Neil Cohn is looking for volunteers to, well… look at comics. You guys can do that, right?
He’s even offering a drawing for a prize, so go for it.
And while you’re at it, check out Neil’s other studies and essays at his Visual Linguist blog.
[link via Journalista]
Posted in Academia, Theory, Visual CommunicationDiscussion (7)¬
I’d love to watch your work and help you in the process
ReplyI wonna b a guinea pig , I wonna b a guinea pig , I wonna b a guinea pig. but what does it have to do with comics:) Sure y not b glad to
I’m game
Count me in…
ReplyWell, that was interesting. It’s always sort of fun participating in these sorts of studies
Replythat would be great…i am in, but do i have to be in a specific location cuz if it is out of salem, oregon i might not be able to make it.
ReplyThanks for the link Scott!
Yes, please everyone take my experiment! It’s all online, so no need to come to any locations except where your computer is.
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