are a dumb idea.
Also, how cute and cheeky! I quite enjoy the combination of respect and disrespect of the letter XD
ReplyWe officially love you too. So much love!
ReplyWatch your back !
ReplyApprendre l’ouverture des 23H de la BD version 2011 sur le blog de Scott McCloud, ça me rend tout chose.
A tel point que j’écrit en Français, tiens donc !
Oui mais là plus personne va rien comprendre
On peut re-dire que c’est une belle bande de poules mouillées alors… en espérant qu’ils utilisent Google Translate pour traduire et qu’ils relèvent le gant ?
ReplyOn t’aime Scott. If you knew.
Now that’s what I call Daylight Saving Time:
ReplyME, I am proud to be a true lazy French cartoonist, not like these bloody betrayers ! I’m going to create the “25 hour comic day” for the winter time !
In your faces !
HAhahahahahHAHAHAHAHHAhahAaaaaa aaa !
How do you say that in english ?
http://translate.google.fr/#fr|en|poules mouillées
Reply“Poule mouillé” would be something like “coward” or “pansy”
ReplyI thought it was “Sissies”. Google agrees ^ ^
By the way, whyyyyy do you ruin my joke ?
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