More Links Soon...‹ PreviousNext ›Shoe #4 – About to DropMarch 10th, 2011
More than a year and a half ago, I wrote about four upcoming books and promised to post updates as each became available.
Those books were David Small’s Stitches, David Mazzucchelli’s Asterios Polyp, Hope Larson’s Mercury, and Vera Brosgol’s then-untitled graphic novel for First Second.
Well, the first three came out to well-deserved acclaim, and now at last that fourth one—quite possibly my favorite of the whole bunch—is finally available for pre-order. And it has a name!: Anya’s Ghost.
Brosgol points out on her blog that now’s the time to tell your local comics store to put in their orders through Diamond. I can very highly recommend this one (as does a rather famous Neil on that cover, above, in case you didn’t notice).
Vera Brosgol is the kind of cartoonist I want to be when I grow up, and I know several other cartoonists who feel the same way. Get a copy of Anya’s Ghost for yourself and find out why.
Posted in Cartoonists, Graphic NovelsDiscussion (6)¬
Utterly unrelated, but have you seen this article on the info from the never-ending Kirby vs. Marvel being released?
It’s really sad that Jack’s voice in all this has been silenced forever.
The world is a frustratingly unfair place sometimes.
ReplySorry to mess up your day, but I know this issue is important to you and thought you should know in case you didn’t.
ReplyWell, back on point, she’s exactly the kind of cartoonist I want to be when I grow as well.
But, dammit, I’m old and she’s set into really good ways.
Brilliant work by brilliant youths is the real reason artists work beyond when normal people seek retirement and well up to death.
Brilliant excites art at any age.
Dammitt. We all have to draw harder just to keep up.
Ah, it seems so long ago when you first introduced us to Vera and Jen Wang and whoever else was in that crew.
Probably not just “seems”, but I don’t really want to know.
ReplyScott McCloud | Journal » Archive » Catching Up with Nate Simpson says:March 14, 2011 at 7:32 am[...] on last Thursday’s post, here’s another cool comic we got a sneak peek of in an old blog post that’s finally [...]
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