Following on last Thursday’s post, here’s another cool comic we got a sneak peek of in an old blog post that’s finally hitting the stands: Nate Simpson’s Nonplayer.
Simpson says on his blog that now’s the time (and by “now” I actually mean today, since I didn’t link to this sooner) to tell your local shops to order Nonplayer.
Looks amazing, no?
Posted in Cartoonists, Graphic NovelsDiscussion (3)¬
Absolutely beatiful! I was thinking that his work looks a bit like something by Moebius…and there was Moebius offering some well-deserved praise.
ReplyWow, impressive debut and intriguing title for what appears to be a pure fantasy-based series. The intricate linework is very Geof Darrow-esque. It’s been a while since I’ve picked up an Image book but I’ll definitely have to seek this one out.
ReplyThe art looks awesome. Thanks for the heads up. The story sounds a bit like Charles Stross’ “Halting State” which is also great.
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